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Indonesian Indigenous Infrastructure Engineering


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Newly-Launched LRT Carries Over 30,000 Passengers Daily​

September 9, 2023 | 3:53 pm

Jakarta. The recently inaugurated Light Rail Transit (LRT) system in Greater Jakarta has proven its popularity by ferrying an average of more than 30,000 passengers daily during its first ten days of operation, the government said on Saturday.

The LRT, which provides vital connectivity between Jakarta and eastern cities like Bekasi and Cibubur, commenced limited operations on August 28.

"As of Wednesday, September 6, the LRT has transported a total of 331,947 passengers," Transportation Ministry spokeswoman Adita Irawati said in a statement.

During the semi-trial phase, the LRT fares were set remarkably low, starting at just Rp 5,000 ($0.32). However, starting from October 1, a regular tariff system will come into effect, with the first kilometer costing Rp 5,000 and Rp 700 for each subsequent kilometer.

"Nevertheless, we are capping the maximum fare at Rp 20,000 for all journeys, and there will be potential promotional programs for discounts," Adita said, adding that the government is subsidizing LRT fares.

In the initial days of operation, the daily count of LRT passengers ranged from 5,000 to 7,000, despite facing minor hiccups, mechanical challenges, and initial trial run delays. However, the number of passengers has been steadily increasing.

Upon full operation, the LRT will operate eight driverless trains, with six running on a regular ten-minute frequency and two held in reserve. The government has high hopes for the LRT, anticipating a capacity to transport up to 180,000 passengers daily.


Builder : SOE Consortium

1. PT Adhi Karya : Main Contractor
2. PT LEN Industry : Signaling System, Electronics
3. PT INKA : Train Developer and Producer
4. PT KAI : Operation

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On Going Project


First Project will likely be operated in Makassar - Pare Pare route, Sulawesi Island

Main Builder

PT PP (SOE Builder)
PT LEN Industry (SOE in Electronics)

Financing and Operation : Central Government + Local Government

Train (On going development)-Hybrid Technology (Battery system and Diesel)

Train developer : PT INKA and PT KAI (SOE), State owned universities

Bali Mandara Tol Road

Completion is in 2013


SOE Consortium
1. PT Adhi Karya
2. PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA)
3. PT Hutama Karya

On Going Project


Kediri International Airport, East Java

Builder : PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA)- SOE builder
Financing : Private Sector
On Going


Nusantara City Development

Architecs : Indonesians

Main Builders : SOE Consortium (PT Adhi Karya, PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA), PT Hutama Karya, PT Waskita Karya, PT PP)
PT LEN Industry OCC system

PT LEN Industry contribution on Greater Jakarta (Jabodebek) LRT

Private Sectors

Jakarta local government infrastructure companies

List of EPC Companies in Indonesia and their Projects

EPC is an abbreviation for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction which is used in large projects such as the oil, gas and energy industries. For this reason, several companies offer services to realize these projects. One example of a project carried out by an EPC company is the construction of power plant.

List of EPC Companies in Indonesia

Local products, it turns out there are many EPC companies in Indonesia that have succeeded in various projects for the advancement of Indonesian industry. The following is a list of national EPC companies:

PT Rekayasa Industri (REKIND)
PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructors
PT JGC Indonesia
PT Chiyoda International Indonesia
PT Pertamina Engineering Service (PES)
PT Krakatau Engineering
PT Petrosea Tbk.
PT Enviromate Technology International (ETI)
PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Engineering
PT Toyo Engineering Indonesia
PT Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (IKPT)
PT CTC Global Indonesia

Apart from the companies above, there are many more EPC companies in Indonesia that are increasingly developing to provide the best service for various industries.


PT REKIND company profile (SOE)

Rekind 40th Anniversary​

Private Projects at IKN are Exciting, Krakatau Steel (KRAS) Says Steel Demand is Increasing

PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. (KRAS) is optimistic that domestic steel demand will increase in line with the incessant private projects in IKN Nusantara.



Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - State-owned steel issuer, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. (KRAS) is optimistic that domestic steel demand will increase in line with the incessant private projects being built in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) area.

KRAS Commercial Director Akbar Djohan said that to support the significant growth in demand for the IKN megaproject, the development of the steel industry to meet the needs of the domestic market needs to be strengthened.

"Development of the steel industry is increasingly important for Indonesia because of the IKN plan which is triggering an increase in domestic demand for steel," said Akbar to Bisnis, quoted on Tuesday (26/9/2023).

Previously, KRAS had contributed to supplying 1,550 metric tons of steel plates for the construction of the Presidential Palace in the National Capital (IKN) out of a total supply of 3,000 metric tons.

Krakatau Steel President Director Purwono Widodo explained that the steel plates supplied by Krakatau Steel will be used to produce the Garuda design installation at the IKN Presidential Palace location. "Through the delivery of these steel plates, Krakatau Steel is ready to optimally support the supply of steel materials for the artistic needs of the Presidential Palace as well as construction and other supporting infrastructure needs at IKN," explained Purwono, recently.

In this project, a supply of 1,550 metric tons of Krakatau Steel steel plates was produced through Krakatau Posco in accordance with SPAH specifications based on the required requirements. Krakatau Steel's contribution to meeting the construction needs of the Presidential Palace at IKN reached approximately 3,000 metric tons.

In addition to working on projects supported by the government, the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) revealed that to date it has received as many as 20 potential investors for the development of the Archipelago Capital City (IKN).

