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The Jihad in Syria

Just to let you know, I live in Irbid, in Northern Jordan, I do deal with them as much as I deal with residents of Amman. So, you decide who knows Syria better. You can't claim that you know people just because you visited their country a couple of times more than people who speak their language and share the same culture as well as live among them.

When was that? 10 or 20 years ago? King's wife is Palestinian. Although I agree that there are people here don't like Hashemite regime, the vast majority of Jordanians have great respect for them especially Palestinians.

Really? Health sector, infrastructure, electricity, and education are the same? Jordanian public employees get <three times of what their Syrians counterparts get. Syrians, Egyptians and Iraqis come to Jordan for work.

This is not true, it's far more complicated that the simplicity you showed it with, this needs a lengthy discussion. However, once again, you come here and claim you know our own history more than us. I would like you to spare a little more time reading our history from our books.

If you think that the vast majority of Arabs who are with the revolution, who themselves know Syria it's history and people more than any others are naive, then we must be over stupid people. Do you really think we are that stupid?! For the first time, Israel has nothing to do with what's happening in Syria. The Syrians themselves carried out this revolution demanding dignity and freedom. And plz, understand that all 22 Arab countries are 100% with the Syrian people choice, with a more neutral stances for Lebanon and Algeria for specific internal reasons.

Nothing is going to repeat itself, if there will be any change it will absolutely be to the better. And if you think Bashar Alassad is worthy of ruling Syria, I pray that you get a leader just like him in Pakistan.

I just can't claim to believe in Muslim Ummah, I have never believed in it or even thought of it, I only thought of us helping/supporting eachother in times of need, cooperate, and that's what's happening right now. Just at us please Armstrong! Countries like Iran have made our countries hell in the name of Ummah!

He forgot where he gets his water, and trust me Syrians get paid more then your high officials. plus Syria is under sanctions since the 1980's.

Then why do some of you side with him? He is worse than anything imaginable. I mean, he is literally slaughtering his own people, and some here claim to be Muslims and care for them! I fail to understand how their minds work.

We Syrians love Alasad, now if you don't then its your problems, as long as you live outside the Syrian borders, your says is nothing to Syrians, we Syrians decide, and millions wish that their leader is like Bashar Alasad, till this he haven't bowed down to the west and Israel, like other nations, example : Jordan.
He forgot where he gets his water, and trust me Syrians get paid more then your high officials. plus Syria is under sanctions since the 1980's.

So, according to your logic Syria and Iraq get their water from Turkey and Egypt gets her water from Ethiopia.
Then why do some of you side with him? He is worse than anything imaginable. I mean, he is literally slaughtering his own people, and some here claim to be Muslims and care for them! I fail to understand how their minds work.

Unfortunately true, and i know why... if you are smart you shall also know.

This is why i ask you to pray to Allah for vision, instead.
Here are a few pictures of the Free Syrian Army fighting the good Jihad.


Zaid ibn Ahd: "Alright Luqman, take a picture of me here with this RPG. The Free Syrian Army demands more pictures or else we get sacked!"


Al Safi: "These walls sure do take a lot of bullets!"

Ahmed: "Who cares? I cannot wait to visit the new Brothel on Jameet Street once I get my pay check!"
Here are a few pictures of the Free Syrian Army fighting the good Jihad.

Zaid ibn Ahd: "Alright Luqman, take a picture of me here with this RPG. The Free Syrian Army demands more pictures or else we get sacked!"

Al Safi: "These walls sure do take a lot of bullets!"

Ahmed: "Who cares? I cannot wait to visit the new Brothel on Jameet Street once I get my pay check!"

What an unfortunate authentic true story...:disagree: So sad.

Apparently I'm the only dumb one here I guess so do tell me the 'why' bit !

This is the first time I feel you are...I won't say dumb, but rather let's just say... not so smart. :bunny:

Upon asking this new recruit on whether he enjoyed his job as a FSA soldier, he ecstatically replied:

"Of course! Now I can buy that Toyota Corolla that I've always dreamt of!!! :woot:
This is the first time I feel you are...I won't say dumb, but rather let's just say... not so smart. :bunny:

I'm already in a bad mood because of your support for Arab Unity instead of Muslim Unity so why don't you ease the load on my brain and tell me what do you guys mean ?
'This Video is Private' - is what displays ! And please use simple words to tell me what the heck do you guys meant instead of going on one cryptic message after another !

Upon asking this new recruit on whether he enjoyed his job as a FSA soldier, he ecstatically replied:

"Of course! Now I can buy that Toyota Corolla that I've always dreamt of!!! :woot:

What ever happened to fighting for ‘freedom’? Now these rebels are fighting for Toyota’s. But in all honesty the Syrians are evil blood thirsty beasts, how dare they kill these innocent (and totally unarmed peaceful civilians with Ak’s and RPG’s).

The FSA is on the ‘right side’, in my opinion it is totally okay to kill your own countrymen that are serving in the armed forces and it’s totally okay to kill police officers.

A Pakistani airbase that is attacked is perpetrated by terrorists, a Syrian airbase that is attacked is perpetrated by hero’s.

A police officer that is shot dead in Syria is seen as noble act, a police officer shot dead anywhere else in the world is condemned and the shooter is labeled a criminal, murder, or thug.

Attacking Syrian soldiers is a brave act but elsewhere in the world attacks against soldiers especially if they are within your own borders are acts of terror.
Israel knows well that the last obstacle in its way to become Greater Israel is Syria and Pakistan,Arab Al-Qaeda now killing people in Syria under the name of FSA is playing along really well,The same lot wreaked havoc in Libya and killed Ghaddafi with help of NATO,Deception is the new word fellows,Mainstream Media is lying BIG TIME,They are just like TTP,Kill in the name of Allah,Call for ''Khilafat'' and they have picked up weapons against Syrian army,

Yes,Bashar made some mistakes but he never went on to slaughter his own people,Its the foreign intervention GB/France/Kuwait/CIA/MOSSAD/KSA are involved in this bloodshed,Sorry this is NOT Jihad,Its a massacre.
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