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The importance of Syria for Iran .

@ thefreesyrian ...

can you say you are on which branch of Sunni !?

Hanafi !?
Maliki !?
Shafi'i !?
Hanbali !?

Wahbabi/Salafi !?


actually all these branch have different view ... I want know what you believe in it !?

@ thefreesyrian ...

can you say you are on which branch of Sunni !?

Hanafi !?
Maliki !?
Shafi'i !?
Hanbali !?

Wahbabi/Salafi !?


actually all these branch have different view ... I want know what you believe in it !?

Actually, those are not branches, very teeny tiny differences are among them, they are all correct to follow, for instance one branch think that you have to wash all you hair in Wodu, the another one think it's enough to rub your hair with a wit hand and the two are correct to follow.
Well if Saudis can have Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan and Yemen - Iran can also claim Syria.

But the truth is that Iran is quite isolated. Even the South Americans are hesitant to support it.
Well if Saudis can have Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan and Yemen - Iran can also claim Syria.

But the truth is that Iran is quite isolated. Even the South Americans are hesitant to support it.

Saudis have all 22 Arab countries with them when it comes to Iran, that's why Iran is paying the price of it's intervention in Arab issues, especially Syria and Lebanon. To remind you all, the latest sanctions which are the toughest would have never worked without Arabs consent to make up Iranian oil in world market.
Saudis have all 22 Arab countries with them when it comes to Iran, that's why Iran is paying the price of it's intervention in Arab issues, especially Syria and Lebanon. To remind you all, the latest sanctions which are the toughest would have never worked without Arabs consent to make up Iranian oil in world market.

It most be awkward when your country (Arab countries) have their importance only because of being a lapdog of big powers and having oil,no matter what they do to their own people,being a brutal dictator.
You may not understand this now,but Saudi Arabia without oil has the same value for U.S that bull crap has.
When a country like Iran ends hostilities with U.S, there comes a time when Arabs understand that they can't buy everything,including self respect,dignity and history with money.
Actually, those are not branches, very teeny tiny differences are among them, they are all correct to follow, for instance one branch think that you have to wash all you hair in Wodu, the another one think it's enough to rub your hair with a wit hand and the two are correct to follow.

actually , I think you don't know the difference between them .....

anyway , please answer the question ....

Saudis have all 22 Arab countries with them when it comes to Iran, that's why Iran is paying the price of it's intervention in Arab issues, especially Syria and Lebanon. To remind you all, the latest sanctions which are the toughest would have never worked without Arabs consent to make up Iranian oil in world market.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/iranian-defence/225995-importance-syria-iran-3.html#ixzz2FxdAuR8H

the problem is that all these Arab country have no much quality ....
It most be awkward when your country (Arab countries) have their importance only because of being a lapdog of big powers and having oil,no matter what they do to their own people,being a brutal dictator.
You may not understand this now,but Saudi Arabia without oil has the same value for U.S that bull crap has.
When a country like Iran ends hostilities with U.S, there comes a time when Arabs understand that they can't buy everything,including self respect,dignity and history with money.

Sharing the same interests doesn't mean being a lapdog of the USA, when KSA has a lobby in the US, own 10% of it's economy, and it's economic mainly depends on petrodollar, it can't say no to KSA. About a year ago Hillary Clinton made a statement lecturing Saudis about democracy regarding the unrest in the eastern area in KSA, and she thought that what happened in Egypt would happen in KSA, Prince Faisal response was to cut off any finger directed at KSA, and since then no one heard a word regarding this.

In 1986, KSA requested Ballistic missiles from USA and the latter refused then it secretly turned to China and bought Strategic Ballistic missiles, and after two years, they were revealed by Israel and USA. Thereafter USA ambassador in KSA requested to inspect them to make sure they don't carry nuclear warheads, and he was kicked out in the same day for this, and no one since questioned KSA about those missiles.

On the other hand, KSA intelligence got reports about Israeli intention to raid Missile silos and Saudi response was very firm, with any incursion of Israeli aircraft into KSA will get an immediate response without taking a confirm from the high command, and Israel backed offff...

