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Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

Southern India and Sri Lanka are more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India and
Bangladesh in terms of Human development, literacy rate and GDP. But this was not always the case.
From the 4th century BC to the 6th century CE parts of northern India was more developed than southern
India as northern India produced the greatest Dynasties of ancient India like the Maurya Empire and
Gupta Empire. Under Mauryan and Gupta rule northern India was the center of South Asian civilization.
But from the 7th century onwards the northern part of South Asia started to decline and the southern part
of South Asia started to flourish. During the early medieval period southern India became the center of
South Asian civilization and science. Indian mathematics flourished in southern India during the medieval
period and the greatest mathematicians of medieval South Asia were from southern India like Bhaskara II
and Madhava. During the medieval period the greatest Dynasties of South Asia were established in
southern india like the Rashtrakuta Empire, Chola Empire, Western Chalukya Empire, Vijayanagar Empire
and Maratha Empire. The Mughal rule reestablished the glory of northern India for a short period of time
but even the Mughals were defeated and conquered by a power from the south the Maratha Empire.
How can the northern part of South Asia regain its past glory and is there any hope for countries like
Afghanistan and Bangladesh?

Earlier in the history, north had road links to central asia and middle east, people migrated thru those links and settled in the northern part of the continent. Later when sea routes became a preferred choice to trade, south had all the sea ports so more economic activity happened in the south.
Earlier in the history, north had road links to central asia and middle east, people migrated thru those links and settled in the northern part of the continent. Later when sea routes became a preferred choice to trade, south had all the sea ports so more economic activity happened in the south.
I highly doubt that this is the main reason. The difference between more developed regions in southern peninsular India
like Maharashtra and Kerala and underdeveloped regions like Afghanistan and Bangladesh is huge.
There are barely any continents or regions in the world where the difference in terms of development is so big as in South Asia.
There are historical and cultural reasons why Peninsular India is more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan,
northern India and Bangladesh.
The northern part of South Asia was for a much longer time under foreign rule which had a negative impact
on the people and culture of these regions. In peninsular Indian culture education and hard work is very important and
there is a strong sense of unity among the people irrespective of their caste.
In countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan tribalism and backward customs are prevalent which is also why the Taliban was
so successful there.
This is also the main reason why Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are some
of the most developed regions of whole South Asia.
There are historical and cultural reasons why Peninsular India is more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan,
northern India and Bangladesh.
The northern part of South Asia was for a much longer time under foreign rule which had a negative impact
on the people and culture of these regions. In peninsular Indian culture education and hard work is very important and
there is a strong sense of unity among the people irrespective of their caste.
In countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan tribalism and backward customs are prevalent which is also why the Taliban was
so successful there.
This is also the main reason why Maharashtra, Kerala,Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are some
of the most developed regions of whole South Asia.

Arent caste riots quite prevalent in south india especially TN?
Arent caste riots quite prevalent in south india especially TN?
I don't know about TN. But in Maharashtra and Karnataka caste riots are not prevalent. People from both states are very proud for being Marathas and Kannadigas and caste doesnt play an important role.
Southern India and Sri Lanka are more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India and
Bangladesh in terms of Human development, literacy rate and GDP. But this was not always the case.
From the 4th century BC to the 6th century CE parts of northern India was more developed than southern
India as northern India produced the greatest Dynasties of ancient India like the Maurya Empire and
Gupta Empire. Under Mauryan and Gupta rule northern India was the center of South Asian civilization.
But from the 7th century onwards the northern part of South Asia started to decline and the southern part
of South Asia started to flourish. During the early medieval period southern India became the center of
South Asian civilization and science. Indian mathematics flourished in southern India during the medieval
period and the greatest mathematicians of medieval South Asia were from southern India like Bhaskara II
and Madhava. During the medieval period the greatest Dynasties of South Asia were established in
southern india like the Rashtrakuta Empire, Chola Empire, Western Chalukya Empire, Vijayanagar Empire
and Maratha Empire. The Mughal rule reestablished the glory of northern India for a short period of time
but even the Mughals were defeated and conquered by a power from the south the Maratha Empire.
How can the northern part of South Asia regain its past glory and is there any hope for countries like
Afghanistan and Bangladesh?
Maybe it's cleaner than other places as i know that from someone who have gone there,a
lthough many places are very dirty in tropical regions except for Thailand and Singapore.
Arent caste riots quite prevalent in south India especially TN?
Madurai and southern Tamilnadu are infamous for that. Caste system is present across India particularly rural India. About Tamilnadu, after Periyar's Dravidian movement which unified Tamils, Brahmanism is destroyed there. I've heard Tamil Iyers don't put their surname Iyer/Iyengar etc fearing backlash. Reservation for Scheduled castes and tribes (SC/ST) are the highest in Tamilnadu.
Punjab which is in north india has always been best state. southern states like kerala have higher percentage of literate people but aint high in standard of living

I was confused with your international boundary which includes other's land.
Maybe it's cleaner than other places as i know that from someone who have gone there,a
lthough many places are very dirty in tropical regions except for Thailand and Singapore.

That is only OP's opinion.
Pakistan's northern city, Islamabad.






Southern India and Sri Lanka are more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India and
Bangladesh in terms of Human development, literacy rate and GDP. But this was not always the case.
From the 4th century BC to the 6th century CE parts of northern India was more developed than southern
India as northern India produced the greatest Dynasties of ancient India like the Maurya Empire and
Gupta Empire. Under Mauryan and Gupta rule northern India was the center of South Asian civilization.
But from the 7th century onwards the northern part of South Asia started to decline and the southern part
of South Asia started to flourish. During the early medieval period southern India became the center of
South Asian civilization and science. Indian mathematics flourished in southern India during the medieval
period and the greatest mathematicians of medieval South Asia were from southern India like Bhaskara II
and Madhava. During the medieval period the greatest Dynasties of South Asia were established in
southern india like the Rashtrakuta Empire, Chola Empire, Western Chalukya Empire, Vijayanagar Empire
and Maratha Empire. The Mughal rule reestablished the glory of northern India for a short period of time
but even the Mughals were defeated and conquered by a power from the south the Maratha Empire.
How can the northern part of South Asia regain its past glory and is there any hope for countries like
Afghanistan and Bangladesh?

Coastal areas in general are more open to trade and business.

New York, Miami, LA, Seattle are much more developed than the booon towns inland of USA.

Access to sea ports and large rivers makes HUGE difference (in that order).

Add a bit more to this general rule, like fertility of lands, access to mineral resources, moderate vs. harsher climate, and you got a much more complicated picture than simply saying:

South is better than North.

Hope you all understand.

p.s. Many Indian posters on PDF have no forking idea about the level of development in Pakistan.

Yes we have terrible issues: political, law and order etc. But you all should spend $200 and come visit us. it is not that difficult to get a direct bus from any major city in India to Amritsar. Then a short taxi ride over to Lahore. Then take bus train on open and beautiful highways to Islamabad and further north.
There are historical and cultural reasons why Peninsular India is more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan,
northern India and Bangladesh.
The northern part of South Asia was for a much longer time under foreign rule which had a negative impact
on the people and culture of these regions. In peninsular Indian culture education and hard work is very important and
there is a strong sense of unity among the people irrespective of their caste.
In countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan tribalism and backward customs are prevalent which is also why the Taliban was
so successful there.
This is also the main reason why Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are some
of the most developed regions of whole South Asia.

same foreign rule brought progress and development to south as well.

Oh bhai, British occupation started from South and not north.

Occupation is just one factor.

there are several other factors that you tend to ignore.
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