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Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

So you are saying people who take higher marks in a examination which is intend to filter out students because of lack of seats in universities are better that others?


Ah....................... Just like we poisoned your sibling in Sri Lanka....... Wanna join them?
Disgusting, remorseless scum.
Sri Lanka has being belittled in here from some time now. you do not need to worry about that. BTW it is not something we should ashamed to talk in here unless that you do not have any thing logical or rational to say. Also I do not care how much you earn or what kind a IQ you have. I just point out the snags in our education system and how should we remedy those snags.

And I'm wondering now it was better that I didn't qualify for a university or else I would have being some one like you. Sorry to say that but that is the sad truth.

I do not know how to reply to this comment so I keep this as such.

I can answer very well those who belittle my country here. who the hell are you to tell me i need not worry about my country? But i dont want it to be done by a SLn that is why i am not going to argue with you. Rational and logical from you? :)

I didnt display here what i learn or what my IQ is i answered your comment when you tried to insult me and my education. Of course your remedying the snags in education in SL by shooting at the students and whitewashing every stupidity of rajapakses.

Do you know me? To say that you would end up being like me? what do you know about me? I cant help it if you have to do ur undergrad education in a distant country while doing a job to pay your fee. Your status is a result of wrong economic policies of SL governs as i said before i can only pity you.

You were chest thumping in this forum that SL gov will never implement 13 and if they do you will bring down the govern. what did you do? With that sort of stupidity from you and talking about my IQ is laughable.

I know you will find hard to reply me.

The only reason you hate SL unis is because you couldnt enter a uni. Other than that your criticism has no basis with whitewashing govern at every attempt. The unfortune of the country!
I can answer very well those who belittle my country here. who the hell are you to tell me i need not worry about my country? But i dont want it to be done by a SLn that is why i am not going to argue with you. Rational and logical from you? :)

I didnt display here what i learn or what my IQ is i answered your comment when you tried to insult me and my education. Of course your remedying the snags in education in SL by shooting at the students and whitewashing every stupidity of rajapakses.

Do you know me? To say that you would end up being like me? what do you know about me? I cant help it if you have to do ur undergrad education in a distant country while doing a job to pay your fee. Your status is a result of wrong economic policies of SL governs as i said before i can only pity you.

You were chest thumping in this forum that SL gov will never implement 13 and if they do you will bring down the govern. what did you do? With that sort of stupidity from you and talking about my IQ is laughable.

I know you will find hard to reply me.

The only reason you hate SL unis is because you couldnt enter a uni. Other than that your criticism has no basis with whitewashing govern at every attempt. The unfortune of the country!
Your country is responsible for genocide.
So you are saying people who take higher marks in a examination which is intend to filter out students because of lack of seats in universities are better that others?


Ah....................... Just like we poisoned your sibling in Sri Lanka....... Wanna join them?

I didnt say such a thing. There can be random cases of good students not being able to enter unis, but overall yes they can be better than others.
if you need go and talk to a private company, software company managers who interview students for jobs. They always give priority to moratuwa, colombo and pera students over APIIT, SLIIT and other guys. ALs is not a perfect system but the best we have and will have at the moment.
I can answer very well those who belittle my country here. who the hell are you to tell me i need not worry about my country? But i dont want it to be done by a SLn that is why i am not going to argue with you. Rational and logical from you? :)

Point taken.

I didnt display here what i learn or what my IQ is i answered your comment when you tried to insult me and my education. Of course your remedying the snags in education in SL by shooting at the students and whitewashing every stupidity of rajapakses.

Oh sorry if I insulted you never wished to do that. Sorry again.

You were chest thumping in this forum that SL gov will never implement 13 and if they do you will bring down the govern. what did you do? With that sort of stupidity from you and talking about my IQ is laughable.

13 was implemented in Sri Lanka from 1987 I guess. Dunno what you talking about.

I know you will find hard to reply me.


