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The Luck Of The Chinese

Hey Russian guy, when did you guys license the rocket idea from China? we invented that.

yes surely you did my friend,
the thread is not offensive or to hurt someone its an news article for which i have posted the links. the idea is to discuss not to get into a mine is better fights. thanks ,cheers.
Chinese made handsets are banned in India for a very specific reason. These dont have IMEI numbers...in layman's terms... they cannot be traced, and such handsets are a potent headache for national security, not to mention the substandard quality of such handsets, which China has been known to dump in bulk in some countries!

Of course Chinese products are cheap to manufacture...have you checked the conditions of the workers under which they work?? Products sold to world class brands are of excellent quality, but then alas, same cannot be said for their other products! Visit any wall-mart store and check out any product made in China, u'll know! Now go to a little high-end/expensive quality products stores for shopping and checkout the labels where their inventory is manufactured. Its mostly Indian, Bangladeshi, Vietnamese, Malaysian or Indonesian!!

But the ban is mostly for their IMEI nonexistant factor!!

You're out of your mind. Never have i come across high quality labels that have been made in these countries. Except for Indonesia and Malaysia. You're forgetting THAILAND by the way.

And to be honest, All the merchandise from branded stores such as Adidas , Nike, Champ etc are made in Pakistan. Along with all the Leather merchandise. I bought a Biking leather jacket with complete padding from a famous biking shop in Newyork. Made in Pakistan. Along with everything else in accessories.
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You're out of your mind. Never have i come across high quality labels that have been made in these countries. Except for Indonesia and Malaysia. You're forgetting THAILAND by the way.

And to be honest, All the branded stores such as Adidas , Nike, Champ etc are made in Pakistan. Along with all the Leather merchandise. I bought a Biking leather jacket with complete padding from a famous biking shop in Newyork. Made in Pakistan. Along with everything else in accessories.

You are right, I did forget to mention Thailand and Pakistan. The point here being that many a Chinese goods in such supermarts are kinda substandard! Probably because of your blind hatred for all things Indian, you my friend seem to ignore or not to notice anything that says "India". Dont blame you though!
yes surely you did my friend,
the thread is not offensive or to hurt someone its an news article for which i have posted the links. the idea is to discuss not to get into a mine is better fights. thanks ,cheers.

I am talking about the basic fairness of this topic. where did russia get all its technologies? sure, a LOT of smart russians invented a large part of it, but how about those you get from Germany after the WWII? is that steal? how about the ideas you get from Chinese invents since hundreds of years ago? did you pay any single cent license fee?
Chinese made handsets are banned in India for a very specific reason. These dont have IMEI numbers...in layman's terms... they cannot be traced, and such handsets are a potent headache for national security, not to mention the substandard quality of such handsets, which China has been known to dump in bulk in some countries!

Of course Chinese products are cheap to manufacture...have you checked the conditions of the workers under which they work?? Products sold to world class brands are of excellent quality, but then alas, same cannot be said for their other products! Visit any wall-mart store and check out any product made in China, u'll know! Now go to a little high-end/expensive quality products stores for shopping and checkout the labels where their inventory is manufactured. Its mostly Indian, Bangladeshi, Vietnamese, Malaysian or Indonesian!!

But the ban is mostly for their IMEI nonexistant factor!!

learn more before you post, your blind stupid looks not funny.

these mobile phones that do not have IMEI are called Shanzhai (山寨) mobile in China, which means crap, all made by some tiny workshops usually in the apartment building (i.e. someone's bedroom). we educated Chinese never buy them as they are just crap. now you are paying for such crap and complaining for its quality, tell me why your business men import such crap that we Chinese never use at the first place?

why you don't check more far better mobile phones from Huawei, ZTE? How about some better mobile from Meizu? can't afford at all? I would like to remind you the fact that more than 65% of the world's GSM/CDMA networks are built Huawei/ZTE. these are not "projects" like what your infosys/satyam do, the designs of these network gears generated thousands of WIPO patents - that is about several times more than your whole nation's WIPO patent filing.

