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The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion

God Bless Iraq and its people

they suffered for 8 years during the Iran-Iraq war over 1 million dead
they suffered devastating defeat in 1991
followed by 12 years of sanctions
and then the disaster of 2003 onwards
and the ensuing civil war
then came ISIS

Saddam was responsible for majority of the deaths and the bad decisions he made the nation will suffer for decades to come

had he invested those billions into the nation like GCC countries is doing today Iraq would have been a miniature regional superpower
You can guess who saved the fall of Baghdad when ISIL/Daesh was 70 miles away. ISIL planned, after taking over Iraq, the next destination was Mecca. They were already in Yemen. ME politics and ground realities are extremely messed up.
Here is the report on US media.
Interesting senate hearing committee proceeding 2015 ...

Its not as if iran helped out of good will. Infact this ISIS takeover helped iran gain a foothold in Iraq. Iranians will only use iraq for its purposes and convert it into a sectarian mullah state. The iraqi people are now themselves mostly against iranian interference. The govt of iraq is trying to reduce leverage of these militias.
Saudis, emiratis, and the Egyptian despots
It is a flat terrain they will rollover immediately and in fact they will tactically as they won't want to take on a massive firepower as the terrian doesn't allow them

There actually was a global so called "islamic" alliance that tried to attack us,

Now this is the part that actually made me laugh at your post, I mean come on man. If you really think Egypt is going to invade Iraq then you need to check yourself in a lab.

This thread is nothing more than a fanfic of a terrorist sympathizer who can't sleep at night unless he Google searches "dead shia muslim pics".

The likes of you are like the cancer that is eating the muslim world from the inside out, well it's a good thing you are in the west now and not in a muslim country anymore, keep your cancerous ideology to yourself, or well if you want to spread it you are welcome to spread it in the west.

One of the dumbest things the west did (which I'm glad they did since this would weaken the west) was to have an open door policy towards people with low IQ & extremist ideologies like yourself.
An Islamic alliance my azz GCC, jordan, egypt, turkey US etc etc helping you and bombing ISIS everyday... The issue is not the gov't but rogue none state actors that could undermine state and trade routes inside iraq
Iraq is already under US and Turkey occupation you will not do anything.. You have no relations with the gov't.. If illegal terrorists get out of hand they must be fight.. Jihad because Fard Ain upon them and religious obligation
Are you sure ?USA is literally thrown out of Iraq.
The terrorists in my book are the ones who terrorize poor Yemeni people from 15km above

It is a flat terrain they will rollover immediately and in fact they will tactically as they won't want to take on a massive firepower as the terrian doesn't allow them

An Islamic alliance my azz GCC, jordan, egypt, turkey US etc etc helping you and bombing ISIS everyday... The issue is not the gov't but rogue none state actors that could undermine state and trade routes inside iraq
Be assured the only ones who are fool enough to do so are the fulls who are in Yemen for 7 years.
The one whose only art is buying USA and EU weapon to take revenge on cities.
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This is not the Iraqi gov't but there are rogue elements within Iraq and none state actors that will be purified as they are terrorists who don't understand rule of law. Hence an operation in iraq is much likier today then it was a year ago..

Areas of potential target is the southern to central parts of Iraq... They even launched a drone attack on the president of Iraq weeks ago and they have gone completely rogue they aren't militarily threat but they could undermine regional security and trade routes or worst case scenario they could turn to sea privacy they are just rogue elements and road robbers.. KSA led-coalition could venture into Iraq..

There is murmuring of in pending military operation and an invasion into Iraq should things falter further in Iraq's security..

The Peninsula shield could go ahead with this in collaboration with Egypt and Jordan...

Or make it more politically correct by using the existing framework and terrorism fight treaty

IMCTC (The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition)

They could go ahead with this anytime depending on the rogue elements and especially if the Iraqi gov't loses control of them

2 things.
Modern Airforce with light, medium weight fighters and capable air defence systems.
2 things.
Modern Airforce with light, medium weight fighters and capable air defence systems.
About air force . To be honest I prefer swedish approach to the air force than the traditional approach.
You know a thread is a cesspool when its three main contributors are Titanium, Battalion (both Talibunny *** kissers) and Big Tank (Iran/IRGC *** kisser)
Lol this hilarious 😆, when I see more than 2-3 posts from these posters
I zone of and ignore the thread, knowing it'll run in to 10-15 pages of absolutely nothing thought provoking
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They should have put forces on the ground 3 years ago but the time has finally come
They should have put forces on the ground 3 years ago but the time has finally come
Wonder when it become the time to crush the head of snake ?

In reality bin Salman is nothing but another saddam
You know a thread is a cesspool when its three main contributors are Titanium, Battalion (both Talibunny *** kissers) and Big Tank (Iran/IRGC *** kisser)

Titanium100 and Battlion25 are the same person. It's plain obvious, and I'm not the only person to have noticed this.

- - - - -

One of the dumbest things the west did (which I'm glad they did since this would weaken the west) was to have an open door policy towards people with low IQ & extremist ideologies like yourself.

The imperialist west and zionists created modern takfiri extremism.

