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well niaz these are not baseless arguments or wishfull thinking. what do you think in case of us invasion when pakistan know that it will be nuke, pakistan will not respond. No my friend niaz dont underestimate pakistan. yes pakistan still take dictation of usa but it had drawn a red line to usa . and if they will cross that i am sure than there will be a response
well friend without bringing thier aircraft carrier in pakistani missile range they cannot attack pakistan. what do you expect from their lammb army, a ground invasion, no man never. thier attack will be from aircraft carrier. and asa for as air defence is concerned i think thier is no air defence to cruise missile and for your kind information pakistan has cruise missiles which are not scud
for israel , yes they have nukes but they dont have the 2nd strike capability. what do you thnk the the souls of israel will use nukes against us after destuction.
Dude, you seriously need to do some reseach on US weapons and tactics. :disagree:
Ever heard of Tomahawk cruise missiles that can be fired from B-52G's?
Guess where those B-52's are stationed...Diego garcia!
and remeber that pakistan has the most sophisticated missile in the world acknowledge by various us analyst that has stealth capabilty. and without that pakitan can hit thier bases with cruise missiles tiped with depleted uranium bomb that are not that much danger but can wipe out per us base
You need range to hit any US base. Best we have is 2.200km.
Tipu is a concept, not tested yet and its range will not top 5.000km.
and in last pakistan is working on icbm. you know that pakistan cannot disclose its secret. and after aqquiring them i think that 10 nuclear tipped missile on american territory the job is done. i know that it is much difficult to do but we will do that.
MAD Doctrine i.e mutual assured destruction . eighting with a super power you have to acknowledge that we will be nuked but will take many with ourselves. now told me that after that much damage do you still think that america will be super power.
and told me if i have posted some unlogical thing.
Why are we discussing. Destroying United States? :rolleyes:
it is not merely a concept . pakistan has at the moment tipu but dont disclose due to forign policy. and remeber our atomic program was once a concept but today by the grace of Allah it is a fact. and tipu1 is not the end . there will tipu2 and 3
We're nowhere close testing an ICBM, let alone having it operation. Even if we had those US will notice the attack seconds after the launch and counter it before we even enter her aerospace.

What about accuracy? Why do you think the Sovjets developped 100 kiloton bombs? The did it since their missiles suffered a serious lack of guidance system, a missile fired at NYC could aswell land in Toronto or Detroit.

And don't even talk about MIRV...not gonna happen in a long time.
but my friend neo pakistan has MIRV on shaheen 2 . i have read it somewhere but sorry. cannt provide a link. and i have told you that pakistan is far ahead in missile tech. babur is the example. i think firing 100 missiles if 5 landed anywhere in usa the job will be done
You're talking about MIRV with ten nuclear warheads and then firing atleast 100 missiles? Thats 1000 nuclear warheads whereas we have somthing between 60-100!!!
Seriously mate, think before you post.
i think you do not update your information. with khushab nuclear facility pak will be able to produce 50 plutonium bobms per year and dont talk about krl. and for your information pakistan has mirvs
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