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The hidden man fuelling China’s military ambitions: work on ‘super camera’ to aid spy satellites

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GHQ my friend and I'll look at it.

Thanks @waz.

I'm not sure where to post complains but please read post #46.

One member jhungary, is abusing the rating system by abusing Chinese members and when anyone defend themselves, he gives negative ratings for the smallest thing. That's a clear abuse of the rating system.

How can a "professional" abuse members and then when members reply back, get negative rated? If that's not an abuse of the rating system, then what is?

Please remove jhungary of his rating powers because it's clear many Chinese members have complained about his behaviour, not just one or two.

So---if they can make a smaller unti that has a range of 200 miles and can be installed in a large fighter aicraft or a surveillance aircraft with a longer range can possibly see the F22 and F35 fighter aircrat---.

And if a even smaller camera can be put on a BVR missile head---that can create massive problems.

I have stated many a times over here on this board---as china cannot compete with the u s on fighter aircraft technology---it can build better missiles---competitive electronic systems and possibly a missile that can visually see an aircraft and recognize it from its memory bank.

That would be the ultimate coupe de grace against stealth.
Yep, I'm the one who said it (not @jhungary )

A month ago when Alibaba bought it some members here were cheering saying they expected it to be more in line with "East" thinking not "West" leaning.

Here's a few...
The new era: Alibaba announces SCMP acquisition
The new era: Alibaba announces SCMP acquisition

my response was that SCMP was owned by a Malaysian so it could hardly be said to be controlled by the "West"
The new era: Alibaba announces SCMP acquisition

Now a month after the purchase the paper is *still* considered a "Western" traitor!
So much for the editorial cleanup!

Jhungary repeated your originally vague statement without quoting you, thus, he also made unproven implications about Alibaba's influence over this specific news story.

If we're going to throw out random correlations, then let's repeat this fact, "Jimmy Savile was a pedophile and a star employee at the BBC," whenever someone mentions the British media. Then we'll repeat random errors and propaganda made by CNN and Fox News whenever someone mentions US media. Etc.

As other users pointed out, IF (notice the word "if") Alibaba seeks to make the SCMP into a more pro-China news source and a less pro-West news source, then this would take time. Alibaba bought SCMP last December. One month is not enough to thoroughly change the SCMP.

The SCMP has a history of being owned by Chinese and Western people. It's articles tend to repeat Western propaganda.

Anyhow, Western corporations frequently expand globally and buy up global companies, and then Western corporations gradually change their global corporations for their own benefits. China's corporations could definitely do the same thing.

not really jhungary gave what was coming to him.
he directly offended him. which is what its there for.

JHungary insulted me first. He had it coming, and a hypocrite like you deserves the same. Both of you have a history of doing this.

He simply stated that Alibaba brought the SCMP.
@jhungary had simply described you the co-relation, not influence. Adding to that, having correlation with something doesn't meant that it will influence as well.
Then you called him nonsense and now expecting ''cup cakes'' in return?


He insulted me first. Read my above comments about throwing out random correlations.
It seems you are getting a perfect "proxy" to execute your agenda sir
How can this person jhungary get away with these bizzare comments and come back unscathed

View attachment 288824
View attachment 288823

he was calling @Infra_Man99 "dumb" and read his outrageous attitude @post 23:

"lol, you are going to educate me? Just exactly how dumb are you? You are seeing thing I never said, thus you are delusional,"

He thought a business M and A is like buying a hamburger or a HR reshuffling in a major newspaper is like discharging the employment of a 7-11 storekeeper. That comment again only shows the depth of his knowledge in the business world!

No matter what service he has had, the abuser cannot constantly behave like an "internet bully" brutalising and victimising the Chinese community on the forum without punishment and a close checking on him

And the major irony is the abuser has had a record of committing many if not all the "offences" like those he has been dishing out as "-ve ratings" to his "victims"


Again, with this post. I have already explained it a thousand time with mod like @Slav Defence and co about how this post is taken OUT OF CONTEXT. This is a word place after he change my word in his quote.

I wonder why you did not take screenshot on his previous post and just mind? Which would explain quite clearly why I said what I said??

And you have cut and paste the reply I quote. It does not say LOL Britain will defend Taiwan on his original reply and you can oblivious see his "Screen Capture" are Obliviously tempered with. Dude, if you want to portrait me as a bad guy by quoting my post out of context, at least do a better photo shop job....

Jhungary repeated your originally vague statement without quoting you, thus, he also made unproven implications about Alibaba's influence over this specific news story.

If we're going to throw out random correlations, then let's repeat this fact, "Jimmy Savile was a pedophile and a star employee at the BBC," whenever someone mentions the British media. Then we'll repeat random errors and propaganda made by CNN and Fox News whenever someone mentions US media. Etc.

