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LOL you are such a noob. You don't immediately change the editorial stance of a paper straight after you buy it. Alibaba will do it in a gradual manner by getting rid of anti-China journalists and replacing them with pro-China journalists. This process will take 2-3 years. Alibaba will build up the pressure, not fire everyone at once.

Peter C :lol:
Why not @Beidou2020 :tdown: It happens. I would assume if somebody goes through the process of buying a newspaper they know exactly what they are getting. If they don't like the editorial staff they can fire them immediately. Why be handcuffed for 2-3 years??
Scientists and engineers like him are what China really needs in her endeavor to national rejuvenation, lucky for China there are many. What China doesn't need are those scumbag lawyers, most of whom were not so bright to begin with when they were still in high schools.

what the hell does 'national rejuvination' mean. You keep using that again and again.
He could ignore him
the "mp" offended the member too by insulting him as "dumb"
the "mp" has had a track record of dishing out "-ve ratings" anytime he thinks fit
He is like a loose cannon and upon the evidence of serious offense he is not even punished by the admin
i disagree he bad mouthed him so got what was coming to him. if he said that to a mod, he would have been pinked [banned] straight away. jhungary is a man of no bs and gets straight to it. it would be best to behave in a civilized manner to avoid and -ve from anyone.
He (mp) then should rec'd a "-ve rating " too because he insulted the member
He is notorious and having a bizzare and latently very brutal behaviour
He insulted people numerous times and ran away with them
He is a shining example of an "internet bully"
if you have not realized he is a military professional. that means he has server in a branch of the armed forces. solider's are brutal only when they need to be. go to the ghq section to ask mods. they wont do much as jhungary is in the right on this. or they will remove it and give you a warning
Yep, I'm the one who said it (not @jhungary )

A month ago when Alibaba bought it some members here were cheering saying they expected it to be more in line with "East" thinking not "West" leaning.

Here's a few...
The new era: Alibaba announces SCMP acquisition
The new era: Alibaba announces SCMP acquisition

my response was that SCMP was owned by a Malaysian so it could hardly be said to be controlled by the "West"
The new era: Alibaba announces SCMP acquisition

Now a month after the purchase the paper is *still* considered a "Western" traitor!
So much for the editorial cleanup!

lol, you quote the wrong bloke :)

But for me, It is not the matter of "Editorial" power of Alibaba, but corporate responsibility.

You cannot simply say "I just take over the company for a month and I have no control of the company"

I mean, if SCMP run an article and slander me directly and I sue SCMP and Alibaba, the parental company, would you think Alibaba can get away in court by saying "I just take control of the company, I have nothing to do with it? come back in 2 years?"

I mean, whatever the reason and management style, you cannot say since I just took control of the company, I have nothing to do with its running.

@WebMaster @waz @Horus

Once again the rating system is being abused.

Well, you call someone "Noob", "Slow", "Incompetence" What do you expect other than a negative rating??

Mind you, I gave him a chance at post #22 already. He choose to ignore my warning and further insulted me, he saw that coming a mile away.

@Slav Defence

i disagree he bad mouthed him so got what was coming to him. if he said that to a mod, he would have been pinked [banned] straight away. jhungary is a man of no bs and gets straight to it. it would be best to behave in a civilized manner to avoid and -ve from anyone.

if you have not realized he is a military professional. that means he has server in a branch of the armed forces. solider's are brutal only when they need to be. go to the ghq section to ask mods. they wont do much as jhungary is in the right on this. or they will remove it and give you a warning

Don't need to defend my action :) I have called a mod and he will be here try to sort this out. Again, I did gave the man an warning before a negative was left.

He could ignore him
the "mp" offended the member too by insulting him as "dumb"
the "mp" has had a track record of dishing out "-ve ratings" anytime he thinks fit
He is like a loose cannon and upon the evidence of serious offense he is not even punished by the admin

I did not leave him a negative rating at that post now aren't I? He did reoffend after I have told him to stop with the Name Calling at #23, instead, he gone ahead and call me an "incompetent" and "trashy" at #24 So, I had indeed ignored him the first time around, and he copped one on the SECOND time he insulted me. Should I also ignore it and only act on it after a hundred time?

If he would expect nothing out of it after I told him to stop, then what kind of word you would use to describe that person other than "Dumb" or "Stupid"? That's suicide troll behaviour.

I don't know how people like you lot thinks, you think if you insult someone, that is that person's own fault he is being insulted, and when action were taken, then it is unjust?? Just exactly what kind of logic is that?

Mods called
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Don't need to defend my action :) I have called a mod and he will be here try to sort this out. Again, I did gave the man an warning before a negative was left.
i am giving the guy a bit of sense behind your actions.
i am sure you can defend yourself, nor did i say you couldn't
whatever of his "service" records is
this is a forum for open and civil discussion not a battlefield where soldiers are licensed to kill according to military laws
there are strict laws governing uniformed servicemen who carry and use their firearms
Likewise, I strongly suggest a check and balance system to be implemented on the ranks of "mp" etc and conditions under which "ratings" can be given

And you think a civil discussion including someone calling someone else's "Slow", "Incompetent", "Sore Loser", "Incompetent", "Trashy"?

Well, then I can see how "Civil" you are

i am giving the guy a bit of sense behind your actions.
i am sure you can defend yourself, nor did i say you couldn't

lol, thanks for that anyway

But those people are beyond help, you try to argue logic with them, and they think you are the one that's on the flip side.

