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The latest Egyptian weapon systems

Tor-М2 short-range SAM system

BUK SAM System

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Yes Egypt buys some Weapons but still wont match with the Turkish Armed Forces..not even close
Egypt doesnt have Defense Industry to produce weapons in a war

TURKEY develops around 700 military projects to become real military power in the world
Egypt can not produce even Cruise Missile

Lets go for gentle discussion

EGYPT : S300VM Air Defense System
TURKEY : S400 Air Defense System .... also Turkey develops HISAR and SIPER Air Defense System

EGYPT : 35 AH-64D and 46 KA-52 Attack Helicopters on order with unguided Rockets
TURKEY : 83 T-129 Attack Helicopters armed with CIRIT 70mm guided Rocket , UMTAS anti Tank Missile and STINGER air to air missile

also Turkey develops T-629 and ATAK-II Attack Helicopters with 1500shp and 3000shp Turboshaft Engines ...( only The US , Russia and Turkey will have their own 10 tons class heavy Attack Helicopter )

EGYPT : a few Chinese Wing Long UCAVs
TURKEY : is a Drone Super Power in the world with the US , Israel and China
Turkey has developed Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI UCAVs .. also GOKSUNGUR and MIUS jet powered UCAVs under development

EGYPT : buys 4 Type-209 class Submarines
TURKEY : has already 12 Type-209 class Submarines ... and 6 Type-214TN class AIP Submarines will be in service between 2021 and 2026 ...... also Turkey develops MILDEN class AIP Submarine armed with ATMACA anti ship missile , GEZGIN land attack cruise missile and AKYA heavyweight torpedo

btw Egyptian Airforce doesnt have MIG-35 with Zhuk-AE AESA Radar and OLS-13SM-1 IRST
Egyptian Airforce has MIG-29M2 with Zhuk-ME pulse-doppler Radar and without IRST

and Egyptian Airforce doesnt have any SU-35
also Egyptian RAFALEs are so pathetic without METEOR air to air missile and SCALP Cruise Missile
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Even only Turkish AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs will be enough to wipe out Egyptian Navy , Air Defense Systems , Attack Helicopters , Tanks , Towitzers , etc

thanks to great Turkish Defense Industry to arm AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs with

-- 280 km SOM-C anti ship missile to hit even moving Warships
-- 280 km SOM-B/J network enabled Cruise Missiles to hit Air Defense Systems like S300VM
-- 100 km KUZGUN joint attack Bomb with IIR or MMW Radar seeker to hit mobile Air Defense Systems like TOR-M2 and BUK
-- 150+ km KGK-LR glide Bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving targets
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN air to air missile to hit KA-52 Attack Helicopters or Wing Loong UCAVs
-- 8 km UMTAS anti Tank Missile with top attack capability to destroy enemy Tanks

even I am not talking about GOKSUNGUR and MIUS jet powered UCAV projects ..... good luck to Arabs .. They will need it

Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAV changed balance power in Libya
Turkish ANKA-S UCAV changed balance power in Idlib/Syria
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Type-209 MOD 1400

Mistral-class LHD

Dont Forget about Egyptian Navy GOWIND class Corvette and FREMM Frigate ..... and nothing else
Egypt needs more $100 billion weapons and 20 years to match with the Turkish Armed Forces ... LOL

maybe Egypt+Greece are dreaming about together attacking on Turkey , that doesnt matter , Turkish Armed Forces have enough power to crush Egypt+Greece combined

Even tiny Qatar buys Rafale , Eurofighter and F-15Q Fighter Jets , AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter , Boeing E7 AEWC , PATRIOT and NASAMS Air Defense Systems , Corvettes , Submarines , SCALP Cruise Missiles , etc
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FREMM frigate


Meko A200 frigates

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