As other users pointed out, IF (notice the word "if") Alibaba seeks to make the SCMP into a more pro-China news source and a less pro-West news source, then this would take time. Alibaba bought SCMP last December. One month is not enough to thoroughly change the SCMP.

The SCMP has a history of being owned by Chinese and Western people. It's articles tend to repeat Western propaganda.

Anyhow, Western corporations frequently expand globally and buy up global companies, and then Western corporations gradually change their global corporations for their own benefits. China's corporations could definitely do the same thing.

JHungary insulted me first. He had it coming, and a hypocrite like you deserves the same. Both of you have a history of doing this.

He insulted me first. Read my above comments about throwing out random correlations.

When did I insult you first? And lol at how you try to defend your action like your fellow Chinese member...

As I said, I never say what you said I imply, so unless I wrote something then I deleted it, (which can be tracked) then you must be misreading my post twice, if so, then very obliviously you have a comprehension problem

And now you are calling @Blue Marlin a hypocrite
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For those who read Chinese only。

中科院三位新院士 为祖国打造了什么样的利矛坚盾



Thank you. These details were very helpful. Wait.....what are we talking about???? I didn't understand a thing as I don't speak Chinese..... :undecided:
Thank you. These details were very helpful. Wait.....what are we talking about???? I didn't understand a thing as I don't speak Chinese..... :undecided:

Believe it or not, I was halfway done with the translation for you before I realise you are posting sarcastically.. .........
It seems you are getting a perfect "proxy" to execute your agenda sir
How can this person jhungary get away with these bizzare comments and come back unscathed

View attachment 288824
View attachment 288823

he was calling @Infra_Man99 "dumb" and read his outrageous attitude @post 23:

"lol, you are going to educate me? Just exactly how dumb are you? You are seeing thing I never said, thus you are delusional,"

He thought a business M and A is like buying a hamburger or a HR reshuffling in a major newspaper is like discharging the employment of a 7-11 storekeeper. That comment again only shows the depth of his knowledge in the business world!

No matter what service he has had, the abuser cannot constantly behave like an "internet bully" brutalising and victimising the Chinese community on the forum without punishment and a close checking on him

And the major irony is the abuser has had a record of committing many if not all the "offences" like those he has been dishing out as "-ve ratings" to his "victims"


Let me recall you that he didn't get away for this.He was warned and instructed to stop passing such remarks. He apologized after that.
However, today I see you and some posters, continuously bringing up old fights and derailing every thread.You all complained in GHQ, complain noted and appropriate actions are taken.I have also seen how infra man had began manipulating simple post and then began to call him garbage and what not.
I will no longer waste my energy with you and rest.
I have a lot respect for Chinese posters, and I care about Chinese more than that of any nationality, but if few posters will do wrong, then they will be dealt accordingly as well.

So you are defending a troll who is abusing the the rating system?

Calling someone nonsense is not negative rating material. It's a bias of an anti-China troll.

LOL you really are clueless. You might think that in your pipe dream world, but it doesn't happen in the real world buddy. Especially when this is the first time a Chinese company has bought a major English-language newspaper.

Stop embarrassing yourself kid.

I need full proof of his "service" in the military. And getting "professional" status is only given to people that have actual technical knowledge, not because you served in the military. Serving in the military doesn't mean you have technical knowledge. Most people serving in the military are utterly clueless about technical knowledge. Military enthusiasts that never served in the military have significantly more technical knowledge than people actually serving in the military. Not many smart people serve in the military. If you're smart, serving in the military is not something you do.

It's beyond laughable you get "professional" status because someone got a server in the military LOL.

The member you are talking about has never given his technical knowledge about military affairs whatsoever. He is a professional troll. His abuse of the rating system is enough proof that he is a troll and not interested in discussing technical affairs with anyone. A troll is a troll.

I have summarized all the rants with 'nonsense', whatever.

GHQ my friend and I'll look at it.
@waz As a new recruit I haven't learned how to BHQ. Please pardon me and please look into the following which concerns me.

About 30 minutes before the locking down of the thread
China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea | Page 27, when the emotion and tension reaching very high, @Nihonjin1051 posted a following post containing two videos about Japan’s rocket launch to ISS, which has nothing to do with South Korea technology. He wrote “Nippon Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!” with the sole intention to irrigate and offend the Chinese posters, because Nippon means Japan and Banzai is notorious Japanese battle cry used (especially of troops) to attack fiercely and recklessly. Does PDF rule permit such behaviour of a think tank?

If no explanation or action is made or taken , I will write a post about what happened to meyet.com in China, one of the prominent Chinese forum people said Chinese President Xu sometimes may go to.


Here is my copy/past of his post

Today at 11:08 AM #399



May 29, 2014




+107 / 32,849 / -0



Korea did a great job ! Excellent abilities just like Japan ! Permit me to share, folks !

