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The Luck Of The Chinese

however, the Chinese life expectancy is still far higher than Indian's, am I right?

Please don't troll, just answer me the above dead simple question, whether it is true or not that the Chinese life expectancy is still far higher than Indian's?

please just unsubscirbe from this thread in case you are not brave enough to answer this question in a straight forward manner. don't troll, just a simple "Yes"/"No" answer.

CIA world factbook has the answer you need. have a look and ask yourself why your people are still dying at their early 60s!

language? we speak our native language which has been there for the past 5000 years. that is the working language of the Unite Nation. Tell me what is yours? English? for fxxk's sake, you guys even couldn't maintain that bit of your culture.

now I tell you something in my native language, a language which you and your kids should all learn now: 我操你穷酸印度阿三一家,你在我眼里,就是一穷二傻三没有志气的瘪三。

The answer to your question is a resounding YES! Your life expectancy is more than that of the Indians.

India has more than 600 different dialects. Indian constitution (btw how many revisions does the Chinese constitution have? Will it be revised again if the communists are over thrown?) officially recognizes 15 languages, which co-incidentally are among the worlds oldest languages! How many languages do the Chinese have? Two...Cantonese and Mandarin!! - no such thing as a Chinese language! People speaking even these only two languages kinda dislike each other!

About the languages of the UN, you are right...but check out this source

While we're on the subject of international languages, the choice of languages at the United Nations is interesting. The original official languages were English, Chinese, French, and Russian, not coincidentally the languages of the permanent members of the Security Council. The choice was largely political. English had perhaps the strongest case. Not only was it already widely used as an international language, it was the dominant language of the United States, which had emerged as the greatest military and economic power. Chinese too was the language of a major power, as well as the most widely spoken language. Russian was the language of one of the major powers though not particularly widely spoken outside of the Soviet Union. French was chosen because it was still widely considered the international language of diplomacy. Spanish and Arabic were added in 1973, in both cases because they are the languages of a score of nations.

Although in theory all six languages have equal status, some languages are more equal than others. English, French and Spanish are the working languages of the General Assembly; English and French are the working languages of the Security Council. Public information is often not translated into Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese. This led to a protest in 2001 by the representatives of the Spanish-speaking countries.

Some people think that the UN spends too much money and effort on translation and interpretation and that it should adopt a single official language. Here is the proposal of the Transnational Radical Party and Esperanto International Federation that the United Nations adopt Esperanto as its official language. Others want to add official languages. There is pressure to add Hindi. This site advocates the adoption of Hindi as an official language of the UN. And here is a speech by the Indian Ambassador to the UN.

The irony in all this is that it appears to be purely symbolic. The sort of people likely to end up as diplomats or staff at the United Nations almost all speak English. When the UN surveyed its member nations as to which of the official languages they would prefer to receive correspondence in, 130 opted for English, 36 chose French and 19 Spanish. Not a single country preferred Arabic, Chinese, or Russian.
Ignore the Hindi part, its irrelevant here.

An average Indian knows atleast 2-3 languages, surprisingly many uneducated laymen know English! How many languages do you, or for that matter, your comrades know? BTW thank you for posting something in your language (is that cantonese or mandarin?) for me :)

I can do the same in 15 different languages, excluding English, not to mention some 600 other different dialects :) But I cannot waste my time typing something which you will not understand let alone comprehend!
Seriously, I haven't. Doesn't have anything to do with Blind hatred. If i came across something good made in India, I would've added it to the list.

No comments here...you just gotta go look for it!

BTW I've seen you on militaryphotos.net, and was kinda surprised when people started bashing you when you posted pics of Gaza. I totally agree with you about Gaza, whats happening in Gaza is an atrocity!

Its funny when criticizing Israel is considered to be anti-semetic, while these very people consider Arabic to be a semetic language! Smacks of double standards though!

My apologies mods for going off topic here :enjoy:
ahmeddsid lollllll u idiot take a look at it and tell me it wasn't copied at all!
the so called LCH aka trash is another failed attempt to copy something on the market everyone knows hehe.
How about i post more?? Arjun??failed attempt to copy German tank??
what else ah bhrahmos or whatever u call it lolllllllll
a long long list
so i am proudly announcing another breed of copycats called Indians...next time u think a bit before jumping u indians never learn u jump first think afterwards when its too late squishing right on the spot we prepare as a landing spot for you trolls.
No comments here...you just gotta go look for it!

BTW I've seen you on militaryphotos.net, and was kinda surprised when people started bashing you when you posted pics of Gaza. I totally agree with you about Gaza, whats happening in Gaza is an atrocity!

