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The impending collapse of China

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indians feel inferior because they were enslaved for 1000 years. They are literally spawned from oceans of starvation and f!lth, so they try to take advantage of their neighbors Pakistan and China like a parasite sucking the blood of its host to make themselves feel less inferior.

Slavery begins to appear in explicit and extensive reference in surviving historical records following the raids of Mahmud of Ghazni in the 11th century. Many chroniclers claim that his campaign of 1024 in which he sacked Ajmer, Nehrwala, Kathiawar, and Somnath was particularly successful in garnering more than 100,000 Hindu slaves for the Muslim general.


The minority status of Muslim rulers perhaps led to periodic attempts at coercive measures as a punitive and preemptive terror tactic to keep the majority subject communities under control, with the Delhi Sultanate and its replacement under Babur trying to effectively turn areas under their close proximity and direct military control in India into Dar-ul-Islam (where Islamic law and custom was common). Some texts also contain passages that support claims for automatic annulment of marriages of captive women, or their immediate redistribution as "righthand possessions" among the winning army. In this sense, Islam could be cited by the ruling elite and their retainers itself as justification and recommendations for enslavement of non-Muslims under their military subjugation. Slave markets existed in most major towns in India, especially those where Muslims formed a large minority or majority such as Delhi.

One writer notes that "Mohammad Ghori needed a large number of slaves for his campaigns in India and for administration in and outside India. During his time, Lahore and Delhi rose to be prime centres of slave trade and the Sultan used to purchase slaves in bulk."


Probably the greatest factors contributing to the increased supply of Indian slaves for export to markets in Central Asia in this period were the military conquests and tax revenue policies of the Muslim rulers in the subcontinent. The early Arab invaders of Sindh in the 700's, the armies of the Umayyad commander Muhammad bin Qasim, are reported to have enslaved tens of thousands of Indian prisoners, including both soldiers and civilians. According to the Persian historian Firishta, after the Ghaznavid capture of Thanesar (c. 1014), "the army of Islam brought to Ghazna about 200,000 captives, and much wealth, so that the capital appeared like an Indian city, no soldier of the camp being without wealth, or without many slaves", and that, subsequently Sultan Ibrahim’s raid into the Multan area of northwestern India yielded 100,000 captives.

Slavery in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
indians feel inferior because they were enslaved for 1000 years

This thread has nothing to do with India.

Here I'll make the font bigger just in case you weren't able to see the title.

It's about The impending collapse of China

Stick to the topic, thanks.
I don't see why the Chinese govt. doesn't start a baby bonus scheme. It would defuse the demographic time bomb and also pump money into the economy spurring domestic consumption. Of course, you have to make sure the parents don't just put the money in the bank instead of spending it.

That is quite a good idea actually, to kill two birds with one stone.

The population issue is really a tough one though. The upside is that we still have several years to make a decision on that, since demographic change applies over decades.

Always good to make contingency plans for the worst case.

The current government stakes a great deal of its legitimacy on continued economic growth. So a crash could be devastating.

The upside is that in times of economic crisis, people will throw their weight behind the ones who they see as having the capability to fix it. And the Chinese government has positioned itself well in this regard, having both a reputation for providing economic growth, and also a lack of any other practical alternatives.

It will definitely get messy if there is an economic crash. I hope someone up there has been properly planning for it.
Predictions?Oh Please...I cant remember any prediction of the so called 'experts' going correct on a large scale.
They get paid to write and they have to write and blabber out whatever comes in there mind...Mostly the predictions don't do any good.
LOL Wikipedia? Epic source. :lol:

These are not "castes" in the true sense of the word, because you are not linked to any of these by birth or blood. They are social classes, like elsewhere in the world.

Use any search engine to look for the phrase "caste killings" or "dalit burnings" and you will get millions of results from the Indian news, nowhere else in the world.


Beyond these castes, China had its pariah caste, who were the untouchables and who passed on this status to their descendants automatically. The untouchables were considered impure by birth, and had to live in isolation away from rest of the community.
Source : Anders Hansson (1996). Chinese Outcasts: Discrimination and Emancipation in Late Imperial China. Brill Academic.

You know there is so many ways I can make fun of China if you want engage in "your shirt is torn -- so what your fly is open" game! :lol:
when u ask the same questions, expect the same answers

although you are partly correct initially, later you go way off.

british india was a project of economic exploitation

modern india was a vision of nehru and gandhi that was NOT founded on any relegion(like pakistan and israel) or ethinicity (like china). it was envisioned by these great men to be a pacifist, secular, tolerant and inclusive country that accepts you as a citizen no matter who u are, what u look like, or by what name you call god.

the details can be found in his book, the discovery of india


You guys can preach whatever you like, but it be hard for others to agree when your country is doing the oppose, annexing other people land e.g. Sikkim, Nagaland etc.

Dont' you guys have any shame in you?
That is quite a good idea actually, to kill two birds with one stone.

This bonus business needs to be properly implemented. The last time Australian govt. sent out checks to the population, people just ended up spending the money on foreign-made TVs and stereos and foreign vacations. There was even a tourism ad from Fiji encouraging people to enjoy their govt. check on an island vacation!

Maybe vouchers might work better.

The population issue is really a tough one though. The upside is that we still have several years to make a decision on that, since demographic change applies over decades.

I agree over-population can be a problem if you don't have the jobs to go with it, but to get a population in the working age range 25-45, you have to start making babies 25-45 years in advance. Anyway, I am sure there are some very smart people working out these things in the Chinese govt.
hehe,quite funny pic,isn't it?

Err..no...it is not funny...it is racist and offensive. if this was an ad in the US with a caricature of the chinese prez running a food stall in cninatown, would you still find it funny?
Err..no...it is not funny...it is racist and offensive. if this was an ad in the US with a caricature of the chinese prez running a food stall in cninatown, would you still find it funny?

Rosie O'Donnel and Rush Limbaugh said their ching chong jokes and the world moves on doesn't it?
Rosie O'Donnel and Rush Limbaugh said their ching chong jokes and the world moves on doesn't it?

The world moves on in spite of the holocaust and slavery - doesn't make either of them right or funny. At least that is the general consensus in the democratic world. I can't speak on behalf of the communist nations and their sense of humor or lack thereof.

You proved your ignorance once again . Your govt had hidden the fact that you are also starving indeed :P

Yea and residing in caves. Without plumbing.
The world moves on in spite of the holocaust and slavery - doesn't make either of them right or funny. At least that is the general consensus in the democratic world. I can't speak on behalf of the communist nations and their sense of humor or lack thereof.

Here's the thing. Yes, they were wrong. What are we gonna do about it? There were protests, there was an apology, yeah yeah, doesn't mean they really changed their minds.

Source : Anders Hansson (1996). Chinese Outcasts: Discrimination and Emancipation in Late Imperial China. Brill Academic.

You know there is so many ways I can make fun of China if you want engage in "your shirt is torn -- so what your fly is open" game! :lol:

For all we know the caste system is still prevalent in China - China continues to be a closed society.

Here's the thing. Yes, they were wrong. What are we gonna do about it? There were protests, there was an apology, yeah yeah, doesn't mean they really changed their minds.

What we can do is not reinforce stereotypes the way "northeast" did. Or find racially offensive material funny.
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