The Head of the IKN Authority, Bambang Susantono, confirmed that as many as 20 potential investors who will enter IKN will still come from within the country. "There are around 20 potential [investor] candidates," said Bambang in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/9/2023).

He said that a number of potential investors plan to carry out project groundbreaking at IKN in November 2023.

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Yogyakarta International Airport, Central Java

Architect and Builder : PT PP (SOE)
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60 dams targeted to be completed within Jokowi administration period, so far 35 has been completed. Builders: Indonesian company contractors, mostly built by SOE builders.

Including Karian Dam which is important to Jakarta pipe water supply and to solve Jakarta sinking problem that is due to ground water extraction.

Top! 2 Pertamina Oil Refinery Mega Projects Are Already Operating

News - Firda Dwi Muliawati, CNBC Indonesia
September 26, 2023 17:02


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - PT Pertamina (Persero) has apparently completed the construction of two mega fuel oil (BBM) refinery projects in 2022.The two mega projects are the Balongan Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) expansion project in Indramayu, West Java, and the Cilacap Phase 1 Green Refinery in Central Java.

President Director of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Taufik Aditiyawarman said that the two refinery projects were part of the National Strategic Project (PSN) and had been operational in 2022.

"In 2022, we will complete 2 PSN refinery projects, namely RDMP Balongan and Green Refinery Cilacap Phase 1," he said during the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VI DPR RI, Tuesday (26/09/2023). Taufik explained that the Balongan RDMP project had resulted in an increase in crude oil processing capacity of 25 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 150 thousand bpd from the previous 125 thousand bpd.

In terms of products, RDMP Balongan has produced Euro V standard diesel fuel (10 ppm), where the carbon monoxide (CO) emissions produced are 50% lower than the Euro II standard or 0.5 g/km compared to the previous 1 g/km.

He said that as many as 15,000 workers were involved in the technical engineering, procurement and construction or Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) processes."51.45% realization of TKDN (Domestic Component Level) vs. contract target of 50%," he said.

Meanwhile, Green Refinery Cilacap Phase 1 has produced 3,000 barrels per day (bpd) of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) or a type of diesel. Then, this green refinery project has also produced Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) or aviation fuel with a mixture of 2.4% palm oil with a capacity of 9,000 bpd.

This SAF product has been flight tested on the CN 235 airline operated by PT Dirgantara Indonesia."HVO products from Green Refinery Cilacap Phase 1 have been marketed domestically and for export. The feedstock is RBDPO (Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil)," he said.Read: Pertamina Ready to Become Market Leader in Carbon Trading in RI

Several refinery projects that are still under construction:

1. RDMP Balikpapan

Processing capacity is from 260 thousand bpd, targeted to increase to 360 thousand bpd. Product quality standards are Euro V from the current Euro II.Currently still in the EPC process.

2. Lawe-Lawe Balikpapan Terminal

Crude oil pulling capacity 2x1 million barrels, SPM +SPLEPC process.

3. RDMP Plaju, Dumai, Cilacap

Increasing refinery competitiveness. Still in the engineering or technical engineering stage.

4. Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban

Target capacity to process 300 thousand bpd of crude oil.New integrated petrochemical refinery. Still in the stage of widening roads for infrastructure and refinery land, and proposing the Tuban Special Economic Zone (KEK).Pertamina's collaboration project with Rosneft, a company from Russia.

Example of local component manufacture by PT BBI (SOE) for Balik Papan Refinery development

PT BBI made product for Pertamina gas project

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PLN spent Rp200 trillion (13 billion USD) on local components in 2022​


PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo addressed the opening of PLN Locomation 2022 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Wednesday. ANTARA/Ade Irma Junida.

23rd November 2022

Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned electricity firm (PLN) spent nearly Rp200 trillion out of the total budget of Rp300 trillion on local products so far this year, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo stated.

"Our spending reaches Rp300 trillion per year out of which Rp200 trillion is spent on the domestic industry," he noted while opening PLN Locomation 2022 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Wednesday.

Prasodjo remarked that as over four million workers were involved in the ecosystem, its impact is huge.

He ensured local entrepreneurs, including suppliers of components to PLN present at the event, that recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic had begun, with demand continuing to increase.

"(During the pandemic) the suppliers of components to PLN might see their orders declining. Bismillah (in the name of Allah) Insya Allah (God Willing), the demand has begun to increase. Moreover, the increase in demand is beyond our expectation," he remarked.

PLN once faced a challenge when some of its components had not been produced domestically, and it had to import them. However, PLN always urged the government to facilitate the construction of factories producing the components.

With the operation of the factories, PLN will replace its imported components with local components, he remarked.

In addition, PLN will raise the passing grade of domestic components as part of the efforts to increase its local content rate (TKDN), he stated.

"We are looking forward to building a conducive ecosystem to collaborate and innovate," he remarked.

PLN's TKDN (local content) had reached 48.8 percent as of September 30, 2022, surpassing its target of 42 percent for this year, he pointed out.

Some example of local made equipment for energy sector

PT Barata Indonesia (SOE)

PT Barata exported equipment



Turbine components of PT Barata Indonesia's products are exported to Australia.

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Proven Experience of Electrical EPC of PT PAL Indonesia​

Banyuwangi International Airport, East Java

Architecs : Indonesian
Builder : PT Nindya Karya (SOE)
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