Its funny when criticizing Israel is considered to be anti-semetic, while these very people consider Arabic to be a semetic language! Smacks of double standards though!

My apologies mods for going off topic here :enjoy:

Are you sure it was me? :S I haven't been a member of that place. Ever! :|
I support China in this. not that they care. but still.

There is no harm in copying if it helps your country. British have openly claimed in many of their books that they were not the inventors of many things but are among the best in knowing impact of a technology and implementing it. e.g Tipu Sultans missiles, gunpowder from china etc.

China has to do what it has to do. period. The west has the least right to talk about copying.

why you don't check more far better mobile phones from Huawei, ZTE? How about some better mobile from Meizu? can't afford at all? I would like to remind you the fact that more than 65% of the world's GSM/CDMA networks are built Huawei/ZTE. these are not "projects" like what your infosys/satyam do, the designs of these network gears generated thousands of WIPO patents - that is about several times more than your whole nation's WIPO patent filing.

ok copying is one thing..but openly claiming as creators is another thing.

Ha ha ha I know exactly how huawei works internally...its common in huawei to refer to cisco products and microsoft website for requirements and during testing.

Its well known by those who have worked with chinese that chinese are pathetic at creating something out of zero...but put them in testing with something to refer to(competitor product) and they are awesome.(this is not from folks who know anything about issues with china but actual sinophiles)

No wonder its usually indians doing the design/development and chinese doing the testing at huawei.

having worked with russian jews, japanese, south africans, brits, americans, indians, pakistanis, bangladeshis and chinese to name some have to say that chinese are definitely the last in creating stuff from scratch. Russian jews comes first.

But ofcourse everyone has their own strengths and there are other areas where chinese will beat the others(e.g. no of hours spent in front of PC) but we have to put things in perspective not claiming everything as "we are best".
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Are you sure it was me? :S I haven't been a member of that place. Ever! :|

Well excuse me if I am wrong, but I have seen your profile pic along with a bunch of pics of that particular guy somewhere on that forum.
January 12, 2009: China will buy (license) military technology when it can, but because China is a police state, and often acts like one even to outsiders, most Western military technology is unavailable for license. So China steals it, or buys it in secret. Often China will steal the technology even when it is available for sale. China has been doing this to Russia for decades, and was recently forced, by Russian threats of legal and diplomatic action, to sign an agreement promising to stop the technology theft. It won't, but the agreement will make it more costly for China when they get caught in the future and the Russian lawyers come after them.

China regularly plunders military technology wherever it can find it. South Africa is a recent target. For example, last year, China offered for export sale an air-to-air missile similar to the U.S. AIM-9X, and the South African A-Darter. The Chinese had tried to buy the A-Darter technology, and some serious negotiations ensued (during which Chinese engineers got a close look at the A-Darter), but the deal fell through in 2001. Now the Chinese are selling what appears to be a clone of the A-Darter. Coincidence? Not likely, if you take a look at the Chinese track record.

For example, China has been trying to develop a helicopter gunship; the Z10, for over a decade. Eight prototypes have been built so far. Despite the Western arms embargo on China since 1989 (because of the Tiananmen Square massacre), the Z10 is powered by a Canadian engine (two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67Cs). The Canadian firm says it sold the engines to China with the understanding that they were for a new civilian transport helicopter.

Development of the Z-10 began during the early 1990s. China approached helicopter gunship manufacturers in South Africa and Italy for technical assistance. The South Africans turned them down in 2001, because all the Chinese apparently wanted was to buy a single Rooivalk gunship. The manufacturer, Denel, refused, realizing that the Chinese, as they have so often done in the past, simply wanted to reverse engineer elements of the Rooivalk, without paying for any technology used. South African firms has since uncovered evidence of China stealing technology for South African missiles, electronics and artillery.

Pratt & Whitney Canada will not sell any more engines to China, which means that the Z-10 cannot enter mass production until China develops a suitable replacement for the PT6C-67C engine. That might take a few years, at least. Until recently, China refused to release any information about the Z-10, but for the last few years, there have been increasing rumors of Western firms secretly assisting in the gunship's development. The Z-10 appears to be similar to the Agusta/Westland A129, or the upgraded versions of the U.S. AH-1 (especially the AH-1 SuperCobra). The 4.6 ton A-129 was the first helicopter gunship designed and built in Western Europe, and was introduced in the 1980s. The Z10 appears to have a FLIR (night vision device), radar and is armed with a 23mm autocannon and hard points for up to eight missiles or a larger number of unguided rockets. The Z10 is a Western style gunship. The only gunships the Chinese had previously were Russian designs. But even the Russians have since adopted the Western style, as pioneered with the AH-1. China has been developing its own helicopter for several decades. First they used helicopters and technical assistance from Russia, but for the last two decades, most of the tech has come from Europe.

