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The Importance of Being Secular

What is the definition of being Secular?
ask our INDIAN FRIENDS.....they seem to know what secular means what do i know i am a FARMER who has no idea what secularism means.....

"it refers to a belief that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be based on evidence and fact unbiased by religious influence."

But protecting Advani,Bal thackrey,modi and now jagdiesh tytler is acceptable and the country is called a secular state...because after all these are just a few people...and ofcourse they can serve in the government even if they have pending cases against them.
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^^Then what you expect? Hang them for every wrong statement?

The cases against them are filed, run and brought to result. Latest example is Varun Gandhi. What you think the ruling party doesn't take care?

You guys don't have patience when it comes to India.
If Communist is a communist, then I'm Pope Benedict XVI.

Btw, do pay a visit to Kolkatata, during Durga Puja. You will love to see how your fellow comrades are organizing and enjoying to their heart's content, this HINDU religious festival.

O, one more thing, I guess you have never heard of Mr Subhash Chakroborty, the transport and sports minister of West Bengal.

Am sure that you have never heard of his famous comment ..."first a Hindu and a Brahmin and then a Communist"

Really I did not know that. Also I missed your valuable post.

Well from the photos, the person does not look like an Aryan, he may be tall, but his nose and skin color and shape of the eyes do not tell us that he is an Aryan. And only Aryans can be Brahmins. Those who do not look like Aryans but then claim to be Brahmins, are polluted blood Brahmins. Purity of blood must be there as suggested by Manu. Shuddhata matters after all. Tomorrow a Tribal might claim to be a Brahmin. :D
What is the definition of being Secular?

1. This word derives from a Latin word meaning "of the age". The Christian doctrine that God exists outside time led medieval Western culture to use secular to indicate separation from religious affairs and involvement in worldly (or time-related) ones. This meaning has been extended to apply to separation from any religion, regardless of whether it has a similar doctrine.

2. not belonging to a religious order; not bound by monastic vows

3. Worldly rather than spiritual.

4. Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body

5. Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.

6. Not concerned with religion or religious matters. Secular is the opposite of sacred

Not one religion dominate the whole country's affairs or any religion for that matter. Every relgion has equal rights regardless of the % of population they represent.

Secular: US, Britain etc.
Flawed secularism but still mostly secualr: India
Not secular: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc.
If Communist is a communist, then I'm Pope Benedict XVI.

Btw, do pay a visit to Kolkatata, during Durga Puja. You will love to see how your fellow comrades are organizing and enjoying to their heart's content, this HINDU religious festival.

O, one more thing, I guess you have never heard of Mr Subhash Chakroborty, the transport and sports minister of West Bengal.

Am sure that you have never heard of his famous comment ..."first a Hindu and a Brahmin and then a Communist"

Actually this is the problem you people have. You have abandoned the study of Vedic scriptures and also the Smriti Sastras. I suggest you to read once again the Manusmriti carefully. If you are an Aryan, you can be a Brahmin. Brahmins are by birth Brahmins. No occupational theory can be applied here. That is a tricky propaganda. For example, in Rarhi Bengal the Kulin Brahmins were brought from Kanauj by Ballal Sen, Mukhopadhyyay being the highest ranked among all. They used to practice the Vedas and Smritis. Why did Ballal Sen need to bring people froma different geographical location? It was because in Kanauj, Aryans used to live. Aryans used to live in the Gangetic basin before they migrated to other parts of India as a group migrated to the Southern most corner of India to subjugate the Indian Negroids there and rule over them. In Bengal, the surname Chakraborty is misleading as Chakraborty was not a surname that was always inherited by birth, it was sometimes a given title by bringing economically better off Shudras under the Brahmin grouping.

If you are an Aryan, then you must follow the pure Vedic rituals right from the Rig Veda up to the Upanishad and Smritis. Yajna or fire sacrifice is a must for a Brahmin. But if you are not an Aryan by physical appearance, but by given titles. Then please stop claiming yourself to be a Brahmin, it looks hilarious. Better luck in nest birth, mate.

And please maintain purity.
Really I did not know that. Also I missed your valuable post.

