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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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It will create such imbalance in asia and such suitations that India will strike on Pakistan.

Both(INDIA and PAKISTAN) countries will be destroyed. .
How will India be destroyed? Can Pakistan fight a two front war with US and India.

Now america has to think about China.
Wrong. China has to think abt US.

Now if USA Directly strike on Pakistan than no one is blind. Pakistan Army might have considered the options, what to do in that case.
And what under your opinion are the options that PA has.

ike the case when Islaralis jet fighters were in Kashmir when pakistan was going to test Nuclear Weapons (May 1998). Why didn't Islaris jet flew to attack on Pakistan Nuclear Sites.
Probably bcoz they realised they were duds and it was a waste bombing.

So it will be a war between India and Pakistan NOT USA.
Why cannot USA alone attack? If they can attack Iraq and Afghanistan with its allies, why not Pakistan? Why would India play game with US? US is finding tough to tame India due to the communist and domestic allergy towards US policies. Its thinking over a hundred times before it signs the nuke deal and whether to buy any weapons from US. And here you are saying India would attack Pakistan for US. Silly assumptions, i wud say.
Why cannot USA alone attack? If they can attack Iraq and Afghanistan with its allies, why not Pakistan? Why would India play game with US? US is finding tough to tame India due to the communist and domestic allergy towards US policies. Its thinking over a hundred times before it signs the nuke deal and whether to buy any weapons from US. And here you are saying India would attack Pakistan for US. Silly assumptions, i wud say.

Since when did ever Afganistan side with the US ?

Wrong. China has to think abt US.

Wrong. US has to think abt China- THINK !
You under-estimate the US, they are a War Machine designed to fight Soviets,They can destroy the world atleast 3 times over, No mean feat.
US would have attacked Pakistan without a second thought at 9/11 had Musharraf not agreed. Simple as that. Pakistan dont nothing to them. American Spy network is the most extensive they have, even more than Russia.

PS: Good Post Niaz Sir, as always
You are over estimating Uncle!
They can not get thier A$$ out from small and totally destroyed countries as Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you think Pakistanis are stupid to challange uncle directly?
Use your sense! It would be some illegitimate child of Uncle that would have got in more serious trouble, had pakistan's existence gone in some risk. And yes who said that we, Indians, would have escaped a nuclear war with pakistan, had Uncle decided to go for war with Pakistan? Did not Vajapyee government more than keen to offer 'Anything' to uncle post 911? These RSS fundamentalists were probably seeing a 'Golden' oppurtunity of 'Akhand Bharat'?
And rememeber desparate Nations go to any extent, to save themselves. Musharraf took a wise decision at that time and saved not only Pakistan but in my opinion a lot of lives on either sides of border.
911 is a neocons conspiracy. It need to be tackled that way. Post 911, Uncle had the support of the whole world, so situation was different. Musharraf's decision was right at that time.
You are over estimating Uncle!

Please tell me HOW? Do they not have the firepower to destroy the World 3 times over.

They can not get thier A$$ out from small and totally destroyed countries as Iraq and Afghanistan
Saddam never had any problem controlling the people, or do you think the Iraqi Army is better than the US army.
They can easily control the insurgency, If they employ saddam tactics. They dont, that is the difference. Go against women and children, and the Insurgency will die down. Americans are not they types who go cutting people's heads.
Do you think Pakistanis are stupid to challange uncle directly?

No country in the world can challenge or afford the rage the US Forces, Nuclear and Non Nuclear. You are contradicting yourself.

Use your sense! It would be some illegitimate child of Uncle that would have got in more serious trouble, had pakistan's existence gone in some risk. And yes who said that we, Indians, would have escaped a nuclear war with pakistan, had Uncle decided to go for war with Pakistan?

India would take advantage, Like Pakistan would if India was attacked by a third country. That is who real politics work, this is not school yard man-e-mano fights.

Did not Vajapyee government more than keen to offer 'Anything' to uncle post 911? These RSS fundamentalists were probably seeing a 'Golden' oppurtunity of 'Akhand Bharat'?

We can thank our lucky stars, that those idiotic bastards are not in Power; and most likely wouldnt come in power for a long time, if the congress can put its act together.

And rememeber desparate Nations go to any extent, to save themselves. Musharraf took a wise decision at that time and saved not only Pakistan but in my opinion a lot of lives on either sides of border.

You are contradicting yourself, First you say Americans dont have the power, then you say Mushraaf made a wise decision by not standing up to the Americans.

