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The Kilo impact

Buying 2-4 sub bases that will take years apon years to finish huh ?

2-4 subs , well guess what we will buy more

New class of ASW ships , well of course you will not get the best ASW sonars from China due to India and course you can't get Western sonars like us so I wonder if those ASW ships will help.

Bangladesh also has been training submariners since , I don't think Myanmar will get the quality training due to the fact that it's sanctioned and a lot of nations don't trust it.

And if you guys were training for submarines since 2000 , it doesn't even mater cause Myanmar's military budget goes to the Army and Air Force first and Navy barely gets anything so.

Myanmar can't to afford to lose most of their economy to build sub bases let alone 4 of them AGAIN which will take years to build.

In the end of the day Bangladesh Navy is going to win in the long run , while our economy grows to support even a larger Navy or armed forces.

We have many options for submarines , Myanmar only has maybe China and Russia.

Myanmar also doesn't have many options for better ASW helis cause they again can't buy weapons from the West.
First of all why are you replying as if I'm trying to compete with you. I'm pointing out that you are wrong on your points. Also you are making alot of assumptions. Also I have already pointed out that the sub base is already finished since the early 2010s and new subs are already in the works. At this point I don't see the point of arguing woth you bangladeshis. Im happy we are getting new subs and I don't give a fouck what you guys get. At the end of the day your economy can not hundle a war while we can and have been for almost 80 years.
First of all why are you replying as if I'm trying to compete with you. I'm pointing out that you are wrong on your points. Also you are making alot of assumptions. Also I have already pointed out that the sub base is already finished since the early 2010s and new subs are already in the works. At this point I don't see the point of arguing woth you bangladeshis. Im happy we are getting new subs and I don't give a fouck what you guys get. At the end of the day your economy can not hundle a war while we can and have been for almost 80 years.

Our economy can't handle a war ? :rofl:

Yes you can't afford a war cause you guys are in a civil war unlike us and have an economy smaller than us.

We can easily buy more military equipment than you and heck even ally with Thailand to keep you guys in place but we chose not to cause at least we aren't the nation who's sanctioned and run by the military.

Happy about subs that are operated by wannabe North Korea

Go challenge Thailand and see how you long you last

Our economy can't handle a war ? :rofl:

Yes you can't afford a war cause you guys are in a civil war unlike us and have an economy smaller than us.

We can easily buy more military equipment than you and heck even ally with Thailand to keep you guys in place but we chose not to cause at least we aren't the nation who's sanctioned and run by the military.

Happy about subs that are operated by wannabe North Korea

Go challenge Thailand and see how you long you last


Just leave them be man, first night out of the zoo enclosure, nerves....
I accept that my nation sucks but you don't , we are literally going to graduate out of LDC by 2024 so who's the poor man here.

It's embarrassing that smaller nation has a better economy than yours , at least we are focusing on our infrastructure and economy unlike you guys.

Go challenge Thailand's military and see how long you guys last

No they are a an unstable nation who poses a threat to national security to both Thailand and Bangladesh

Listen here you don't even know how submarine warfare even works.

A submarine has to be at a certain depth for it to fire it's missiles , that depth happens to be perfect for getting detected so Myanmar who's crews are UNTRAINED will make mistakes and get sunk Myanmar can't afford to lose their only sub.

You act like the 2 Mings we have is our last subs, it's not cause when our submarine base finishes then we'll see who's laughing.

In the long run we will always have a better navy then Myanmar cause of our economy

So enjoy you stupid one stupid rusty Kilo

They are already trained for submarine warfare..... do you seriously think Myanmar or any country for that matter will buy submarines without getting trained on them? How can you call them untrained?

Again Indian Kilo maybe old but that doesn't make it less lethal.... even Pakistan navy which is far superior to Bangladesh navy don't think that way....

I'm again saying Kilo is a threat to even very powerful top tier navies.... Bangladesh as of today doesn't have a navy which can be called even medium or 2nd tier navy no offense but a fact....plus you don't have serious ASW capacity.....

Indian Kilo is procured by Myanmar mainly for training purpose so in future when brand new another 2-3 Kilos or similar Russian submarines arrive they are ready but if war erupts today this Kilo is anyday a huge threat..... don't underestimate..... its really funny when you say Kilo is not a threat to your warships but only a threat to merchant ships.....

I'm not saying you won't buy better submarines in future but as of now I see be army, AF and now navy initiative is shown by Myanmar only and they are actually inducting..... right now they enjoy a huge military advantage it's a fact.....
They are already trained for submarine warfare..... do you seriously think Myanmar or any country for that matter will buy submarines without getting trained on them? How can you call them untrained?