Well from the photos, the person does not look like an Aryan, he may be tall, but his nose and skin color and shape of the eyes do not tell us that he is an Aryan. And only Aryans can be Brahmins. Those who do not look like Aryans but then claim to be Brahmins, are polluted blood Brahmins. Purity of blood must be there as suggested by Manu. Shuddhata matters after all. Tomorrow a Tribal might claim to be a Brahmin. :D

Actually this is the problem you people have. You have abandoned the study of Vedic scriptures and also the Smriti Sastras. I suggest you to read once again the Manusmriti carefully. If you are an Aryan, you can be a Brahmin. Brahmins are by birth Brahmins. No occupational theory can be applied here. That is a tricky propaganda. For example, in Rarhi Bengal the Kulin Brahmins were brought from Kanauj by Ballal Sen, Mukhopadhyyay being the highest ranked among all. They used to practice the Vedas and Smritis. Why did Ballal Sen need to bring people froma different geographical location? It was because in Kanauj, Aryans used to live. Aryans used to live in the Gangetic basin before they migrated to other parts of India as a group migrated to the Southern most corner of India to subjugate the Indian Negroids there and rule over them. In Bengal, the surname Chakraborty is misleading as Chakraborty was not a surname that was always inherited by birth, it was sometimes a given title by bringing economically better off Shudras under the Brahmin grouping.

If you are an Aryan, then you must follow the pure Vedic rituals right from the Rig Veda up to the Upanishad and Smritis. Yajna or fire sacrifice is a must for a Brahmin. But if you are not an Aryan by physical appearance, but by given titles. Then please stop claiming yourself to be a Brahmin, it looks hilarious. Better luck in nest birth, mate.

And please maintain purity.

Holy chupakabras cr@p. A communist asking me to be even more religious than what I am. Would you now change your forum ID from 'Communist' to something more appropriate, like 'Hypocrite' ?

Seriously. Are you for real. I understand, that you have put your foot so far down your mouth, that you would need paramedics to get it out. But this.

Careful friends, Communist is armed with STUPIDITY and he is not afraid to use it. Run for your life.
Again communist ,heard of dravidian brahmins....you dont get purer than them-purity with race!!!laughable,but you started it.......if a nonbrahmin claims to be a brahmin with a greatly pure soul,than the 'original' ones,do you see anything wrong with it?? Ans-YOU DO,AND YOU CLAIM TO BE A COMMUNIST............a self proclaimed communist who is communal as well as racist-cant get better than this!!!
Again communist ,heard of dravidian brahmins....you dont get purer than them-purity with race!!!laughable,but you started it.......if a nonbrahmin claims to be a brahmin with a greatly pure soul,than the 'original' ones,do you see anything wrong with it?? Ans-YOU DO,AND YOU CLAIM TO BE A COMMUNIST............a self proclaimed communist who is communal as well as racist-cant get better than this!!!

You need to read Manusmriti to know what is true. I am not inventing anything. It is already there in Smritisastras. Your skin color reflects your soul, again Manusmriti says. :rolleyes:
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Really I did not know that. Also I missed your valuable post.

Well from the photos, the person does not look like an Aryan, he may be tall, but his nose and skin color and shape of the eyes do not tell us that he is an Aryan. And only Aryans can be Brahmins. Those who do not look like Aryans but then claim to be Brahmins, are polluted blood Brahmins. Purity of blood must be there as suggested by Manu. Shuddhata matters after all. Tomorrow a Tribal might claim to be a Brahmin. :D

Nose and skin color and shape of eyes?

Yes one can rely on those for guessing others' true identity. I had a few doubts earlier, but now I am sure after looking at your 'avatar'.
Actually this is the problem you people have. You have abandoned the study of Vedic scriptures and also the Smriti Sastras.

Isn't it a good news for communism?

I suggest you to read once again the Manusmriti carefully. If you are an Aryan, you can be a Brahmin. Brahmins are by birth Brahmins. No occupational theory can be applied here. That is a tricky propaganda. For example, in Rarhi Bengal the Kulin Brahmins were brought from Kanauj by Ballal Sen, Mukhopadhyyay being the highest ranked among all. They used to practice the Vedas and Smritis. Why did Ballal Sen need to bring people froma different geographical location? It was because in Kanauj, Aryans used to live. Aryans used to live in the Gangetic basin before they migrated to other parts of India as a group migrated to the Southern most corner of India to subjugate the Indian Negroids there and rule over them. In Bengal, the surname Chakraborty is misleading as Chakraborty was not a surname that was always inherited by birth, it was sometimes a given title by bringing economically better off Shudras under the Brahmin grouping.

The Muslim history involves the history of the Islamic faith as a religion and as a social institution. The history of Islam began in Arabia with Muslim Prophet Muhammad's first recitations of the Qur'an in the 7th century.

