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The most dangerous looking Mullah of them all

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Well i guess after eating so much haram and spilling blood it will start to show on there faces.
Aren't we stereotyping like hell here?
He could be innocent and have done minor crime.

Though i must agree. Its sad to see Pakistani police dragging the suspects like that.
yeah but have you ever seen these mullahs in action pulling people out of there cars and burning down the car.shutting down buisness by force .wheel jam strikes so people cant get to work.and lets not forget the image these guys have created for pakistan.:disagree:
yeah but have you ever seen these mullahs in action pulling people out of there cars and burning down the car.shutting down buisness by force .wheel jam strikes so people cant get to work.and lets not forget the image these guys have created for pakistan.:disagree:

Stop generalizing.
This is true at some extent.

I was there when Shia Al-Turabi were blown up, and that was pretty much the situation there.

WEBBY i said mullahs i didnt say 1 sect only.thugs are thugs no matter which party they belong to.genralization is a easier word comming out of some ones mouth who dosent live there and dont have to face these thugs.most of the people that get botherd by wheel jams are useally daily workers no work no pay.do u think they care which sect mullahs is out there burning tires.

best thing for the government to do would be actually start charging these mullahs 4 to 500 million ruppes fines for every day strike they call as it effects the economy of the country.they dont do this in there own backyards they do it in major cities.i bet if MMA or any other clowns were to face those kinds of fines there strinking days will be over.AUDIT THEM EVERY MONTH.make them explain big bank accounts to these idiots who come out on road to fight.:wall:
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