Again Indian Kilo maybe old but that doesn't make it less lethal.... even Pakistan navy which is far superior to Bangladesh navy don't think that way....

I'm again saying Kilo is a threat to even very powerful top tier navies.... Bangladesh as of today doesn't have a navy which can be called even medium or 2nd tier navy no offense but a fact....plus you don't have serious ASW capacity.....

Indian Kilo is procured by Myanmar mainly for training purpose so in future when brand new another 2-3 Kilos or similar Russian submarines arrive they are ready but if war erupts today this Kilo is anyday a huge threat..... don't underestimate..... its really funny when you say Kilo is not a threat to your warships but only a threat to merchant ships.....

I'm not saying you won't buy better submarines in future but as of now I see be army, AF and now navy initiative is shown by Myanmar only and they are actually inducting..... right now they enjoy a huge military advantage it's a fact.....

Rub one out to this 'military advantage' you keep incessantly rambling about like an annoying little girl,......

They are already trained for submarine warfare..... do you seriously think Myanmar or any country for that matter will buy submarines without getting trained on them? How can you call them untrained?

Again Indian Kilo maybe old but that doesn't make it less lethal.... even Pakistan navy which is far superior to Bangladesh navy don't think that way....

I'm again saying Kilo is a threat to even very powerful top tier navies.... Bangladesh as of today doesn't have a navy which can be called even medium or 2nd tier navy no offense but a fact....plus you don't have serious ASW capacity.....

Indian Kilo is procured by Myanmar mainly for training purpose so in future when brand new another 2-3 Kilos or similar Russian submarines arrive they are ready but if war erupts today this Kilo is anyday a huge threat..... don't underestimate..... its really funny when you say Kilo is not a threat to your warships but only a threat to merchant ships.....

I'm not saying you won't buy better submarines in future but as of now I see be army, AF and now navy initiative is shown by Myanmar only and they are actually inducting..... right now they enjoy a huge military advantage it's a fact.....

Their Navy frigates use MANPADS for air defence , I'm sure we will take most of their ships out and their one sub even if it take couple of our ships out it's also going to get taken out too.

So in the long run Myanmar's whole Navy goes missing and we get naval dominance

Their Navy frigates use MANPADS for air defence , I'm sure we will take most of their ships out and their one sub even if it take couple of our ships out it's also going to get taken out too.

So in the long run Myanmar's whole Navy goes missing and we get naval dominance


You are not considering their airforce..... if war erupts Myanmar JF-17s with CM400 (if they have mounted those on Thunders) will literally eat up your surface fleet in no time if your warships are not equipped with long range air defense systems....

Hunting down 1 submarine and even future 2-3 new submarines will be tough task if you don't have serious ASW capacity.....
Our economy can't handle a war ? :rofl:

Yes you can't afford a war cause you guys are in a civil war unlike us and have an economy smaller than us.

We can easily buy more military equipment than you and heck even ally with Thailand to keep you guys in place but we chose not to cause at least we aren't the nation who's sanctioned and run by the military.

Happy about subs that are operated by wannabe North Korea

Go challenge Thailand and see how you long you last

First of all if war do brake out. China will be supporting us. Second Thiland will never side with BD unlike you guys they are a friendly neighbor and we rely on each other. Also we don't want to be like North Korea. Your claims and Replys are becoming more and more irrational and starting to sound childish.
Their Navy frigates use MANPADS for air defence , I'm sure we will take most of their ships out and their one sub even if it take couple of our ships out it's also going to get taken out too.

So in the long run Myanmar's whole Navy goes missing and we get naval dominance

The Frigates might have manpads but our airforce have them covered since your airforce is a joke. Also you might want to check our navy ships we have a lot more then just frigates and corvettes. We have more around 20 FACs that are capable of fireing C-802 missiles and that is not including our JF-17 with their YJ-83s.
First of all if war do brake out. China will be supporting us. Second Thiland will never side with BD unlike you guys they are a friendly neighbor and we rely on each other. Also we don't want to be like North Korea. Your claims and Replys are becoming more and more irrational and starting to sound childish.
Lmao, there is no difference between you and north korea expect you people are part of asean.
Our economy can't handle a war ? :rofl:

Yes you can't afford a war cause you guys are in a civil war unlike us and have an economy smaller than us.

We can easily buy more military equipment than you and heck even ally with Thailand to keep you guys in place but we chose not to cause at least we aren't the nation who's sanctioned and run by the military.

