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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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are punjabi muslims in pakistan have no cultural similarity with Indian punjab?
You know I have much in common with a chimpanzee. I have even been told I have much in common with a banana. The point being can you find me a people on earth who do not share something with their neighbours. Asides from nations constructed by artificial migration [Austrllia/New Zealand etc] all other countries have overlap. Having travelled across Europe - for instance drive across Dutch/German border or French/German border hardly places you in shock/awe at the bone crushing change. It's pretty much the same 99% on both sides.
As someone who dislikes all faiths, I find such religious words amusing, to say the least.

Well, as a non theist from Muslim background, I use religious words/terms/phrases like Inshallah, Mashallah, Salam, Allah Hafiz, Allah ka shukar hai, Allah ka karam hai, Allah malik hai, Allah better karay ga, Allah better jaanta hai, Khuda ka khauf ker bhai, Tauba, etc all the time, simply because they are not just religious but also cultural. They are part of my upbringing. I can stop practising my faith but how come I stop using everyday language especially when there is not much of an alternative.
Reminds me of the problem I had with my BMW last month. The autobox went kaput. So rang the dealer to complain as BMW has 'lifetime sealed units'. Because of this I never had the auto oil changed. The dealer asks what mileage I have clocked. I say "150k". His reply "when we say life we mean 100k or 10 years" as nothing in life lasts forever.

So going to your point 'forever' means the time scale this chap can relate to. Within the centuries clock he is right. Millenia what you said carries currency.

There is only one land mass and populace that still practices it's ancestral faith.





Have endured unbroken.

And that's India.

The thread is not about why Hindus hate Muslims.

The core is why subcontinental Muslims hate Hindus.

Seedhi baat. No bakwaas.

From another guy who still practices his ancient ancestral faith. Preserved his bloodlines.

But lost his soil.
Funny you follow the religion of the ancient vedic aryans who migrated from present day afghanistan thousands of years ago and invaded your so called land :D

Accept the fact that humans have always migrated for thousands of years and spread ideas. You cant pick and choose. All other religions that came to the subcontinent had their own backlash ie vedic religion, buddhism, etc... Islam is just the last and final of these :)
Very good sir! You're new around here so be aware that your eloquent arguments have already - in a variety of different wordings - been presented for approval to our Indian friends on numerous occasions by many colleagues here. It's great to see you having a spin of the old wheel of reasoned logic too.
He said pakistan had no connection with Indian muslims, lets keep 5% muhajirs aside, are punjabi muslims in pakistan have no cultural similarity with Indian punjab? was east-pakistan having no cultural connection with Indian bongs? This might be your favorite topic :coffee:

As i said before read a bit about ancestory. Indian Jatts, Chohan, Rajput Punjabis etc share the same blood. But they are as different from a gangu as you are to a french guy. They have indus heritage not the other way around but beware, not every indian punjabi shares the Indus roots. You guys have gangu origin Punjabis as well ; they speak the language but it's like me speaking english, won't qualify me as an Englishman.
Looks like that The Rise of TheGreatPajeetEmpire is imminent @SIPRA

Well done Indians, well done!

The Blue Elephant is waiting... time to feed it!

Yes. The seed of the GreatParathaEmpire is currently mutating inside the cellular structure of Corona virus.:lol:

"Gaaf lagi phatnay
Tau prasad laga batnay"
In Iran the Azerbaijani are Turkic. The Iranian border with Iraq is mostly Arab region called Khuzestan. With Pakistan the Balochistan. In North east Iran they have Turkoman who overlap with Turkmenistan. So this is the default for most of the world.

Safe to say, in hindsight, that when Partition was inevitable, every Muslim should have moved to Pakistan.

The continued strife stems from the fact that Hindus have always felt short-changed.

Muslims got a land for only themselves.

While the Hindus still had to share theirs with part of the SAME group of Muslims (of British India).
He said pakistan had no connection with Indian muslims, lets keep 5% muhajirs aside, are punjabi muslims in pakistan have no cultural similarity with Indian punjab? was east-pakistan having no cultural connection with Indian bongs? This might be your favorite topic :coffee:

indian Punjabis make more no more than 3% of india's population. Only a minority of that 3% have any sort of racial or genetic connection to Pakistan. But that is neither here nor there. 20%of Iranians and 75% of Afghans have a direct racial and genetic link to 80% of Pakistan's population. That does not make us all the same people just as it doesn't mean we have ANY connection to india or modern day indians.
He said pakistan had no connection with Indian muslims, lets keep 5% muhajirs aside, are punjabi muslims in pakistan have no cultural similarity with Indian punjab? was east-pakistan having no cultural connection with Indian bongs? This might be your favorite topic :coffee:

It had been stated multiple times that Pakistan only shares a genetic link with 2% of indias population ie punjab and kashmir. The rest are alien.

Mujahirs assimilated post 1947- many have intermixed and married punjabies, pathan, and sindhis. Very few mujahirs have any linkages left with India.
Safe to say, in hindsight, that when Partition was inevitable, every Muslim should have moved to Pakistan.

The continued strife stems from the fact that Hindus have always felt short-changed.

Muslims got a land for only themselves.

While the Hindus still had to share theirs with part of the SAME group of Muslims (of British India).

Modern day indian Muslims have 0 connection to modern day Pakistanis. In fact they are identical to indian sikhs and hindus apart from religion. Your people, your problem. Not ours.
Safe to say, in hindsight, that when Partition was inevitable, every Muslim should have moved to Pakistan.

The continued strife stems from the fact that Hindus have always felt short-changed.

Muslims got a land for only themselves.

While the Hindus still had to share theirs with part of the SAME group of Muslims (of British India).
See @Indus Pakistan,

Even the top doctor of India can't understand the Indus civilisation concept and thinks Pakistan is for Indian Muslims. Expecting ordinary Indians to understand is asking for moon.

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