The only way to deal with these type of person is to let them live in their own world but not let them get away with stuff that's out of the line, they would bitch about it, but when the right of way is on my side, that all they can do, is to bitch about it....

This is not the first time, nor the last time, when they insulted me, somehow they would think this is my fault when action is taken...lol and to see that person you talked to call me an "Internet Bully", that is just fun to watch....
And you think a civil discussion including someone calling someone else's "Slow", "Incompetent", "Sore Loser", "Incompetent", "Trashy"?

Well, then I can see how "Civil" you are

lol, thanks for that anyway

But those people are beyond help, you try to argue logic with them, and they think you are the one that's on the flip side.

The only way to deal with these type of person is to let them live in their own world but not let them get away with stuff that's out of the line, they would bitch about it, but when the right of way is on my side, that all they can do, is to bitch about it....

This is not the first time, nor the last time, when they insulted me, somehow they would think this is my fault when action is taken...lol and to see that person you talked to call me an "Internet Bully", that is just fun to watch....
meh.......... its worth a try.
i saw a problem and i tried to tend to it
take it easy.
Are you implying that Alibaba controls the SCMP with an iron fist, that Alibaba allows its personnel to test out controversial and independent ideas, that Alibaba worked with the SCMP to create this news story, that Alibaba is suppose to be a perfect organization, that Alibaba is an incompetent organization, or some other implication?

He simply stated that Alibaba brought the SCMP.
@jhungary had simply described you the co-relation, not influence. Adding to that, having correlation with something doesn't meant that it will influence as well.
Then you called him nonsense and now expecting ''cup cakes'' in return?

He simply stated that Alibaba brought the SCMP.
@jhungary had simply described you the co-relation, not influence. Adding to that, having correlation with something doesn't meant that it will influence as well.
Then you called him nonsense and now expecting ''cup cakes'' in return?


So you are defending a troll who is abusing the the rating system?

Calling someone nonsense is not negative rating material. It's a bias of an anti-China troll.

Why not @Beidou2020 :tdown: It happens. I would assume if somebody goes through the process of buying a newspaper they know exactly what they are getting. If they don't like the editorial staff they can fire them immediately. Why be handcuffed for 2-3 years??

LOL you really are clueless. You might think that in your pipe dream world, but it doesn't happen in the real world buddy. Especially when this is the first time a Chinese company has bought a major English-language newspaper.

Stop embarrassing yourself kid.

if you have not realized he is a military professional. that means he has server in a branch of the armed forces. solider's are brutal only when they need to be. go to the ghq section to ask mods. they wont do much as jhungary is in the right on this. or they will remove it and give you a warning

I need full proof of his "service" in the military. And getting "professional" status is only given to people that have actual technical knowledge, not because you served in the military. Serving in the military doesn't mean you have technical knowledge. Most people serving in the military are utterly clueless about technical knowledge. Military enthusiasts that never served in the military have significantly more technical knowledge than people actually serving in the military. Not many smart people serve in the military. If you're smart, serving in the military is not something you do.

It's beyond laughable you get "professional" status because someone got a server in the military LOL.

The member you are talking about has never given his technical knowledge about military affairs whatsoever. He is a professional troll. His abuse of the rating system is enough proof that he is a troll and not interested in discussing technical affairs with anyone. A troll is a troll.
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He simply stated that Alibaba brought the SCMP.
@jhungary had simply described you the co-relation, not influence. Adding to that, having correlation with something doesn't meant that it will influence as well.
Then you called him nonsense and now expecting ''cup cakes'' in return?


It seems you are getting a perfect "proxy" to execute your agenda sir
How can this person jhungary get away with these bizzare comments and come back unscathed

I am your father `.JPG

key key__your mom my dog now part 5.JPG

So you are defending a troll who is abusing the the rating system?
Calling someone nonsense is not negative rating material. It's a bias of an anti-China troll.

he was calling @Infra_Man99 "dumb" and read his outrageous attitude @post 23:

"lol, you are going to educate me? Just exactly how dumb are you? You are seeing thing I never said, thus you are delusional,"

LOL you really are clueless. You might think that in your pipe dream world, but it doesn't happen in the real world buddy. Especially when this is the first time a Chinese company has bought a major English-language newspaper.

Stop embarrassing yourself kid.

He thought a business M and A is like buying a hamburger or a HR reshuffling in a major newspaper is like discharging the employment of a 7-11 storekeeper. That comment again only shows the depth of his knowledge in the business world!

I need full proof of his "service" in the military. And getting "professional" status is only given to people that have actual technical knowledge, not because you served in the military. Serving in the military doesn't mean you have technical knowledge. Most people serving in the military are utterly clueless about technical knowledge. Military enthusiasts that never served in the military have significantly more technical knowledge than people actually serving in the military. Not many smart people serve in the military. If you're smart, serving in the military is not something you do.

It's beyond laughable you get "professional" status because someone got a server in the military LOL.

The member you are talking about has never given his technical knowledge about military affairs whatsoever. He is a professional troll. His abuse of the rating system is enough proof that he is a troll and not interested in discussing technical affairs with anyone. A troll is a troll.

No matter what service he has had, the abuser cannot constantly behave like an "internet bully" brutalising and victimising the Chinese community on the forum without punishment and a close checking on him

And the major irony is the abuser has had a record of committing many if not all the "offences" like those he has been dishing out as "-ve ratings" to his "victims"

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