And are using its adepts as their expendable foot soldiers and useful idiots to do their dirty work, namely to destroy one nation after another in the Muslim world, to blacken the image of Islam, to make increasing numbers of Muslims question their own faith, to conduct occasional false flag terror attacks in the west (Operation Gladio 2.0) in order for their subjects to seek refuge with them, in order to divide the working class along communal lines (engineering immigrants vs locals strife) and prevent revolution whilst their economic model has reached a dead end, and so on.

- - - - -

Its not as if iran helped out of good will. Infact this ISIS takeover helped iran gain a foothold in Iraq. Iranians will only use iraq for its purposes and convert it into a sectarian mullah state. The iraqi people are now themselves mostly against iranian interference. The govt of iraq is trying to reduce leverage of these militias.

Iran itself is not a sectarianist state, so it has no reason to seek to turn Iraq into one.

It was the US after the illegal 2003 occupation which had the Iraqi constitution institutionalize confessional and ethnic communities. Thank God grand-ayatollah Sistani intervened and forced them to revise their initial plans, otherwise Iraq today would have been even more divided along such infra-national lines today.
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I could barely read through all of the hashish smoke in this thread, thankfully it appears I wasnt missing much.

So in short...

- No Arab coalition is capable of invading Iraq, International community wont green light it, none of the countries can afford it, and it would push all the shia population right into Irans hands.

What can happen, However, to push IRGC influence from Iraq:

- Support of Iraqi Sunnis, enabling them to have autonomy in their region and establish a defensive force modeled after the kurdish peshmerka.

A sunni autonomous region would cut the land route of Iran-Iraq-Syria.

- Reinforce Najaf's independence and position as the center of political and religious authority of shiasim.

Iraq is the mecca of Shias, Iraq is neither lebanon nor Yemen or Syria, if there has to be a ruling scholar, he should be Iraqi, both heart and mind.

There are other steps that can be done, but this here is still more than what this thread deserves.
I could barely read through all of the hashish smoke in this thread, thankfully it appears I wasnt missing much.

So in short...

- No Arab coalition is capable of invading Iraq, International community wont green light it, none of the countries can afford it, and it would push all the shia population right into Irans hands.

What can happen, However, to push IRGC influence from Iraq:

- Support of Iraqi Sunnis, enabling them to have autonomy in their region and establish a defensive force modeled after the kurdish peshmerka.

A sunni autonomous region would cut the land route of Iran-Iraq-Syria.

- Reinforce Najaf's independence and position as the center of political and religious authority of shiasim.

Iraq is the mecca of Shias, Iraq is neither lebanon nor Yemen or Syria, if there has to be a ruling scholar, he should be Iraqi, both heart and mind.

There are other steps that can be done, but this here is still more than what this thread deserves.

Peninsula shield, Egypt, Jordan can deploy upto 700k without exhausting resources.. Iraq is flat-terrain they can't stand against that kind of firepower thrown at them..

Pakistan could deploy stragetic weapons, including tactical nukes and a team of special forces no international actor will intervene and Everyone will cut his losses short this will be over quickly. The southern Iraqis don't have much apetite for fighting as they were the once who put down their weapons when the Americans came they don't have much fight in them.. With such firepower the whole region could be pacifized at one go not only Iraq..

Logistically and conventionally this will not be a chellenge in fact in such scenario they will voluntarily retreat and resort to hit and run or reteat to the kurdish highlands.

If the security situation in iraq worsens then this will become obligatory despite there not being political incentive for it but it all depends on at the rate things deteriorate in Iraq's security..

If the rogue elements destabilize Iraq and make the trade routes difficult for the gov't to regulate and undermine gov't stability plan and iraq's sovereignty by making it a terrorist launching pad. A security measure policy will be warranted to enforce peace and rule of law in accordance with international law
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Peninsula shield, Egypt, Jordan can deploy upto 700k without exhausting resources.. Iraq is flat-terrain they can't stand against that kind of firepower thrown at them..

Pakistan could deploy stragetic weapons, including tactical nukes and a team of special forces no international actor will intervene and Everyone will cut his losses short this will be over quickly. The southern Iraqis don't have much apetite for fighting as they were the once who put down their weapons when the Americans came they don't have much fight in them.. With such firepower the whole region could be pacifized at one go not only Iraq..

Logistically and conventionally this will not be a chellenge in fact in such scenario they will voluntarily retreat and resort to hit and run or reteat to the kurdish highlands.

If the security situation in iraq worsens then this will become obligatory despite there not being political incentive for it but it all depends on at the rate things deteriorate in Iraq's security..

If the rogue elements destabilize Iraq and make the trade routes difficult for the gov't to regulate and undermine gov't stability plan and iraq's sovereignty by making it a terrorist launching pad. A security measure policy will be warranted to enforce peace and rule of law in accordance with international law
Dream Sweat Dream
You were saying the same thing before Turkey has done first incursion into Syria or Iraq some were saying It will internationally get blocked yada yada but here we are few years later they completed 4 incursions into Syria and couple in Iraq... When it comes to security issues never miscalculate.. Once they roll out and ride out you will realize that the world functions different... It is like that Van diesel scene ''500'' I would say Iraq getting invaded is much more likelier then Ukraine... The rest I would say the pen is dry... You will see them coming in like Usain Bolt...

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