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The Innocent Kid from Sopore:"Police Killed my Grandfather"

Watch the video of the child. Know that 3 year olds rarely lie, and they certainly don't lie with plain and straight face, ever.

He was CERTAIN that Indian soldiers killed grandpa. How on earth can he be certain if it was crossfire?? If bullets are flying randomly, how can a 3 year old know which one hit his grandpa? Is he some real-time ballistics expert?

He watched his grandpa get executed such that he was left with no doubt who did it.

This isn't a damn "field day" for me or any Pakistani or kashmiri or any human being.

This is stomach wrenching for any human being, and I've seen plenty in my time.

You think we enjoy this? You think Pakistanis wake up hoping for this to happen so we can go to town on pointless forums and Twitter and vent our anger and be "opportunists"?

Your nation will reap the most bitter of harvests.

1. He is 3 yr kid

2. He was among policemen

3. Policemen were firing

4. He saw his grandfather got hit

5. He is not a ballistic expert

6. He deducted that policemen hit his father as he could not think anything else

But then opportunist see an opportunity.
1. He is 3 yr kid

2. He was among policemen

3. Policemen were firing

4. He saw his grandfather got hit

5. He is not a ballistic expert

6. He deducted that policemen hit his father as he could not think anything else

But then opportunist see an opportunity.

The way CRPF solider was putting his feet on his dead body, is good enough evidence that your forces were considering him as a militant. Period.
1. He is 3 yr kid

2. He was among policemen

3. Policemen were firing

4. He saw his grandfather got hit

5. He is not a ballistic expert

6. He deducted that policemen hit his father as he could not think anything else

But then opportunist see an opportunity.
3 yr old says "I don't know" if they don't know. They don't deduce or assume.
Try to remain in your limits..

He is a one.

3 yr old says "I don't know" if they don't know. They don't deduce or assume.

Only if they do not know, even then they tell you something. 3 yr old always know. You will know once you have one.

The way CRPF solider was putting his feet on his dead body, is good enough evidence that your forces were considering him as a militant. Period.

That is very lopsided way of looking at it. How about you post the picture what make you feel so.
He is a one.

Only if they do not know, even then they tell you something. 3 yr old always know. You will know once you have one.
I do have kids. What did you think, I'm some incel guju pm of great democrajee?

3 year olds are straight talking.
Kashmir need another Mohammad bin Qasim!
May be it's Xi Jinping afterall.

The way things are going. Xi Jinping may loose power......only time will tell.

Why do I say it? I read some books on Deng Xiaopeng. Deng (at some point) did not like Jiang Zemin.....and wanted to remove him.....but his friend (I do not recall friend's name readily) told Deng that, in chinese power politics, if a leader makes 3 mistakes, he will be removed......removing Jiang Zemin would be the third mistake (consider judgemental error) of Deng. So, Deng let Jiang zemin in position.

I say the above to say that - even a great leader like Deng Xiaopeng felt that someone might remove him......I think the stature of Xi Jinpling is less than that of Deng Xiaopeng, althought Xi has more titles / power.

I really think Xi is 10 or 20 years too early to do all the latest actions....but good that he showed China's intentions to India [i.e. march-in anytime they want].

PS: I typed this in a short time. Please understand the point(s) I am making....pls don't nit-pick on minor things.....
- Child's uncle is saying that eye witnesses have told the family that police (CRPF) killed the old man.
- Now the child himself is confirming that earlier statement of his uncle.

Pakistan should spread this video to the entire world through its foreign missions and then through advertisement in world's press. A translated version of both uncle's and child's statements should be provided to top news orgs around the world such as BBC/ CNN/ TRT/ ABC/ Al JAZEERA/ RT/ GLOBALTIMES/ DW etc. If they don't run it, Pakistan should ask them to run it as an ad..

These pictures and the videos of both the child and his uncle are crucial in further exposing the real face of terrorist occcupying forces.
I do have kids. What did you think, I'm some incel guju pm of great democrajee?

3 year olds are straight talking.

Dude really? You think a 3 yr old will say he dont know who killed his grandad when he saw an encounter with policemen doing a lot of shooting around him?

But I can gauge your seriousness and intent when you had to bring in Modi while responding to s simple query.
Who told you that all 9 locks would had definitely resulted in 9 kills ?

and what do you exactly mean by making it bigger conflict than Kargil ? are you really nuts ? for what ? did they killed 350 people on Feb 26 ? they were claiming something which they never did so you want to go on a war based on fake claims, lol very sensible of you. Thanks God we had IK as PM not any nut job. Had they killed 350 people in real than our response would had been much different and deadly.

Who told you it will be 3-4 kills out of 9 locks? While my assumptions is based on one shoot one kill.
Imran Khan do not have skills to manage a team of garbage collectors, only nuts justify his nut jobs.
I think Imran Khan would be more happy, if Indians were successful in killing 350 Quran learning al-bakistani kids.
So this clown @IMARV claims to have looked at all the pictures and somehow, while soldiers in a supposed hot zone are ducking for cover according to him, grandad (who is looking after a toddler remember) decides to risk his life and baby's and gets out of his car for a damn stroll??

I can't get my head around this bullcrap. Some Indian needs to speak the truth here and have some shame, or there is literally no hope for India because Pakistan will nuke it sooner or later.

Grandpa was shot by Indians, either accidentally or more likely executed to punish/coerce the onlooking rebels. It's also plausible that they held grandpa at gunpoint and ordered the rebels to surrender. They didn't so the police executed their hostage. Any of these explanations is far more likely than grandpa getting out of his car voluntarily and leaving his grandson alone in the car in a war zone.

After grandad was killed, the child emerged. Whether he sat there himself or was placed on his chest, some filth saw a photo op and a chance to write the story to suit Indian narratives - "innocent child rescued by crpf from warzone". Bull. Grandpa was killed by the Indian soldiers and child was abused.

What actually happened is that militants attacked the CRPF party completely out of nowhere. 1 CRPF guy was killed. Others injured. Militants fled from the scene. Other CRPF soldiers in frustration stopped this poor car and pulled out the grandfather and shot him dead.

That is the whole incident.
That is very lopsided way of looking at it.

Sorry, no one will buy what Indian media is saying it. Not in these times. Credibility of your media, Govt and Army is 0, something which Indians should introspect.

Has ever Indian Army been set accountable when ever any innocent Kashmiri is killed ? its always the militants for you. So no matter how much can be argued, you Indians will never accept it.
Indians should remember this exact story when a dozen of their grunts are pumped with lead by freedom fighters. No more crying about cross-border terror camps.
Who told you it will be 3-4 kills out of 9 locks? While my assumptions is based on one shoot one kill.
Imran Khan do not have skills to manage a team of garbage collectors, only nuts justify his nut jobs.
I think Imran Khan would be more happy, if Indians were successful in killing 350 Quran learning al-bakistani kids.

not worth replying.
Sorry, no one will buy what Indian media is saying it. Not in these times. Credibility of your media, Govt and Army is 0, something which Indians should introspect.

Has ever Indian Army been set accountable when ever any innocent Kashmiri is killed ? its always the militants for you. So no matter how much can be argued, you Indians will never accept it.

Contrary to your belief, our history is full of enquiries and court martial being handed over to army men deployed in Kashmir. If you want I can cite many examples, but be prepared to tell even a single name from Pakistan army who was accountable for any human right violation in any insurgency hit pakistani area.
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