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The Iraqi Armed Forces

Why are iraqi members silent abt the situation ?
Can't begin to understand how hard it is ... but u gotta stand up and make ur stands more clear
Why are iraqi members silent abt the situation ?
Can't begin to understand how hard it is ... but u gotta stand up and make ur stands more clear

Cause the information flowing around here is for 70% false, why should we do all the effort to show what info is correct and what isn't when we will receive internet terrorists trying to start discussions, not worth the effort.
Why are iraqi members silent abt the situation ?
Can't begin to understand how hard it is ... but u gotta stand up and make ur stands more clear
Well for me I spend big time on some other forums but I'll post many news now after and vids too.
Why are iraqi members silent abt the situation ?
Can't begin to understand how hard it is ... but u gotta stand up and make ur stands more clear
Too many delusionals and terrorists on the forum. There's no point. The follow of BS from here is too much.
Do you know you turk why you so mad? I can tell you because Mr. Maliki disappointed you with your plan of stealing the Iraqi oil by making the state of west of Iraq.

See how stupid is your errrdogan.

we will beet your rats and we will twist your ear not to play with us we are way bigger than you didn't I tell you to go to play away with something your size like Azerbaijan Armenia or even Georgia.

So let me tell you something, most of us are not satisfied with the Erdogan's foreign policy. But you are making false accusations as ISIS being our proxy.

On the "twisting our ear" issue... you are being too cocky as our ex-Vilayet.
Whats the point if you're going to leave well oiled machines for ISIS and run?
Whats the point if you're going to leave well oiled machines for ISIS and run?

Your a nuclear state that can't defeat terrorist yet you try to troll.

Our military can be considered new/unexperienced, bad chain of command and commanders.
Hope everything will be okay in Iraq soon..Those beheading videos make me sick
Too many delusionals and terrorists on the forum. There's no point. The follow of BS from here is too much.

Best wishes to your country in hunting down the terrorists in your country. Stay safe , too !
15 billions worth of Arms from USA
wow cannot even defend so this cool pics are useless sadly
if it was old Iraq army i understand
but now they are marching towards Baghdad and ISIS got 425 mil usd from the vault
it is sad they could not defend the terrorist and the city and civilians
15 billions worth of Arms from USA
wow cannot even defend so this cool pics are useless sadly
if it was old Iraq army i understand
but now they are marching towards Baghdad and ISIS got 425 mil usd from the vault
it is sad they could not defend the terrorist and the city and civilians
now most of iraq is under ISIS and Baghdad most probably will be as well, i wounder what happens to the f16.
3 Million fighters - from tribal fighters, to local defence squads.

now most of iraq is under ISIS and Baghdad most probably will be as well, i wounder what happens to the f16.
Please don't spew information like this. You're too misinformed.

Almost all Iraqi provinces are free and under national security protection, apart from CITIES like Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi, and other smaller cities which are all contested.
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