Happy about subs that are operated by wannabe North Korea

Go challenge Thailand and see how you long you last


Why do we need to challenge Thailand?
Myanmar and Thailand have peak relationship and friendship.
Ever since the insurgent groups operating along Myanmar-Thai borders has signed the peace treaty, Myanmar-Thai relations opened a new chapter.
Even in the UN meetings, all our neighbours (except Bangladesh) i.e Thailand, Laos, China and India never voted against Myanmar.
Thailand is one of the top investors in Myanmar and we are jointly working in Dawei deep sea port project which will become the largest of its kind in the region.
Even their new King has given the royal honour Knight Grand Cross (First Class) to our C in C.

Why do we need to challenge Thailand?
Myanmar and Thailand have peak relationship and friendship.
Ever since the insurgent groups operating along Myanmar-Thai borders has signed the peace treaty, Myanmar-Thai relations opened a new chapter.
Even in the UN meetings, all our neighbours (except Bangladesh) i.e Thailand, Laos, China and India never voted against Myanmar.
Thailand is one of the top investors in Myanmar and we are jointly working in Dawei deep sea port project which will become the largest of its kind in the region.
Even their new King has given the royal honour Knight Grand Cross (First Class) to our C in C.

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LMAO I guess I gotta throw away all past relationship between Thailand and Myanmar away cause apparently you guys are friends all of a sudden.
First of all if war do brake out. China will be supporting us. Second Thiland will never side with BD unlike you guys they are a friendly neighbor and we rely on each other. Also we don't want to be like North Korea. Your claims and Replys are becoming more and more irrational and starting to sound childish.

China will not support you guys only , with that logic Europe and America will be supporting us along with Turkey so it won't look too pretty if you guys attack first
The Frigates might have manpads but our airforce have them covered since your airforce is a joke. Also you might want to check our navy ships we have a lot more then just frigates and corvettes. We have more around 20 FACs that are capable of fireing C-802 missiles and that is not including our JF-17 with their YJ-83s.

You act like we will not buy any new fighters forever , if we get our J-10s or Typhoons it won't look too pretty.
Lmao, there is no difference between you and north korea expect you people are part of asean.

Lmao. There is no difference between you and north korea except you people are going to be completely surrounded by border fence. After all your country is the only country in the world that is going to be surrounded by border fences.

After completion of the fence, Bangladesh will become the Guantanamo of the east.

Even the China do not fence the Sino-DPRK border.

Bangladesh is one of the top aid recipient countries in the world and without the international aids your country won't survive.

Bangladesh has no true allies in international arena.

US has suspended trade privileges for Bangladesh over concerns about safety problems and labor rights violations.
Since the Clinton visit of 2000, no US President visited Bangladesh.
But in the past 8 years, US president visited twice to Myanmar.

Recently EU also warned Bangladesh about withdrawal of GSP.

Russia, China and India never sided with you in any of the international issues.

Bangladeshis living below poverty line are much larger than the total population of Myanmar.

Bangladesh is worse than the DPRK.


At least our nation isn't sanctioned to death by America and didn't try to develop nukes secretly and get caught by the CIA.

We have a better economy than you and will leave LDC status by 2024 , we don't deny we have people below poverty line but don't fucking act like Myanmar's rich you halfwit.

Bangladesh is better than Myanmar on many levels even if we are poor

We don't have allies huh , do you even know how geo-politics work ?

Apparently Turkey isn't our friend and if we wanted we could take the offer America gave us about taking a piece of Myanmar's land but we didn't.

We could easily out buy Myanmar in military gear but we chose not to

If we really gave 2 shits about defeating a state headed by it's military we would take much more brutal action.

So enjoy your North Korea.....apparently Myanmars a developed superpower

What's next Myanmar controls the Moon ?
Lmao. There is no difference between you and north korea except you people are going to be completely surrounded by border fence. After all your country is the only country in the world that is going to be surrounded by border fences.

After completion of the fence, Bangladesh will become the Guantanamo of the east.

Even the China do not fence the Sino-DPRK border.

Bangladesh is one of the top aid recipient countries in the world and without the international aids your country won't survive.

Bangladesh has no true allies in international arena.

US has suspended trade privileges for Bangladesh over concerns about safety problems and labor rights violations.
Since the Clinton visit of 2000, no US President visited Bangladesh.
But in the past 8 years, US president visited twice to Myanmar.

Recently EU also warned Bangladesh about withdrawal of GSP.

Russia, China and India never sided with you in any of the international issues.

Bangladeshis living below poverty line are much larger than the total population of Myanmar.

Bangladesh is worse than the DPRK.

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Lmao at least we are getting aid, what you monks are getting? nothing cause they dont give an shit about your country.

No true friends? Lol the only friends you got is china. Russia,india wants your money.

So you are saying 50million people are in poverty? dummy dont talk from your ***. At least we are trying to do something about it, what are you doing about your poor *** citizen? buying them weapons to fight your rag tag rebels. LOL
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