here is a typical factory making cheap clothes for those crap shops like walmark, my family's business get products from such factories on a daily basis. to me, life is fxxked up if you work in places like these. but I believe this is something close to the high society life in India.

you can keep trolling, what I can tell you is the life quality in China is far different from in a backward state named India. we don't have half of our female population unable to read/write, we don't have cast craps.

now I give your more example on why it is far lucky to be a Chinese than being a dead poor Indian. Here is the place where I live in Shanghai, now only slightly higher than $1M after the recent house market drop.
the area (Huangpu/Jingan) where I live in Shanghai.

this is a small small town close to the border with Vietnam, 99% Chinese won't visit there in their life time as it is regarded as one of the least developed place in China.
a small small town called Nanning

do you want to share some Mumbai/New Delhi photos? maybe some holy cows on streets?
learn more before you post, your blind stupid looks not funny.

do you want to share some Mumbai/New Delhi photos? maybe some holy cows on streets?

Hey MORON, stop getting personal here!
You wanna know the standards about your Chinese products? Melamine in food, Lead in paint used for kids toys.....bird flu....want me to list some more???

Read the post carefully about what I was trying to say! ...Oh yes! I forget, how can you read between the lines? Pity, poor you don't seem to have a proper grasp of this particular language, the lingua franca of the world! And you want to dominate the world! Ha!

You wanna show a desi the pics of his/her own country...what a moron!

See I can get personal too. Dont provoke me! :)
I am talking about the basic fairness of this topic. where did russia get all its technologies? sure, a LOT of smart russians invented a large part of it, but how about those you get from Germany after the WWII? is that steal? how about the ideas you get from Chinese invents since hundreds of years ago? did you pay any single cent license fee?

what happened a hundred of years ago and who took from whom there are no clear evidences. i think many scientific,technological, medical applications can be dated back to ,egypt,india,persia,china,roman,greek which the whole world applied in various forms. you cannot complain that since alexander fleming invented the penicillin so noone else should use or manufacture it but the simple dignity of accepting that yes the penicillin is invented by fleming and we are copying from his invention is needed.
i respect the chinese contribution to the civilization and always acknowledge it.
as far as german technology is concerned after the ww2 the whole world tried and copied its technology there is no secret in it and everybody accepts it.
the only point debatable in the article is chinas complete denial.
Hey MORON, stop getting personal here!
You wanna know the standards about your Chinese products? Melamine in food, Lead in paint used for kids toys.....bird flu....want me to list some more???

however, the Chinese life expectancy is still far higher than Indian's, am I right?

Please don't troll, just answer me the above dead simple question, whether it is true or not that the Chinese life expectancy is still far higher than Indian's?

please just unsubscirbe from this thread in case you are not brave enough to answer this question in a straight forward manner. don't troll, just a simple "Yes"/"No" answer.

CIA world factbook has the answer you need. have a look and ask yourself why your people are still dying at their early 60s!

Read the post carefully about what I was trying to say! ...Oh yes! I forget, how can you read between the lines? Pity, poor you don't seem to have a proper grasp of this particular language, the lingua franca of the world! And you want to dominate the world! Ha!

You wanna show a desi the pics of his/her own country...what a moron!

See I can get personal too. Dont provoke me! :)

language? we speak our native language which has been there for the past 5000 years. that is the working language of the Unite Nation. Tell me what is yours? English? for fxxk's sake, you guys even couldn't maintain that bit of your culture.

now I tell you something in my native language, a language which you and your kids should all learn now: 我操你穷酸印度阿三一家,你在我眼里,就是一穷二傻三没有志气的瘪三。
You are right, I did forget to mention Thailand and Pakistan. The point here being that many a Chinese goods in such supermarts are kinda substandard! Probably because of your blind hatred for all things Indian, you my friend seem to ignore or not to notice anything that says "India". Dont blame you though!