So, stop convincing yourselves about the dignity thing...:pop:
actually , I think you don't know the difference between them .....

anyway , please answer the question ....

the problem is that all these Arab country have no much quality ....

I studied about them at school, there is no difference and it's correct to follow any of them. You see Sunnis everywhere listen to clerics from Arab Gulf area or Egypt or Algeria or Syria, for instance, I prefer to listen to a Saudi cleric, my father prefer an Egyptian while my mother to a Syrian and so on, they are all the same. Those branches are all correct and it's okay to follow any interpretation, for instance Habali interpret the Ayat about Hijab that it should cover all the body including the face while Hanafis without the face, and they are both correct.
actually , I think you don't know the difference between them .....

anyway , please answer the question ....

the problem is that all these Arab country have no much quality ....

Differences in the Schools
Interpreting Islamic law by deriving specific rulings - such as how to pray - is known as fiqh, commonly termed jurisprudence. A madh'hab is a particular tradition of interpreting this jurisprudence. These schools possess different focuses, such as specific evidence (Shafi'i and Hanbali) or general principles (Hanafi and Maliki) derived from specific evidences. As these schools represent clearly spelled out methodologies for interpreting Islamic law, there has been little change in the methodology with regard to each school. All four madh'habs are recognised viable legal schools and are not seen as in error in contrast to one another, each school has their evidences and differences are respected as being Ikhtilaf; this is because all the schools are united upon the usul (base) issues but generally differ on furu' (branches).
As the social and economic environment changes, new rulings are derived - this is known as Ijtihad - this can be from a Mujtahid who specialises in one or more Madh'habs. For example, when tobacco appeared, it was considered disliked because of its smell. When medical information showed that smoking was dangerous, most jurists took the view that it is forbidden. Current issues include social topics such as downloading pirated software and scientific issues such as cloning.
The World's leaders want Chaos in Syria ... they want al qaida , terrorists ,civil conflits ... It's about time that the syrian regim falls .. i think that Syria will be divided into 3 or 4 parts , the Alawits , Chiits , jihadists maybe Kurdish too .. Indeed the Jihadists will attack Israel ( That's what Israel wanted from the very beginning ) Consequently there will be a international intervention to save Israel ..And Israel will take in the area ( Extending the Julane ) For self-defence as an argument .. You are aware of Israeli politicy .. it will not abandon its ambitions to dominate the area .. The project of the Zionist state is clear and is currently in full implementation
Saudis have all 22 Arab countries with them when it comes to Iran, that's why Iran is paying the price of it's intervention in Arab issues, especially Syria and Lebanon. To remind you all, the latest sanctions which are the toughest would have never worked without Arabs consent to make up Iranian oil in world market.
You must be a proud puppet... Saudi Arabia only controls countries that sold their dignity and honor... and that does not include Syria.. we are still fighting the war and InshAllah we will win....
I think most of the posts aren't related to Syria .

Please just post about Syria
I studied about them at school, there is no difference and it's correct to follow any of them. You see Sunnis everywhere listen to clerics from Arab Gulf area or Egypt or Algeria or Syria, for instance, I prefer to listen to a Saudi cleric, my father prefer an Egyptian while my mother to a Syrian and so on, they are all the same. Those branches are all correct and it's okay to follow any interpretation, for instance Habali interpret the Ayat about Hijab that it should cover all the body including the face while Hanafis without the face, and they are both correct.

thanks ... so you are at Hanbali Mad'hab !?

but actually , all those Mad'habs have signification difference between each other .... for example , Hanafi believe in using rational ( حسن و قبح عقل ) in their Fatwa but Hanbali only believe in Hadith and Sunnah and Quran and don't using rational/wisdom ( حسن و قبح عقلی ) in their fatwa .....

forgive me , but saying they have tiny difference is just like saying Alavi and Twelver shia only have some little difference ( and it is ridiculous !!! )

well , lets finish this here ..... actually , I can understand your view much better .... ( and I should say understanding is not mean that I accept it )
I hope u can read arabic, go to the pro revolution facebook pages, and read what's written abt iran. Anyway, in less than 2 month u will see how syrian ppl love mullah iran :devil:
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