China is pretty blatant about its technology theft, especially when it comes to weapons. When accused, they deny everything. So far, that works. But as China tries to export more weapons containing purloined technology, they are finding themselves meeting more angry lawyers, than eager buyers.

link Intelligence: The Luck Of The Chinese

Ah, where to start?

This article is biased and overblown to the standards of Richard Fischer.

Expect more critisicm against China in the coming years, it just means that China is on its way to replace old powers.
No wonder its usually indians doing the design/development and chinese doing the testing at huawei.

having worked with russian jews, japanese, south africans, brits, americans, indians, pakistanis, bangladeshis and chinese to name some have to say that chinese are definitely the last in creating stuff from scratch. Russian jews comes first.

wtf, I just want to call you loser. :tdown:

how about checking the names of some top science/tech publications? how many Chinese names you see?

indians doing the R&D and Chinese doing the testing? you damn stupid indian even couldn't build a mobile phone system from scratch.

can you build the chip/phone/software stack/core network gears of the 20 years old GSM network? no, you can't. you can't do any of this.

you stupid loser.

zombie: here I formally request you to avoid replying any of my post/thread, you have successfully proved that you know nothing about this civilized world. thanks.
An average Indian knows atleast 2-3 languages, surprisingly many uneducated laymen know English! How many languages do you, or for that matter, your comrades know? BTW thank you for posting something in your language (is that cantonese or mandarin?) for me :)

great! how about read and write? half of your female population even could write down their name in their native language. what is your point here?

I can do the same in 15 different languages, excluding English, not to mention some 600 other different dialects :) But I cannot waste my time typing something which you will not understand let alone comprehend!

who is going to listen to your fancy 15 different languages? who is going to enjoy your stupid dialect? please don't over estimate the importance of your culture/language, no one even cares about that.
I think nowadays nobody cares about whether you have copied/stolen/borrowed military technology.

The world only cares and differentiate between the ones who has them (The tech and capability) and those who don't.
after being a member of this forum for two months, I have to ask myself what is wrong with those stupid indians.

one month ago, one indian member told me that China didn't fought the Korea war even when China committed 2 million troops.

today, another stupid indian member told me that Huawei have to rely on indians to do the R&D when india even couldn't build its own mobile network (not saying operating).

:undecided: brainwashed people are just some extra fun in this world.
I think nowadays nobody cares about whether you have copied/stolen/borrowed military technology.

The world only cares and differentiate between the ones who has them (The tech and capability) and those who don't.

our lovely indians are arguing this not because some countries are copying technologies, it is actually because they even couldn't figure out how to copy the technologies.

look at their Arjun, do you seriously believe it is their idea? maybe just too many similarities with other MBTs? look at the engine they are going to use in the LCA, is that a copy?

the number of patents filed by Chinese are about 10 times more than what indians are doing, they now argue it is because Chinese hired indians doing all those inventions - how people could ever be that shameful?

our lovely indians are arguing this not because some countries are copying technologies, it is actually because they even couldn't figure out how to copy the technologies.

look at their Arjun, do you seriously believe it is their idea? maybe just too many similarities with other MBTs? look at the engine they are going to use in the LCA, is that a copy?

the number of patents filed by Chinese are about 10 times more than what indians are doing, they now argue it is because Chinese hired indians doing all those inventions - how people could ever be that shameful?


Now, Now, let's not turn this into a Sino-India versus/comparison thread. Just make your opinion on the topic thread and move on.
Although I am aware that many members of this forum are better than I am in terms of statistics but I must say that China is a super power in terms of its Industry and ability to manufacture lower priced products, however most of Indian economy thrive on businesses like call centeres and bollywood that may work for short term but not long term because most vountries are slowly enforcing call centeres to come back to their home country. I admit India do have a large section of cotton industries but in recent years their customers are being take over by the Chinese who are a lucky nation but I think that they are also a nation that have built around their luck not just expecting to get lucky all the time.

China is more likely to become a true super power within a few years as for Russia it will always have its place on the map after all it is one of the best nations of the world in terms of planning and growth and will always influence decisions made by the Chinese. India though I admit portrays itself as a super power wannabe state because the central government cannot eveen have a common language for all of India and the education system varies from state to state India can serve as an example of a failed European Union though.
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