911 is a neocons conspiracy. It need to be tackled that way. Post 911, Uncle had the support of the whole world, so situation was different. Musharraf's decision was right at that time

Tell me is there any thing wrong the Muslim people do, They are always on the right arent they cuz they are muslims.
3000 American people killed by Americans,What do you think American Democracy is Saddam's regime...Genociding the Kurds etc. I am sure for you Hitler never killed jews and Ghauri never mass- murdered anyone, he must have been a compassionate person cuz he is a muslim.
I dont understand why people cant believe there might be people in the world who loves all religions and hates religious extremism part in those same religions. I supported America and I am already a RSS-looney. The biggest insult anybody could give me. Boy we need a Secular Terror Forces, So I can be aligned to them!!!!!!
You are over estimating Uncle!

Saddam didnt and he paid the price. Its always good to over estimate. US can defeat any country. Its only when it tried to move into establishing law and order thats giving them trouble.

They can not get thier A$$ out from small and totally destroyed countries as Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you think Pakistanis are stupid to challange uncle directly?


Use your sense! It would be some illegitimate child of Uncle that would have got in more serious trouble, had pakistan's existence gone in some risk. And yes who said that we, Indians, would have escaped a nuclear war with pakistan, had Uncle decided to go for war with Pakistan?

You sitting over here know this and you imagine the Americans wont be aware of the threat its "biggest market' place faces.

Did not Vajapyee government more than keen to offer 'Anything' to uncle post 911? These RSS fundamentalists were probably seeing a 'Golden' oppurtunity of 'Akhand Bharat'?

If it suits India's needs then why not?
Please tell me HOW? Do they not have the firepower to destroy the World 3 times over.
Could you tell me its ultimate use?
When and How? Against whom?
Nukes work against non nuclear powers only. if your adversary is also nuke capable then caution is the name of the game. USSR and USA fought it out all indirectly, over the whole planet, not directly.
just to correct you by the way, Uncle claim to have nukes to destroy the world 7 times over.:azn:

Saddam never had any problem controlling the people, or do you think the Iraqi Army is better than the US army.
They can easily control the insurgency, If they employ saddam tactics. They dont, that is the difference. Go against women and children, and the Insurgency will die down. Americans are not they types who go cutting people's heads.
I can only laugh at you here. If they can control the insurgency then what they are waiting for since last 4 years. I tell you. Killing innocents is never going to provide Uncle a solution any where around the globe.

No country in the world can challenge or afford the rage the US Forces, Nuclear and Non Nuclear. You are contradicting yourself.
No contradiction. It is your understanding that is at fault. I still Pakistan can not go for a direct and open confrontation, as a choice, with Uncle. What my point is that if they are forced to fight for thier survival, they would use every thing available to them, including nukes! Uncle's 3 times world destroying powers would not stand a chance. Pakistani establishment would not be muke spectatre while watching Pakistan becoming another Afghanistan or Iraq!:azn:

India would take advantage, Like Pakistan would if India was attacked by a third country. That is who real politics work, this is not school yard man-e-mano fights.
Did not get you. Clear the point. Who is going to attack India, of which Pakistan can take advantage?

We can thank our lucky stars, that those idiotic bastards are not in Power; and most likely wouldnt come in power for a long time, if the congress can put its act together.
Let us see.

You are contradicting yourself, First you say Americans dont have the power, then you say Mushraaf made a wise decision by not standing up to the Americans.
What? Musharraf did Not? Read my post again.
Tell me is there any thing wrong the Muslim people do, They are always on the right arent they cuz they are muslims.

These muslims have done so many mistakes that I can not cover them in one mail. :devil:
Otherwise you would not have been asking me this question here. :azn:

Could you tell me its ultimate use?
When and How? Against whom?
Nukes work against non nuclear powers only. if your adversary is also nuke capable then caution is the name of the game. USSR and USA fought it out all indirectly, over the whole planet, not directly.
just to correct you by the way, Uncle claim to have nukes to destroy the world 7 times over.:azn:

Please Einstien!!! How is Pakistan to drop or lobb its Nuke on the Americans!!!! They might have the nuke , but not the capability. In 2001, They didnt even freaking mate the nuke..!!!!!!

I can only laugh at you here. If they can control the insurgency then what they are waiting for since last 4 years. I tell you. Killing innocents is never going to provide Uncle a solution any where around the globe.

Cuz US dont kill women and children in fashion like Saddam where they can stop insurgency unlike the religious idiots over there. Its a character trait you get from being civilized, unlike those medival head choppers. If they did what they did, you wouldnt see an insurgency today. Americans have actually a track record of good reconstruction, Would you call Korea and Japan is failed states!!!!!!
As I said, you dont see politics, cuz you are clouded with religious zeal

No contradiction. It is your understanding that is at fault. I still Pakistan can not go for a direct and open confrontation, as a choice, with Uncle. What my point is that if they are forced to fight for thier survival, they would use every thing available to them, including nukes! Uncle's 3 times world destroying powers would not stand a chance. Pakistani establishment would not be muke spectatre while watching Pakistan becoming another Afghanistan or Iraq!:azn:

You are beyond Reason, How would Pakistan or India for that matter use Nuke's against the Americans. Try counting Kilometers!!!!!.

