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"The Japanese see India as the land of Lord Buddha ,which is why they have a lot of respect for Indians"

Those Muslims in USSR were under Communist oppression.

Obviously these USSR's Muslim cosmonauts and one Afghan cosmonaut were taken to space at gun point : :lol:

"Under Communist oppression"... Stop visiting Tableeghi Hashisheen.

All the Islamic scholars of that time were unanimous in fighting the atheistic communists in Afghanistan in the 1970s.

You are a moron.

Even Arabs went to fight in Afghanistan against the atheistic communists of USSR.

Oh the Holy Arabs of Holy Saudia. :lol: What a slave you are. What about other Arabs in countries like Iraq, Libya and Algeria who were allies of the USSR to various extents ?
There is debate among Muslims if Alexander the Great too or the Iranian king Koorosh / Kourosh ( Cyrus the Great ) are among the 124,000 prophets accepted in Islam.
Doubtful again since Alexander worshipped the Greek Gods and Cyrus was a Zoroastrian.
I doubt. When Muslim rulers in South Asia let the Hindus live why would they wipe out the Buddhists ?
Buddhism in at least what is now India had been wiped out much before the Muslims came in. Maybe this held true even for the place now called Afghanistan though because this place bordered Central Asia and China it is possible that pockets of Buddhism existed during Muslim rule after having escaped persecution by Hindu rulers earlier.
Really astounded at the lengths you go to pin the blame on Hinduism lol.
Firstly, I have already said this in my previous post :

You are right about the uncertain origin of zero and upon your recommendation I looked into my document again and it has this at the beginning :
So zero was used by the Egyptians both as a value to increase numbers ( 10, 100, 1000 etc ) and as a base to start count which is used in computing now especially in array layout - 0th element, 1st element, 2nd element etc. The fact of digital binary computers using either of two values to represent a bit - 0 or 1, that is just general usage and can come from anywhere.

Both these articles don't mention Egypt and both glowingly reference a so-called Indologist called Peter Gobets who has made it his life to prove that "Indians" invented the zero through him organizing a movement called ZerOrigIndia. Cringey.

And this from the first article :
LOL, the object below is part of a Greek astronomical instrument from more than 2000 years ago now called the Antikythera Mechanism. The below part among other parts was found under the sea off Greece. It used the ancient Egyptian solar calendar :
Seriously, @jamahir , sorry but it's a waste of time talking with you even if you are presented with facts. I can't literally explain every sentence to you and tell every flaw in your argument, even if I did, you would still come up with something tangential. I'll be honest, I had started formulating a response to all you had written but it's just pointless, it's like talking to a brick wall and I don't want to sound harsh.
Please continue if you have time, and I would strongly suggest you, sir, to open a separate thread, and copy over your post there as well.

Frankly speaking, this is kind of hard for me to understand, there are too many new words, and concepts in this story. I am lack of the knowledge on this matter.
I'm very sorry to have worded it so badly. Please feel free to interrupt. One request: could you ask a moderator where we might conclude this conversation? Is it all right to continue here?
Doubtful again since Alexander worshipped the Greek Gods and Cyrus was a Zoroastrian.

Zulqarnain is a Muslim name for boys :

Really astounded at the lengths you go to pin the blame on Hinduism lol.

I am just talking about history. Look :

Persecution under Hindus​

Persecution of Buddhists started as early as in the life or soon after the death of King Ashoka according to some like D.N.Jha. Jha writes that according to Kashmiri texts dated to the 12th century, Ashoka's Son Jalauka was a Shaivite and was responsible for the destruction of many Buddhist monasteries.[7] The story of Jalauka is essentially legendary, and its to be noted that no independent corroboration of the Kashmir tradition has ever been discovered.[8] Patanjali, a famous grammarian stated in his Mahabhashya that Brahmins and Śramaṇa, which included Buddhists, were eternal enemies[9] With the emergence of Hindu rulers of the Gupta Empire, Hinduism saw a major revivalism in the Indian subcontinent which challenged Buddhism which was at that time at its zenith. Even though Gupta empire was tolerant towards Buddhism and patronized Buddhist arts and religious institutions, Hindu revivalism generally became a major threat to Buddhism which led to its decline. A Buddhist illustrated palm leaf manuscript from Pala period (one of the earliest Indian illustrated manuscripts to survive in modern times) is preserved in University of Cambridge library. Composed in the year 1015, the manuscript contains a note from the year 1138 by a Buddhist believer called Karunavajra which indicates that without his efforts, the manuscript would have been destroyed during a political struggle for power. The note states that 'he rescued the 'Perfection of Wisdom, incomparable Mother of the Omniscient' from falling into the hands of unbelievers (who according to Camillo Formigatti were most probably people of Brahmanical affiliation).[10] In 1794 Jagat Singh, Dewan (minister) of Raja Chet Singh of Banaras began excavating two pre Ashokan era stupas at Sarnath for construction material. Dharmarajika stupa was completely demolished and only its foundation exists today while Dhamekh stupa incurred serious damage. During excavation a green marble relic casket was discovered from Dharmarajika stupa which contained Buddha's ashes was subsequently thrown into Ganges river by Jagat Singh according to his Hindu faith. The incident was reported by a British resident and timely action of British authorities saved Dhamekh Stupa from demolition.[11]

Historical evidence about the persecution of Buddhism in ancient India is missing or unsubstantiated; colonial era writers have used mythical folk stories to construct a part of ancient Buddhist history.[12] For example, the Divyavadana (divine stories), an anthology of Buddhist mythical tales on morals and ethics, many using talking birds and animals, was written in about 2nd century AD. In one of the stories, the razing of stupas and viharas is mentioned with Pushyamitra. This has been historically mapped to the reign of King Pushyamitra of the Shunga Empire about 400 years before Divyavadana was written.

