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The Health and Fitness Thread

hey guys i need some advice. I was recently diagnosed with a L4\L5 herniated disc (slipped disc) and was told to rest for a while. What I want to know is that can I do simple exercises such as crunches, pushups, pullups and cycling during this period or should I totally refrain from physical activity?

refrain from putting pressure from any of the exercises you mentioned above -- after examining you, a doctor might allow walking depending on the severity of your problem


I have not gone thru all the thread--but here is my input---I am almost 56 and my blood pressure at rest is like 115/70---i am 6 ft tall and250 lbs +.

I used to workout 3-4 hours a day or jog---sometimes averaging 35-40 miles a week---my weight at that time---220-240 lbs range. In the 80's---90's my pulse while lying down was like 55---60---Did heavy weights and dumbells----. On a good day I would lift 100 lbs on each hand ---.

Now I know that it was sheer stupidity---my shoulder bones are sort of bent backwards due to lifting that kind of weight----my knee joints and ankles are totally worn out---and so are my bottom vertebrae---in the x rays---the cartiledge is gone.

I wish that when I was working out---the gyms had large frame pictures of worn out joints and vertebrae posted on the walls to discourage extreme heavy weightlifting----and excessive running on the street.

So here is a not to do list-----don't lift to show off----don't do extra heavy lifting---remember you ethnic background when doing heavy weight training---don't over do yourself in order to impress others---.

Don't run on the pavement for long distances----the tarmac or concrete kills your joints---run on a treadmill----.

And the most important---if you jog---then replace your joggers often---don't let them completely wear off before shopping for new ones---. If you are over 200 lbs around 6ft---be careful running long distances---.

For long distance running---SAUCONY is an excellent brand---one of my friends ran L A marathons recommended them to me.

Now some healthy tidbits----.

Anyone with HIGH CHOLESTROL---if you have not started on any medication yet---try BLACK EYE PEAS---3 to 5 bowls a day----just sprinkle some salt pepper red pepper and lemon and chopped tomatoes and onions---that's eat and eat and eat and eat---you will be surprised after 4 months---. Good luck.

In the u s you can get them in a can----so 2 to 3 cans a days would do wonders.

triflex by gnc has helped some of my relatives
Hey @ANTIBODY, you are a doc and also into this whole fitness things so I wanna ask a question.

I don't do any serious kind of workouts, did some a couple of months back, but left it.

I play football ALOT, and am more of a stamina guy. I have played football on grass for a long long time, and played it on concrete for a couple of months in Murree a long time back. Now I play it on compacted kind of sand, loose sand, not the kind you see on beaches, but what you see on road sides in villages in pak and stuff like that.

The problem is that now I get a burning feeling on my shins most times, it started a few months back. Sometimes it becomes too unbearable and sometimes it isn't there or hardly noticeable. The feeling is not quite on the shin bone, but rather parallel to the shin where the soft stuff is.

Any suggestions?
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Hey @ANTIBODY, you are a doc and also into this whole fitness things so I wanna ask a question.

I don't do any serious kind of workouts, did some a couple of months back, but left it.

I play football ALOT, and am more of a stamina guy. I have played football on grass for a long long time, and played it on concrete for a couple of months in Murree a long time back. Now I play it on compacted kind of sand, loose sand, not the kind you see on beaches, but what you see on road sides in villages in pak and stuff like that.

The problem is that now I get a burning feeling on my shins most times, it started a few months back. Sometimes it becomes too unbearable and sometimes it isn't there or hardly noticeable. The feeling is not quite on the shin bone, but rather parallel to the shin where the soft stuff is.

Any suggestions?

Its generally advised , when running , to land on your paws than on the heel , as the former absorb most of the impact on `landing`.
But as U said @ANTIBODY is a Doc he can conform this!!!
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I some times have pain in tibialis anterior when going for a long walk in steep hilly areas -- I just use diclofenic tablet/gel and take rest for some days from strenuous walking

selecting the shoe with right arch and shock support is also important
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I some times have pain in tibialis anterior when going for a long walk in steep hilly areas -- I just use diclofenic tablet/gel and take rest for some days from strenuous walking

selecting the shoe with right arch and shock support is also important

Yup, Tibialis anterior m. is the place where I have that feeling. It isn't really pain, but rather a burning sensation.

And it isn't there when walking, but running.

I'll try and change the way I run and then look at the results!
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This is how its done !! Get inspired! ********.com - Monkey doing push ups & sit ups like it's nothing
I am having these shin splints again, going to buy new joggers today.

The pain gets most intense when I have finished running.

Went through a couple of links there, and by looking at the video in of them and reading the description, I think my problem is over pronation. But my foot is not flat, it is kind of in the greater medium arch region, not a high arch though.

I feel as if I come down with a thud onto the ground. THe heel comes in slowly and soft, but then the forward part of the foot and the side come down bang hard.

I don't have much problems on grass or sand though...
I am having these shin splints again, going to buy new joggers today.

The pain gets most intense when I have finished running.

Good to see another runner on PDF.
How often do you go running/week and how long?
Good to see another runner on PDF.
How often do you go running/week and how long?

I ain't really a avid runner who would run 2 hours like a mad man.

I play football more regularly, almost everyday at a good pace level, and also do some sprinting. These days I am trying doing a bit of distance running, not much just a little. But I went and for the past two days I got intense pain in the shin after about 800m-1 km, running for about 4-5 minutes, after a little slow pace warm up.

I play and sprint outside, but did the long kind of run on treadmill. You think that has any effect?

What's your routine?
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