Did not get you. Clear the point. Who is going to attack India, of which Pakistan can take advantage?

What about a hypothetical scenario dont you understand. Every Enemy will take advantage of each other...

These muslims have done so many mistakes that I can not cover them in one mail. :devil:
Otherwise you would not have been asking me this question here. :azn:

Maybe you should correct your faults, before accusing others and giving a clean chit to terrorist. Try standing in the side of Truth rather than Religion.
The US will bomb us back in the stone age

up to a point
Stuart Slade related a story about a PLA Officer visiting the US who boasted that China, of all countries on earth, could survive a nuclear war. Stuart and his friends showed him what kind of targeting would be employed if the goal was genocide.

With the prevailing winds and the collapse of infrastructure, China was looking at a 5% survival rate scattered through out China with cities suffering 98% casualties. Most deaths are not from the nukes but rather starvation and disease.

In his estimation, there would be no community bigger than 1000 people.

The PLA Officer vomited.

N E V E R underestimate the effects of a nuclear strike.
Stuart Slade related a story about a PLA Officer visiting the US who boasted that China, of all countries on earth, could survive a nuclear war. Stuart and his friends showed him what kind of targeting would be employed if the goal was genocide.

With the prevailing winds and the collapse of infrastructure, China was looking at a 5% survival rate scattered through out China with cities suffering 98% casualties. Most deaths are not from the nukes but rather starvation and disease.

In his estimation, there would be no community bigger than 1000 people.

The PLA Officer vomited.

N E V E R underestimate the effects of a nuclear strike.
Absolutely right.
It was a hypothetical scenarion that was being discussed upon.
I think it went over board. So stop it now.
No contradiction. It is your understanding that is at fault. I still Pakistan can not go for a direct and open confrontation, as a choice, with Uncle. What my point is that if they are forced to fight for thier survival, they would use every thing available to them, including nukes! Uncle's 3 times world destroying powers would not stand a chance. Pakistani establishment would not be muke spectatre while watching Pakistan becoming another Afghanistan or Iraq!

This statement is absurd. If the US goes after a country they destroy it. Germany, Vietnam, North Korea, Japan, Iraq, Sebia the list is long. what exaclty is Pakistan going to do to defend its water purification and power grids? It's telephone exchanges, major bridges, and refineries? how exaclty is Pakistan or nay nation going to stop the USAF from reduicng its enemies to Third World status?

The US has run into problems beucase of a lack of coherent COIN doctrine, beign far to nice on the battle feild (in the ground fight) and a lack of infantry. Sure you couldhide in caves or among women and children like the terrorist do.. But how does that safeguard your nation?

The US doesn't just use bombs, they will drop carbon filaments across your power grid collapsingthe grid instantly, they will cut your country off form the net, block imports of critical items like food and medicine (in Iraq it took a UN motion to end the total blockade), they will use satalite guided bombs to target your leaders with stealthed drones overhead snooping 24/7.

seriously open your eyes, I don't ant more war but bettign against the US is the single most losing bet of the last 200 years. You might be able to keep the US from gettign the full measure of victory, but youwill lose everything in the process.
MR , dont think pakistan as iraq , iran or afghanistan .
MR "ZRAVER" tell only US action but didnt concerned about pakistani reaction in such case,
be a realistic US is a world power no one cant deny her defence power ,latest technology .but if pakistan is under US attack ,it will be hard task for US to accomplish ,
first in such case US forces will face alot of difficulties in afghanistan ,becoz they will be targeted by missiles, and commandos and ground forces. .US navy would be targeted by criuse missiles , it will directly affect CHINA as pakistan is key ally with china in defence , so interfarance from china is fact .ISRAEL is under range of pakistani ballistic missiles, so if not the america ,we can destroy her economy soul (ISRAEL) .PAKISATN ARMY is one of the organized and strong army ,hence will show a bitter resistance to US ground forces,as pakistan is atomic power so as last hope pakistan will play all its cards , so if pakistan will destroy ,US will also face its downfall .if u have doubt read carefully the history of russian downfall in AFGHANISTAN.pakistani ISI done alot and pak army and commandos fought against russia its an open secret ,russian aim was not the afghanistan but karachi(pakistan) but pakistan bury russian pride in the mountains of afghanistan.
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