Nippon Banzai!



(First video)

On 19 August 2015, a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) H-IIB rocket launched the Kounotori H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-5) into orbit on a five-day rendezvous with the International Space Station.

(Second video)

ISS's Furukawa Speaks with Japan's "Young Astronauts"

Uploaded on Aug 30, 2011

Expedition 28 Flight Engineer Satoshi Furukawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) discusses his mission with members of the Young Astronauts Club in Japan via special linkup with the International Space Station on August 30.

@waz As a new recruit I haven't learned how to BHQ. Please pardon me and please look into the following which concerns me.

About 30 minutes before the locking down of the thread
China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea | Page 27, when the emotion and tension reaching very high, @Nihonjin1051 posted a following post containing two videos about Japan’s rocket launch to ISS, which has nothing to do with South Korea technology. He wrote “Nippon Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!” with the sole intention to irrigate and offend the Chinese posters, because Nippon means Japan and Banzai is notorious Japanese battle cry used (especially of troops) to attack fiercely and recklessly. Does PDF rule permit such behaviour of a think tank?

If no explanation or action is made or taken , I will write a post about what happened to meyet.com in China, one of the prominent Chinese forum people said Chinese President Xu sometimes may go to.


Here is my copy/past of his post

Today at 11:08 AM #399



May 29, 2014




+107 / 32,849 / -0



Korea did a great job ! Excellent abilities just like Japan ! Permit me to share, folks !

Nippon Banzai!



(First video)

On 19 August 2015, a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) H-IIB rocket launched the Kounotori H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-5) into orbit on a five-day rendezvous with the International Space Station.

(Second video)

ISS's Furukawa Speaks with Japan's "Young Astronauts"

Uploaded on Aug 30, 2011

Expedition 28 Flight Engineer Satoshi Furukawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) discusses his mission with members of the Young Astronauts Club in Japan via special linkup with the International Space Station on August 30.

And the biggest insult any Japanese can unleash onto the Chinese, or Korean for this mater, is chanting Japan Banzai,Banzai,Banzai.
Let me recall you that he didn't get away for this.He was warned and instructed to stop passing such remarks. He apologized after that.
However, today I see you and some posters, continuously bringing up old fights and derailing every thread.You all complained in GHQ, complain noted and appropriate actions are taken.I have also seen how infra man had began manipulating simple post and then began to call him garbage and what not.
I will no longer waste my energy with you and rest.
I have a lot respect for Chinese posters, and I care about Chinese more than that of any nationality, but if few posters will do wrong, then they will be dealt accordingly as well.

No sorry at least I wont accept these. I dont know if other posters or Chinese posters are accepting these as satisfactory explanations to release your duty on the whole fiasco

Please make them visible (about your warnings blah blab) - these flagrant and extremely vulgar comments can only be written by very low quality individuals

Where are his "bans" arising from these behaviours and a "ban" or "bans" is/are the proper penalties for the dirty remarks. All of those dirty comments deserved multiple "-ve " ratings on the abuser!!

It has grown into a proportion that the admin, and you, sorry to be specific, are having liitle talks with the perpetrator many times over his reckless dishing out of offensive "-ve" ratings and reacting to his favour

You are denigrating the Chinese posters and the forum by spoiling the perpetrator all along, allowing the perpetrator run amok like a mad hitman targetting the Chinese community

Your 'respect" to the Chinese members here? Sorry again we dont feel it that way!

ps you can trace the history of his comments whereby his was insulting other members and doing the things that were being used by him to give crazy "-ve" ratings on the "victims'. I am one of those victims!!!!!!

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No sorry at least I wont accept these. I dont know if other posters or Chinese posters are accepting these as satisfactory explanations to release your duty on the whole fiasco

Please make them visible (about your warnings blah blab) - these flagrant comments can only be written by very low quality individuals

Where are his "bans" arising from these behaviours and a "ban" or "bans" is/are all justified by the dirty remarks plus all of those dirty commens should deserve multiple "-ve " ratings

It has grown into a proportion that the admin, and you, sorry to be specific, are having liitle talks with the perpetrator many times over his reckless dishing out of offensive "-ve" ratings and reacting to his favour

You are downgrading the Chinese posters and the forum by spoiling the perpetrator many times over, and letting him run amok like a mad hitman on the forum against the Chinese community

Your 'respect" to the Chinese members here? Sorry again we dont feel it that way!

ps you can trace the history of his comments whereby his was insulting other members and doing the things that were being used by him to give crazy "-ve" ratings on the "victims'. I am one of those victims!!!!!!


