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The Greatest Buddhist and Hindu Dynasties in Indian history?

Which Dynasty was the greatest in Indian history?

  • Pratihara Empire 8th - 11th century

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rashtrakuta Empire 8th - 10th century

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Western Chalukya Empire 10th - 12th century

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 10, 2013
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There were several great Buddhist, Hindu and Jain Dynasties during ancient and medieval period.
But which Dynasty was the greatest in terms of cultural achievements, military success or
There were several great Buddhist, Hindu and Jain Dynasties during ancient and medieval period.
But which Dynasty was the greatest in terms of cultural achievements, military success or

In terms of significance, maratha empire all the way bro. Without the Marathas, we would lose our indigenous culture and religion, and there would be no difference between us andany of the converted Muslim slave countries worldwide like Pakistan Iran turkey central Asia etc.

Also, shout out to the Sikh empire you forgot to.mention.
Buddhist were good with education and cultural achievement.....but I highly doubt of any military achievement, although they made The great Ashoka to be their follower which is not military achievement I guess.
Most of the votes went to Maurya dynasty.Word "Maurya" sounds so :cool::cool: isnt it??
Is this about indigeneous dynasties ? Why haven't you added the Sikh empire of the Sikhs ?
According to some Pakistani users the Sikh Dynasty was founded in modern Pakistan so therefore
it does not belong to Indian history.
According to some Pakistani users the Sikh Dynasty was founded in modern Pakistan so therefore
it does not belong to Indian history.

there was no Pakistan in ancient India. Mauryan empire included modern day Pakistan.


According to some Pakistani users the Sikh Dynasty was founded in modern Pakistan so therefore
it does not belong to Indian history.

Not just founded also centered mainly in Pakistan but it is still just as much Indian.
Can't really choose because they all had immense contributions to humanity.

But as the thread asks it, my opinion would be:

Maurya - for laying foundation of buddhism as world religion.

Gupta - for making India one of the world's hubs in terms of science, mathematics, art and culture.

Pala - for political system

Vijayanagra - for being one of the last reservoirs that protected Indian culture, keeping it pure and unpolluted by invaders.

Cholas - one of our greatest Soft power/trading empires, south east asia's dharmic culture owing greatly to their influence.

Marathas - to me, the most important empire for modern India. the nationalistic ideals, spirit and identity that Marathas fought for, lives on through every Indian today.

Theres so many others I want to mention but I'd end up writing page-fulls :P
According to some Pakistani users the Sikh Dynasty was founded in modern Pakistan so therefore
it does not belong to Indian history.

Almost all of the Sikhs live in India today. The Sikh empire is their heritage so it is an Indian dynasty. You should have made it a part of the list.
Can't really choose because they all had immense contributions to humanity.

But as the thread asks it, my opinion would be:

Maurya - for laying foundation of buddhism as world religion.

Gupta - for making India one of the world's hubs in terms of science, mathematics, art and culture.

Pala - for political system

Vijayanagra - for being one of the last reservoirs that protected Indian culture, keeping it pure and unpolluted by invaders.

Cholas - one of our greatest Soft power/trading empires, south east asia's dharmic culture owing greatly to their influence.

Marathas - to me, the most important empire for modern India. the nationalistic ideals, spirit and identity that Marathas fought for, lives on through every Indian today.

Theres so many others I want to mention but I'd end up writing page-fulls :P
I wonder why many people don't rate the Rashtrakuta Empire. It was the greatest Empire of South Asia in the
9th and 10th century. The Arab scholars of this period were impressed by the Rashtrakuta Empire and wrote that the Rashtrakuta Empire was one of the 4 great Empires of the world. As far as I know not even the Mughal Dynasty was
praised like that by foreign travelers.
I voted for Maratha Empire. Even though different rose and fell through the ages, after the Invaders conquered Delhi, the only indigenous people who took proud in our culture and brought back proudness in our nation are the Marathas. They destroyed the foreign empire, brought back the proud feeling of the natives. Hemu was in a way could have brough change in the 15th century, but his untimely death in battle, the only one he ever lost, brought a close in curtains of a traditional native rule.
I vote Maratha as the best for bringing back the rule of the native :) :tup:

Every other empire had the chance to unite forces and fight foreign forces destroying temples and culture including Cholas, Rajputs, Palas, Chalukyas, Vijaynagar but they never did, sadly, but had influence in new found territories in SE Asia and other regions.
I voted for Maratha Empire. Even though different rose and fell through the ages, after the Invaders conquered Delhi, the only indigenous people who took proud in our culture and brought back proudness in our nation are the Marathas. They destroyed the foreign empire, brought back the proud feeling of the natives. Hemu was in a way could have brough change in the 15th century, but his untimely death in battle, the only one he ever lost, brought a close in curtains of a traditional native rule.
I vote Maratha as the best for bringing back the rule of the native :) :tup:

Every other empire had the chance to unite forces and fight foreign forces destroying temples and culture including Cholas, Rajputs, Palas, Chalukyas, Vijaynagar but they never did, sadly, but had influence in new found territories in SE Asia and other regions.
Its very impressive that the Marathas refused to give up the native culture and literature unlike many other people.
They patronized the Maratha and Sanskrit language and their own script. On the other hand many other people
in the past gave up their own writing system and even their language. The Persians gave up their own script
and adopted the Arab writing system after the Arab conquest of Persia. The Turks used the Arab alphabet
and even gave up their own language and patronized the Persian language after the Arab conquest of Central Asia.
Even most of the Europeans use today the foreign Roman alphabet after the major part of Europe was conquered
by the Romans in the past.
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