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The latest Egyptian weapon systems




MBDA Apache





Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod

The Russian counterpart to the American AIM-120 AMRAAM missile
R-73Ae, R-27R1(AeR1), R-27T1(AeT1), and Kh-59MAe

R-37M hypersonic air to air missile

Paired with the Su-35’s powerful Irbis-E radar, the R-37 can be used to neutralise high value enemy support aircraft such as AWACS and tankers at extreme ranges. The missile may also prove useful against enemy fighter jets at shorter ranges, and its considerable speed significantly decreases the time for targeted aircraft to respond. None of Egypt’s neighbours or potential adversaries currently deploy a missile with comparable capabilities to the R-37M, which would complement the already formidable capabilities of the Su-35 to provide the state with a considerable advantage in potential air engagements. The missile will also complement the advanced S-300V4 long range surface to air missile batteries Egypt purchased in 2013, which are compatible with the 40N6E hypersonic anti aircraft missiles which also have a 400km range.


Kh-38 cruise missile family of air-to-surface missiles


Egypt placed a major order for 50 MiG-29M fighters in 2013 alongside a wide range of munitions from Kh-38 cruise missiles to R-77 active radar guided air to air missiles. These have provided the country with modern long range air to air missiles for the first time in decades. The jets inherit the advanced air to air combat capabilities of the original Soviet MiG-29 design, but have extended ranges and integrate superior sensors and electronic warfare systems making them highly formidable despite their modest price. The aircraft's R-77 and R-27ER air to air missiles allow them to outrange the F-15 and F-16 fighters deployed by neighbouring Israel, and are expected to be supplemented by further batches of Russian medium weight fighters in future - namely the MIG-35.
Egypt doesnt have any SCALP and METEOR Missile ..... The US blocked buying SCALP Missile from France

also Egypt doesnt have any SU-35 with R-37M Missile ... The US blocked buying SU-35 from Russia

and R-77 Missile is joke .. even India is not happy with its Russian made R-77 missiles and India wants to replace Russian R77 air to air missiles with Israeli DERBY-ER air to air missiles

btw KH-38 Cruise Missile is joke with range of 70km ....
and Egypt doesnt have S300V4 , Egypt has S300VM ( Antey 2500 ) with the 9M82M missile with range of 200-250 km

after Greeks , Arabs also have started dreaming

btw Poor Egypt buys billions of dollars of weapons to fight Turkey

on the other hand Turkey spent $40 billion for millions of Syrian Arab refugees
ERDOGAN stop spending our money for Arabs and create great military power to match with enemies like Greece,France,Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae combined in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya
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The new AESA radar developed for MiG-35 fighter unveiled at MAKS 2019 airshow..

Phazontron-NIIR reportedly developed the new Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar version called Zhuk-A/AM for the fighter. The radar has over 1,000 solid-state transceiver-receiver modules..

Khibiny (L-175V) The state-of-the-art ECM system
Khibiny is an advanced aircraft-mounted electronic warfare (EW) system capable of jamming state-of-the-art radar-based weapon systems.


On SU-35

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