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The Innocent Kid from Sopore:"Police Killed my Grandfather"

IOK erupts in protest after Indian troops kill elderly man travelling with 3-year-old grandson
AFPUpdated July 01, 2020
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Relatives of civilian Bashir Ahmed Khan shout slogans as they grieve inside his residence on the outskirts of Srinagar on July 1. — AFP

Relatives of civilian Bashir Ahmed Khan shout slogans as they grieve inside his residence on the outskirts of Srinagar on July 1. — AP

Relatives of civilian Bashir Ahmed Khan shout slogans as they grieve inside his residence on the outskirts of Srinagar on July 1. — AFP

Relatives of civilian Bashir Ahmed Khan shout slogans as they grieve inside his residence on the outskirts of Srinagar on July 1. — AP

Relatives of civilian Bashir Ahmed Khan shout slogans as they grieve inside his residence on the outskirts of Srinagar on July 1. — AFP

Hundreds of people in occupied Kashmir staged protests on Wednesday, accusing government forces of killing an elderly man in front of his minor grandson during a gun battle with Kashmiri fighters, which also left a trooper dead.

The Kashmiri fighters opened fire from a mosque attic in the northern town of Sopore, setting off a battle with security forces, paramilitary police spokesperson Junaid Khan told AFP.

The family of Bashir Ahmed Khan alleged that he was dragged out of his car after the showdown and shot dead by paramilitary troopers.

His three-year-old grandson, who was travelling with him, was later pictured sitting on his chest.

Disclaimer: The photo below on the right contains sensitive content which some people may find disturbing.


The child is pictured sitting on his grandfather's chest.

“Locals said that he [Khan] was brought out of his car and shot dead by the forces,” Farooq Ahmed, a nephew of the deceased man told AFP.

“They told us that someone in uniform then put the child on his chest as he lay dead on the road and took photographs,” Farooq Ahmed said.

The photo of the child sat on the body of his dead grandfather was widely shared on social media.

Paramilitary spokesman Khan said the allegation was “baseless”. Police also denied the claims, saying legal action would be taken for “false reports and rumours”.

“There was no retaliation from the security forces,” Inspector General of Police Vijay Kumar told reporters.

Hundreds assembled at the man's funeral near the main city of Srinagar shouting, “We want freedom".


Relatives and neighbours offer funeral prayers for Bashir Ahmed in Srinagar on July 1. — AFP

Government forces have intensified counterinsurgency operations against Kashmiri fighters since a coronavirus lockdown was imposed in March.

Since January, at least 229 people have been killed during over 100 military operations across occupied Kashmir, including 32 civilians, 54 government forces and 143 fighters, according to the Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), a rights group.

Condemnations pour in
Reacting to the incident, Amnesty India said that officials had violated the law by disclosing the identity of the minor.

"It is also a breach of the 'best interests of the child' principle as required to be the basis of any action by authorities under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which India is a state party."

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the image of the three-year-old sitting on his grandfather's "lifeless, bullet-ridden body" exposed the real face of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "fascist India".

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif also condemned the killing.

In a tweet, he said: "Widespread human rights abuses by fascist Modi govt constitute an acid test for the international community."

Tweeting the picture of the deceased's grandson sitting on his chest, Foreign Office Spokesperson Aisha Farooqui said she was "searching for words to describe [...] the grief & helplessness of the Kashmiri people."

The Kashmiris have to stand up now. This is for their own sake. Forget about Pakistan India conflict for a moment. It is very clear who is violating their rights. If the Kashmiris don't stand up it is going to be very difficult to confront this bully.

I noticed that you didn't respond to any of my previous assertions. @IMARV but rather you just had a pop.

What response does he have? Lies and deceit.
Just imagine the hate these Indians are getting from Kashmiris. This happens in IoK on daily basis.
So this clown @IMARV claims to have looked at all the pictures and somehow, while soldiers in a supposed hot zone are ducking for cover according to him, grandad (who is looking after a toddler remember) decides to risk his life and baby's and gets out of his car for a damn stroll??

I can't get my head around this bullcrap. Some Indian needs to speak the truth here and have some shame, or there is literally no hope for India because Pakistan will nuke it sooner or later.

Grandpa was shot by Indians, either accidentally or more likely executed to punish/coerce the onlooking rebels. It's also plausible that they held grandpa at gunpoint and ordered the rebels to surrender. They didn't so the police executed their hostage. Any of these explanations is far more likely than grandpa getting out of his car voluntarily and leaving his grandson alone in the car in a war zone.

After grandad was killed, the child emerged. Whether he sat there himself or was placed on his chest, some filth saw a photo op and a chance to write the story to suit Indian narratives - "innocent child rescued by crpf from warzone". Bull. Grandpa was killed by the Indian soldiers and child was abused.
Just imagine the hate these Indians are getting from Kashmiris. This happens in IoK on daily basis.

What's the solution in your opinion?

Pathetic that even in the face of multiple family members confirming who killed him you folks can't accept that your occupation forces murdered an old man in cold blood. Have some shame.

No amount of condemnation is going to change Indian hearts, besides earning us negative ratings.
We should have nailed Indians on 27th February. I have no doubt that Allah's wrath will follow that person, who pulled the plug on 27th February.
What's the solution in your opinion?