If you consider me responsible for all this,then I apologize to you.Go ahead and make your demands with webmaster, and demand him to show you all logs against him and put your case infront of him.
I will not clean up this thread,so that everyone remains evident for what has happened here.
Ask him to demote your unwanted title holders or whatever and do not quote me back from now on,as I simply am NOT allowed to share with you all inner discussions. Also watch your language.

Go ahead.
If you consider me responsible for all this,then I apologize to you.Go ahead and make your demands with webmaster, and demand him to show you all logs against him and put your case infront of him.
I will not clean up this thread,so that everyone remains evident for what has happened here.
Ask him to demote your unwanted title holders or whatever and do not quote me back from now on,as I simply am NOT allowed to share with you all inner discussions. Also watch your language.

Go ahead.

lol, I admire your courage to deal with these type of people. But come down to the back end of the day, there are nothing more than this screenshot he posted.

key key__your mom my dog now part 5.JPG

Even my cat know this is a fake photo-shopped image.....lol And to be honest, he is quite dumb, you are talking about a cat who don't know what he is doing most of the time....he slide into the glass door on my backyard and for 2 minutes he has been chasing the pencil on the floor thinking it was a mouse.

I did not denied I said that, but in the end of the day, context is everything, as I said many time, I have discussed that with you, the reason I said what I said on that post is the exact reason why the poster @Keel photo shopped the quote. If he have to resort to fake image and trying to make me look guilty, then I guess I am doing something right. eh?
:offpost:Guys ... either You stop this immediately and return to the topic or I will close and clean up this tread ... not sure however if then much will remain!

@waz As a new recruit I haven't learned how to BHQ. Please pardon me and please look into the following which concerns me.

About 30 minutes before the locking down of the thread
China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea | Page 27, when the emotion and tension reaching very high, @Nihonjin1051 posted a following post containing two videos about Japan’s rocket launch to ISS, which has nothing to do with South Korea technology. He wrote “Nippon Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!” with the sole intention to irrigate and offend the Chinese posters, because Nippon means Japan and Banzai is notorious Japanese battle cry used (especially of troops) to attack fiercely and recklessly. Does PDF rule permit such behaviour of a think tank?

If no explanation or action is made or taken , I will write a post about what happened to meyet.com in China, one of the prominent Chinese forum people said Chinese President Xu sometimes may go to.


Here is my copy/past of his post

Today at 11:08 AM #399



May 29, 2014




+107 / 32,849 / -0



Korea did a great job ! Excellent abilities just like Japan ! Permit me to share, folks !

Nippon Banzai!



(First video)

On 19 August 2015, a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) H-IIB rocket launched the Kounotori H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-5) into orbit on a five-day rendezvous with the International Space Station.

(Second video)

ISS's Furukawa Speaks with Japan's "Young Astronauts"

Uploaded on Aug 30, 2011

Expedition 28 Flight Engineer Satoshi Furukawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) discusses his mission with members of the Young Astronauts Club in Japan via special linkup with the International Space Station on August 30.


And the biggest insult any Japanese can unleash onto the Chinese, or Korean for this mater, is chanting Japan Banzai,Banzai,Banzai.

I've looked and I will ask @Nihonjin1051 to be careful about using such terminology when Chinese members are around. But do remember that we Pakistanis also allow Indian members to use their "battle cries", and these also bring painful reminders for Pakistan posters i.e. the Kashmir dispute. We just leave it, or respond with our own. When such words are used it's not always with malicious intent, but rather patriotism.
I just I think it's unique that at least you get to interact with a Japanese poster. Japanese posters do not post on Chinese forums, if they do it is rare. From my conversations with Japanese posters who have posted on PDF, they wrote about the abuse they get from the Chinese members on various forums. Here we have just the one poster, yes he is a TT, but beside that some of the best discussions I have seen have between Chinese posters and the one Japanese poster.
I hope this helps. Also please remember there are two Chinese moderators, more so than any other nationality, bar Pakistanis.
I've looked and I will ask @Nihonjin1051 to be careful about using such terminology when Chinese members are around. But do remember that we Pakistanis also allow Indian members to use their "battle cries", and these also bring painful reminders for Pakistan posters i.e. the Kashmir dispute. We just leave it, or respond with our own. When such words are used it's not always with malicious intent, but rather patriotism.
I just I think it's unique that at least you get to interact with a Japanese poster. Japanese posters do not post on Chinese forums, if they do it is rare. From my conversations with Japanese posters who have posted on PDF, they wrote about the abuse they get from the Chinese members on various forums. Here we have just the one poster, yes he is a TT, but beside that some of the best discussions I have seen have between Chinese posters and the one Japanese poster.
I hope this helps. Also please remember there are two Chinese moderators, more so than any other nationality, bar Pakistanis.

There are 2 Chinese moderators?

I only know of Hu Songshan.

Who is the other?
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