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The impending collapse of China

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i bet this isnt even a comedy movie ohh man i can understand making the video, but cant really digest defending the video

Check out the original article buddy:

Vision 2030: Superpower India | Deccan Chronicle

A video clip titled India in 2030, from the Kannada film Super, is gaining a lot of popularity.

Though the video has been in circulation for quite sometime now, the success of the Agni-V missile has apparently led to the video going viral.

Mayuukh Vashney, a student, said, “I think producing videos such as Indian in 2030 is the people’s way of showing their enthusiasm and love for the country. Such events definitely inspire us.”
How come you are so racist against Indian people. Are you a real Indian?

Also, this video transcends beyond any IQ test. Its just show how proud of India is about their country and that pride is base on how many white servants one has and that white people wants rupee over dollars. In another word, is that pride base on reality or illusion?

apparantely he is indian brahmin
I don't think their problems stem from a lack of IQ. And in any case I don't believe that IQ results prove anything, except that a particular person is good at taking IQ tests.

The problem comes from an extremely distorted belief in a history and a legacy that never actually existed. They are trying to assume the mantle of British India, which shows itself when they make claims against us based on colonial lines (McMahon Line), and with their ridiculous belief that the whole of the subcontinent historically belonged to them.

Look at their weird claims, like "Buddha was born in India" (in fact he was born in what is now Nepal, long before India was even created)... and their claims on the legacy of the Indus Valley Civilization, which is clearly based around what is now modern day Pakistan.

i appreciate your display of reason, although it is riddled with inaccuracies. such as:

1. the existence of our country has nothing to do with extremely distorted belief in a history and a legacy that never actually existed. in fact it has little do with history.

2. the entire subcontinent was called india. but we dont go around claiming other countries or other peoples land.

3.nepal was part of the indian sub continent.

4.the heirs of Indus Valley Civilization are not pakistanis. its the dravidians, who were droven out by "aryans" according to one theory
I don't think their problems stem from a lack of IQ. And in any case I don't believe that IQ results prove anything, except that a particular person is good at taking IQ tests.

The problem comes from an extremely distorted belief in a history and a legacy that never actually existed. They are trying to assume the mantle of British India, which shows itself when they make claims against us based on colonial lines (McMahon Line), and with their ridiculous belief that the whole of the subcontinent historically belonged to them.

Look at their weird claims, like "Buddha was born in India" (in fact he was born in what is now Nepal, long before India was even created)... and their claims on the legacy of the Indus Valley Civilization, which is clearly based around what is now modern day Pakistan.

Some Indians believe that "India" include any land that had the majority of Hindu population in any time in the history. As a result, Nepal was part of "India" as at some times in the past Hinduism was predominate. India is claiming its existence base on religion. This is unprecedented in world history as they are trying to redefine the definition of a "nation-state" to be religious based.
How come you are so racist against Indian people. Are you a real Indian?

i come from that part of india where the Australoid- Caucasian divide is not profound, unlike the rest of india where its taboo to talk about it

Also, this video transcends beyond any IQ test. Its just show how proud of India is about their country and that pride is base on how many white servants one has and that white people wants rupee over dollars. In another word, is that pride base on reality or illusion?

its ironic that many chinese members here accused us of being "servant of white people" and how their opinions changed after this
if someone showed my people as beggars in a movie even if they were in reality i would drink their blood.

i come from that part of india where the Australoid- Caucasian divide is not profound, unlike the rest of india where its taboo to talk about it

its ironic that many chinese members here accused us of being "servant of white people" and how their opinions changed after this

yoo joker, stop posting here & making a fool out of yourself no one's interested in your views anymore

go back to your closet called bharath rakshag
i appreciate your display of reason, although it is riddled with inaccuracies. such as:

1. the existence of our country has nothing to do with extremely distorted belief in a history and a legacy that never actually existed. in fact it has little do with history.

2. the entire subcontinent was called india. but we dont go around claiming other countries or other peoples land.

3.nepal was part of the indian sub continent.

4.the heirs of Indus Valley Civilization are not pakistanis. its the dravidians, who were droven out by "aryans" according to one theory

1. Indian history begins in 1947 the day after independence. Anything time before that are history of various Hindu and Muslim kingdoms. Not "India", which is a British concept.

2. The entire subcontinent was called India because the British want to have a treaty with other European powers that define that India belongs to the British. Face it, buddy, the founding country of India is Britain. Just like how USA was founded by the British.

3. Yes, Nepal was control by the British.

4. What does other theory said. There are just so many theory and some even don't believe that there was such a thing as an Aryan invasion.
Götterdämmerung;2902964 said:
Exactly! I feel offended that India thinks stepping on us Europeans is a sign of progress while Chinese think that a win-win situation for all parties should be our common goal.

Hope these indians here do not qualify for immigration elsewhere. They will infest the world with their sort of retarded mentality.
1. Indian history begins in 1947 the day after independence. Anything time before that are history of various Hindu and Muslim kingdoms. Not "India", which is a British concept.

2. The entire subcontinent was called India because the British want to have a treaty with other European powers that define that India belongs to the British. Face it, buddy, the founding country of India is Britain. Just like how USA was founded by the British.

3. Yes, Nepal was control by the British.

4. What does other theory said. There are just so many theory and some even don't believe that there was such a thing as an Aryan invasion.

dont bother arguing with him, nothing he says should be taken seriously best thing you do is to show pity on him.

Hope these indians here do not qualify for immigration elsewhere. They will infest the world with their sort of retarded mentality.

do not generalise all indians, the minorities sikhs/christians/muslims arent like these retards
yoo joker, stop posting here & making a fool out of yourself no one's interested in your views anymore

go back to your closet called bharath rakshag

do u have to pretend to be indian in Zimbabwe too?
A serious question arises how to eliminate these lot who are already squatting on the genorisity of developed world?
its ironic that many chinese members here accused us of being "servant of white people" and how their opinions changed after this

The opinion of Chinese members changed after watched the video? I guess you are implying that Chinese should now believe that india actually has a lot of white servants, not India is a servant of white people, because of that video.
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