The Asokavadana legend has been likened to a Buddhist version of Pushyamitra's attack of the Mauryas, reflecting the declining influence of Buddhism in the Shunga Imperial court. Later Shunga kings were seen as amenable to Buddhism and as having contributed to the building of the stupa at Bharhut.[13] The decline of Buddhism in India did not set in until the Gupta dynasty.

Archeological remains of stupas have been found in Deorkothar that suggest deliberate destruction, conjectured to be one mentioned in Divyavadana about Pushyamitra.[14] However, it is unclear whether the stupas were destroyed in ancient India or a much later period, and the existence of religious violence between Hinduism and Buddhism in ancient India has been disputed.[15][16] It is unclear when the Deorkothar stupas were destroyed, and by whom. The fictional tales of Divyavadana is considered by scholars[12] as being of doubtful value as a historical record. Moriz Winternitz, for example, stated, "these legends [in the Divyāvadāna] scarcely contain anything of much historical value".[12] Similarly, Paul Williams states that the persecution claims with alleged dates of Buddha's nirvana (400 BCE) and the subsequent Pusyamitra reign, as depicted in the Mahasanghika school of early Buddhism are the "most far fetched of all the arguments and hardly worth of any further discussion".[17]

According to other scholars, the Shunga kings were seen as more amenable to Buddhism and as having contributed to the building of the stupa at Bharhut[18] and an inscription at Bodh Gaya at the Mahabodhi Temple records the construction of the temple as follows, "The gift of Nagadevi the wife of King Brahmamitra". Another inscription reads: "The gift of Kurangi, the mother of living sons and the wife of King Indragnimitra, son of Kosiki. The gift also of Srima of the royal palace shrine."
The Muslims conquerers of India surely destroyed Buddhist structures in places but the persecution of Buddhists to the extent that they were almost eliminated in many places in India, who do you think did that ? :)You can read the rest of the linked wiki.

Seriously, @jamahir , sorry but it's a waste of time talking with you even if you are presented with facts. I can't literally explain every sentence to you and tell every flaw in your argument, even if I did, you would still come up with something tangential. I'll be honest, I had started formulating a response to all you had written but it's just pointless, it's like talking to a brick wall and I don't want to sound harsh.

If you want you can present one fact and we can discuss.
I'm very sorry to have worded it so badly. Please feel free to interrupt. One request: could you ask a moderator where we might conclude this conversation? Is it all right to continue here?
decency ki bhi hadh hoti hai, sir ji.

why cut off your nose to spite the rest of you ?

why ?
India is perhaps the only land where Buddhists faced a genocide by the Hindus so much so that they got eradicated shortly .
That is quite an absurd proposition. Even under the arch-Hindu Sen Empire, Buddhists thrived, the great northern universities, several of them in a cluster that included Nalanda, were very active, though fallen away from their glory days of a dynasty previously. These northern universities were attacked, captured (manned by defenceless Buddhist monks, who did not know that they were being attacked) and then destroyed, the entire stock of books being burnt in a conflagration that lasted weeks.

That was Bakhtyar Khalji's claim to cultural eminence.
The purpose of such articles written by Indians is to make themselves feel good
This writing style, we call it 意淫。
意淫Meaning, a man, sees a beautiful woman. He had sex with this beauty right in his head. make yourself feel good
I can help.

The Sikhs never ruled from Afghanistan.

So the below section from this article means they did not rule ?
The period between mid 18th to the mid 19th century is an important one in the history of Afghan Sikh relations. For about 101 years the Afghans and Sikh empire were neighbours and mostly antagonists. By the early decades of the 19th century, the Sikh empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh had annexed large parts of the Durrani empire under the Afghans. During the Second Anglo-Sikh war of 1848-49, however, the Sikhs were supported by the Afghans, even though they lost out to the British.

In the late 19th and early 20th century, in reaction to the Christian proselytising activities following the annexation of the Sikh empire by the British, the Singh Sabha movement, a Sikh reform movement was established. The impact of the movement was felt across Afghanistan as well. Akali Kaur Singh, for instance, spent a year in Afghanistan, going from house to house to spread the Sikh doctrine. His mission led to the creation of several gurdwaras in the region.
You are always good for a lighter moment. Thank you for being there. If you weren't, we would have to invent you.
That is incorrect. Please read my posts# 112 and 120.
I'm afraid he's right. You were clutching at straws in those posts.

So the below section from this article means they did not rule ?
Umm, you have read it, I hope?

What they ruled, what they did not rule, what was Afghanistan, and what was the Durrani Empire, would get you four different answers.
Japanese are a funny lot. Totally submitted to its master on the other side of Pacific. How low can Japan go? It even started to suck up to Indians and that beastly culture.

The Chinese has a helluva lot work to do, in order to make Japan a normal Sinic nation again.
Doubtful again since Alexander worshipped the Greek Gods and Cyrus was a Zoroastrian.

Really astounded at the lengths you go to pin the blame on Hinduism lol.

Seriously, @jamahir , sorry but it's a waste of time talking with you even if you are presented with facts. I can't literally explain every sentence to you and tell every flaw in your argument, even if I did, you would still come up with something tangential. I'll be honest, I had started formulating a response to all you had written but it's just pointless, it's like talking to a brick wall and I don't want to sound harsh.
Japanese are a funny lot. Totally submitted to its master on the other side of Pacific. How low can Japan go? It even started to suck up to Indians and that beastly culture.

The Chinese has a helluva lot work to do, in order to make Japan a normal Sinic nation again.
They have enough plutonium and engineering chops to make you glow like the sun
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