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The Iraqi Armed Forces





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The U.S body armour they use is what US troops left behind, Iraqi soldiers use them now.. there are regulations, but I think it's okay for them to use what they have as long as it's fit for purpose.
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هل وافق الامريكان على تزويد العراق بطائرات الأباتشي؟

- طائرة الأباتشي تحتاج الى مبلغ باهض جدا ًوالذي لا تستطيع ميزانية وزارة الدفاع تأمينه وما يهمني موافقة
البنتاغون والخارجية الامريكية وهذه حصلت قبل أشهر وليس الأن وحينما التقينا بالبنتاغون للمرة الثانية طالبونا
بتهيئة التكاليف وانهم يزودونا بالطائرات وأود الأشارة الى وصول طائرات من روسيا ذات مواصفات فنية
وتدميرية وتعبوية توازي طائرة الأباتشي يؤمل وصولها نهاية هذا الشهر واقول لاخواني الذين يقولون (ستصل طائرات
من روسيا بدون عتاد) بأن هذه الطائرات عتادها متعاقد عليه لمدة اربع سنوات مقبلة عتادها وصل قبل الطائرات ولكن هناك من لا يريد
لقوة تدمر الارهابين ان تكون في سماء العراق واقول لهم لا تستطيعون ان توقفوا ارادة العراقيين وسترونها في سماء بغ

this is a statement from the minister of defence, sadoun al dulaimi. Basically confirms Iraqs purchase of the Apaches. Congress and Pentagon have agreed to sell Iraq apaches months ago, and now they've asked the Iraqi mod to prepare the funds. In the meantime Iraq is expecting Russian helicopters with similar characteristics to the apache to arrive soon (Mi35m's and Mi28NE's). The ammo for the Russian helicopters have already been contracted on for the next four years, and the ammo has arrived before the helicopters.

First Destroy Country Infrastructure, Army and all it's forces, its Telecommunications and all it's Industry then Build it from Zero with their Money and with Your Junk that is Motto of Anglo - Saxxon Evil US NWO, Iraqis are Happy that they are build again by the people who destroy them in Mass Numbers, Shias are the Most Pathetic people on the face of Earth!

Iraqis are Happy that they are build again by the people who destroy them in Mass Numbers
I don't see anyone that's happy here.

Shias are the Most Pathetic people on the face of Earth!
We are not a Shia nation.
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Yes, You are at least Majority of Arabs in Iraq are Shia - If take out Kurds and Christian Iraqis Out of Picture!

That does not make it a Shia nation, it is not a Shia nation, the nationality is the nation. Why take Christians out of the picture ? Take Sunnis out of Pakistans demographics and Shias are the largest.
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