Like most world religions, the historical evolution of Islam had a significant impact on the political, economic, and military and beyond its primary geographic areas. Islam's historical development has affected both inside and outside the Islamic world. The concept of the Islamic world is useful in observing the different periods of human history; similarly useful is an understanding of the identification with a quasi-political community of believers, or ummah, on the part of Islam's practitioners down the centuries. Islamic culture encourages identification with a quasi-political community of believers or the ummah, and this principle has influenced the behavior of a number of players in history. The history of Islam is closely tied to the political, economic, and military.

A century after the death of Muhammad, an Islamic empire extended from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to Central Asia in the east. The subsequent empires of the Umayyads, Abbasids, the Fatimids, the Mughals, the Safavids, and Ottomans were among the largest and most powerful in the world. The Islamic civilization gave rise to many centers of culture and science and produced notable scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, nurses and philosophers during the Golden Age of Islam. Technology flourished; there was much investment in economic infrastructure, such as irrigation systems and canals; and especially, the importance of reading the Qur'an produced a comparatively high level of literacy in the general populace.

Later, in the eighteenth century and nineteenth century, many Islamic regions fell under the tutelage of European imperial powers. After the First World War, the remnants of the Ottoman empire were parcelled out as European protectorates. Since 1924, there has been no major widely-accepted claim to the caliphate (which had been last claimed by the Ottomans).

Although affected by various ideologies such as communism, during much of the twentieth century, the Islamic identity and the dominance of Islam on political issues have arguably increased during the early twenty-first century. The fast-growing Western interests in Islamic regions, international conflicts and globalization have changed the influence of Islam on the world of the twenty-first century.[1]

If you are an Aryan, then you must follow the pure Vedic rituals right from the Rig Veda up to the Upanishad and Smritis. Yajna or fire sacrifice is a must for a Brahmin. But if you are not an Aryan by physical appearance, but by given titles. Then please stop claiming yourself to be a Brahmin, it looks hilarious. Better luck in nest birth, mate.

And if you are a communist, you must keep your dirty flat nose out of religious matters. Especially, when you don't know a **** about the thing. :lol:

And please maintain purity.

Does your communist daddy know you talk to Hindu Brahmins? Surely, he won't call you pure after he knows that. :rofl::rofl:

Holy chupakabras cr@p. A communist asking me to be even more religious than what I am. Would you now change your forum ID from 'Communist' to something more appropriate, like 'Hypocrite' ?

Seriously. Are you for real. I understand, that you have put your foot so far down your mouth, that you would need paramedics to get it out. But this.

Careful friends, Communist is armed with STUPIDITY and he is not afraid to use it. Run for your life.


Very funny yet so true.

I suggest to start a new thread titled -

Who is the biggest threat for Pakistan?
a. Taliban
b. India
c. USA
d. Zardari
e. Zaid Hamid
f. Communist
(Hint: Pakistan Army can wipe out first three of these any moment she wants. :lol:)
OK perfect NAME 10 muslim PRIME MINSTERS IN INDIA,NAME 10 MUSLIM RAW CHIEFS IN INDIA oops u can't so yes my friehd patriosh do i conclude rom ur experimental analysis that INDIA IS ALSO NOT SECULAR BUT A hindu STATE. the muslim president is exactly the same as our sikh army man.....:hitwall: please patrorish come back with something more substiantial....cuz like i said if u want me 2 believe india is secular then u also have 2 say pakistan is SECULAR...according 2 ur own examples.....

3 muslims have been appointed as the presidents of india...current vice president is a muslim...dr. hamid ansari...
10 pms of one community in just 60 years is not possible...
in contrast...i am aware of the furore the appointment of a hindu Cheif justice created in pakistan
the indian parliament has around 80 muslim members...currently.
we are secular....we have dedicated urdu channels and channels on islam as well as other religions...
there are 15 dedicated muslim universities in india...more than for any other minority religion...
the only two muslim billionaires from south asia are from india...azim premji and yusuf hamied...
pakistan is no way secular...
ask our INDIAN FRIENDS.....they seem to know what secular means what do i know i am a FARMER who has no idea what secularism means.....

"it refers to a belief that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be based on evidence and fact unbiased by religious influence."

But protecting Advani,Bal thackrey,modi and now jagdiesh tytler is acceptable and the country is called a secular state...because after all these are just a few people...and ofcourse they can serve in the government even if they have pending cases against them.

there are demons everywhere...we cant stop people from vocalizing their personal corrupt feelings for one community...varun gandhi was arrested very recently for trying to spark communal tensions...

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