There is no solution unless there is an armed clash between Pakistan, India and possibly now China. Things are headings towards that direction. We should be ready and prepare for bigger conflict than Kargil. But having said that, we shouldn't be the one to fire the first bullet. Current regime of India is good enough to give us the moral ground for a battle.

We should have nailed Indians on 27th February. I have no doubt that Allah's wrath will follow that person, who pulled the plug on 27th February.

Nailed like what ? downing their 3-4 more jets...nothing different would had happened than now.
So this clown @IMARV claims to have looked at all the pictures and somehow, while soldiers in a supposed hot zone are ducking for cover according to him, grandad (who is looking after a toddler remember) decides to risk his life and baby's and gets out of his car for a damn stroll??

I can't get my head around this bullcrap. Some Indian needs to speak the truth here and have some shame, or there is literally no hope for India because Pakistan will nuke it sooner or later.

Grandpa was shot by Indians, either accidentally or more likely executed to punish/coerce the onlooking rebels. It's also plausible that they held grandpa at gunpoint and ordered the rebels to surrender. They didn't so the police executed their hostage. Any of these explanations is far more likely than grandpa getting out of his car voluntarily and leaving his grandson alone in the car in a war zone.

After grandad was killed, the child emerged. Whether he sat there himself or was placed on his chest, some filth saw a photo op and a chance to write the story to suit Indian narratives - "innocent child rescued by crpf from warzone". Bull. Grandpa was killed by the Indian soldiers and child was abused.

I can see you are having a field day, opportunist.
I can see you are having a field day, opportunist.

I haven't seen any condemnation of the incident in any indian news website. Rather they were posting false information whole day long that the man was killed from militants fire which has been debunked by independent Kashmiri news sources and family has clearly blamed your soldiers. It is not a field day for any one but open condemnation by every person who believes in humanity.
There is no solution unless there is an armed clash between Pakistan, India and possibly now China. Things are headings towards that direction. We should be ready and prepare for bigger conflict than Kargil. But having said that, we shouldn't be the one to fire the first bullet. Current regime of India is good enough to give us the moral ground for a battle.

Nailed like what ? downing their 3-4 more jets...nothing different would had happened than now.

Who was stoping Imran Khan to make it bigger than Kargil on 27th February.
not 3-4 more we had 9 locks, which hints we had full air superiority, if you know what it means!
On ground Kashmiris were waiting to join in.

Next time it will harder for PAF, irrespective who fire the first bullet.
I haven't seen any condemnation of the incident in any indian news website. Rather they were posting false information whole day long that the man was killed from militants fire which has been debunked by independent Kashmiri news sources and family has clearly blamed your soldiers. It is not a field day for any one but open condemnation by every person who believes in humanity.

Agree. Absolute condemnation for whoever cause that killing of an innocent man. No kid should see what this kid did ever in his life.

This incident happen at an encounter site, collateral damages are not unheard of. If the men died by bullets of Indian soldiers in crossfire, this must be investigated and family must be compensated for its loss.

Giving it an altogether different face with worst of stories is equally deplorable.
I can see you are having a field day, opportunist.
Watch the video of the child. Know that 3 year olds rarely lie, and they certainly don't lie with plain and straight face, ever.

He was CERTAIN that Indian soldiers killed grandpa. How on earth can he be certain if it was crossfire?? If bullets are flying randomly, how can a 3 year old know which one hit his grandpa? Is he some real-time ballistics expert?

He watched his grandpa get executed such that he was left with no doubt who did it.

This isn't a damn "field day" for me or any Pakistani or kashmiri or any human being.

This is stomach wrenching for any human being, and I've seen plenty in my time.

You think we enjoy this? You think Pakistanis wake up hoping for this to happen so we can go to town on pointless forums and Twitter and vent our anger and be "opportunists"?

Your nation will reap the most bitter of harvests.
Who was stoping Imran Khan to make it bigger than Kargil on 27th February.
not 3-4 more we had 9 locks, which hints we had full air superiority, if you know what it means!
On ground Kashmiris were waiting to join in.

Next time it will harder for PAF, irrespective who fire the first bullet.

Who told you that all 9 locks would had definitely resulted in 9 kills ?

and what do you exactly mean by making it bigger conflict than Kargil ? are you really nuts ? for what ? did they killed 350 people on Feb 26 ? they were claiming something which they never did so you want to go on a war based on fake claims, lol very sensible of you. Thanks God we had IK as PM not any nut job. Had they killed 350 people in real than our response would had been much different and deadly.
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Have you never seen a kid sitting on grand father chest? Are we analyzing a 3 year old reaction in panic situation?

Just look at all pics out, clearly shows an active hostile environment where forces have taken positions behind shields (vehicles, walls).

@Jungibaaz let me add 1 more to the list
6. After killing the old man in cold blood, they stand on dead body as well

Bring more.

1. Family members confirmed it.

2. A boy most definitely knows what a policeman looks like, a guy in uniform.

3. How nice, the CRPF didn't kill him but are standing on his body.

4. Who pulled him out of the car, it can clearly be seen his body is close to CRPF.

Bunch of thugs!
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