Seriously, I haven't. Doesn't have anything to do with Blind hatred. If i came across something good made in India, I would've added it to the list.
what happened a hundred of years ago and who took from whom there are no clear evidences.

now this is my last reply to your joke. what I can see here is something like "well, hundreds of years ago, we got your technologies for free and we got the chance to have ourselves fully developed, now since we are a little bit more advanced, we are going to stop you repeating what we did in the past." not funny, not fair.

btw: I fully respect copyright, but that doesn't include any military technologies.
now my friends here why did china sign and acknowledge this treaty if they were not copying as they claim.

December 21, 2008: On December 11th, Russia and China signed an agreement, in which China promised to stop stealing Russian military technology. It appears that the main function of the new "military technical cooperation" agreement is to stop China from exporting their copies of Russian equipment, and competing with the Russian originals.

For the last five years, the Russian government has been trying to deal with the growing problem Russian defense manufacturers have had with China tolerating, or even encouraging, Chinese manufacturers to steal Russian military technology. It's not entire weapons systems the Chinese are stealing (like aircraft or ships), but components. Radars and electronic systems in particular were being copied, often using samples and technical data provided by Russian manufacturers, in anticipation of a sale. What often happened was that there was no sale, and then, a few years later, the Chinese came out with a copy, often a blatant copy, of the Russian radar, missile or electronic warfare gear. The Chinese have produced several copies of Russian artillery systems (like the 2S19M1 self-propelled 155mm gun or several multiple rocket launcher systems.) The Chinese used their status as a major buyer of Russian aircraft and warships to deflect demands that the copying cease. The Russians feared that the Chinese would copy major systems, like aircraft or ships, and continue to ignore Russian demands that their intellectual property rights be respected.

This is ironic for the Russians. During the Cold War, much Western military and civilian technology was blatantly copied, including microprocessors and computers themselves, by the Russians. Since the end of the Cold War, Russia has been more careful about this, because the collapse of the Soviet Union opened up the Russian defense labs, and their large store of discoveries that had not been developed into anything useful yet. American manufacturers were eager to get rights to this technology, once they got a good look at it. The Western firms paid, and the billions of dollars that entered the Russian economy that way forced the Russians to reciprocate, and pay for Western technology they wanted.

The Chinese have been forced by the West to cut back on some of their blatant theft of foreign technology, except for Russian military stuff. The Russians were getting fed up, and the government was under growing pressure to crack down on the Chinese theft. Russia, flush with oil revenues and a booming economy, was not as desperate for Chinese arms business as they used to be. So for the last year, Chinese purchases of Russian military equipment have declined, as the Chinese were increasingly offering stolen Russian technology for export sales. Finally, Russia threatened legal action on an international scale. Thus the new agreement was a Chinese effort to avoid that sort of legal entanglement.

Procurement: China Sort Of Promises To Stop Stealing Russian Tech

they are mad because China is about to become worlds #2 superpower next to US than in 5years they will be #1 and Pakistan is China Military Ally haha nice to see Russians and India mad
they are mad because China is about to become worlds #2 superpower next to US than in 5years they will be #1 and Pakistan is China Military Ally haha nice to see Russians and India mad

United States wouldn't just sit around and watch China become a "Superpower". Before that EVER happens, we would have to go through a full scale Third World War. And sadly, that's just how it's going to be.
now I tell you something in my native language, a language which you and your kids should all learn now: 我操你穷酸印度阿三一家,你在我眼里,就是一穷二傻三没有志气的瘪三。

sir i always refrain from making personal comments , may be most of the members do not know chinese so they might not know what you wrote ,i for myself know some so request you to please use better terms when discussing.

i have great respect for chinese people and its culture so please do not try to show them in poor light.
remember its a request thanx
they are mad because China is about to become worlds #2 superpower next to US than in 5years they will be #1 and Pakistan is China Military Ally haha nice to see Russians and India mad

sir i am not mad at all infact china is our biggest ally, even china is more close to russia than pakistan.
we always jointly oppose US in the world forum.
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