The only reason you hate SL unis is because you couldnt enter a uni. Other than that your criticism has no basis with whitewashing govern at every attempt. The unfortune of the country!

The only snag of me when talking about university matters. Does it require to attend local uni to discuss related matter?
if you need go and talk to a private company, software company managers who interview students for jobs. They always give priority to moratuwa, colombo and pera students over APIIT, SLIIT and other guys. ALs is not a perfect system but the best we have and will have at the moment.

Well I know about some people who are from foreign construction companies who do not give damn about which local uni. people attended. They place a test and anyone who can pass will join there company.
Your country is responsible for genocide.

killing terrorists is not genocide.

Well I know about some people who are from foreign construction companies who do not give damn about which local uni. people attended. They place a test and anyone who can pass will join there company.

what foreign construction companies? in SL?
Point taken.

Oh sorry if I insulted you never wished to do that. Sorry again.

13 was implemented in Sri Lanka from 1987 I guess. Dunno what you talking about.


The only snag of me when talking about university matters. Does it require to attend local uni to discuss related matter?

When you have nothing to talk about university education here in SL the only thing you could do is insulting SL unis and there students because you could not attend one. I am not offended by your insult because i could show where you stand :)

yes 13 A was implemented in 87 but not all over the island, it was implemented from 2013 in northern province. where was your bravado at that time other than meekly surrender to gover ?

No it doesnt require to attend a local uni to discuss related matters. even aziz did that here. You dont talk about SL unis here because you want an improved system but because you want to destroy the SL free uni system while replacing it with private unis. Also when you suggest uni students should be shot dead your ideas become worthless,

Companies in ME. Sometimes they come here for interviews themselves. Suddas I meant.

Go and ask them if they prefer uni guys over others. this is regarding professional jobs. And in foreign countries local unis dont have that significance because of the deteriorating uni system in SL with no gover funding.

yeah enough,

i am sorry to have caused a war of words between heinze n saradiel.

just chillax now.

I have engaged in many wars of words with him. I detest when he blindly support every bad thing of the government.

Your country is responsible for genocide.

i saw you have changed your emblem from tiger to leopard and now changing the imaginary map as well?
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If you read again what i typed, i have said the same thing. That is select the best results from ALs on merit and allow the remaining down the AL marks line to pay and join.

The objective of free eductaion is to provide education opportunities for students with less income. But the gover cant provide space for everyone who wants to join the university. That is why ALs is used to filter the students. The ones who get good marks can go to govern unis while those who cant pass the required score cant enter. As this created problems so that some good students who couldnt get through ALs lost opportunity to enter unis, the system of private university started. what i suggested was a method of facilitating demands of the both groups. And no it will not put an end to free education.

The management system of universities should be modernised and improved to fit the modern age. But what you have are political appointees of the current gov who are not good for the job. Further the universities suffer from lack of funds because gov is not ready to release funds for them and good university lecturers and professors leave the country cos they are not paid well.
I agree with you for the most part but you should also acknowledge the threat posed by student unions to university system. it is a major setback against transforming our universities into modern educational institutions. We should avoid this mentality and encourage them to genuinely engage in education.
Why is the southern part of South INDIA more developed than the northern part of South INDIA???

Because India is a divided country.
I agree with you for the most part but you should also acknowledge the threat posed by student unions to university system. it is a major setback against transforming our universities into modern educational institutions. We should avoid this mentality and encourage them to genuinely engage in education.

Of course many student unions in SL unis are a threat and a waste. They dont produce any intellect on political discourse on the country but become pawns of other politicos in SL.

But we cant ban unions.

We have to analyse why people get attracted to them and solve the root causes.
But we cant ban unions.

We have to analyse why people get attracted to them and solve the root causes.

The root cause is minority complex. Nothing else.

The student who are going to IUSF are people who has nothing to loose but everything to gain. They use IUSF as a cover for that.
The southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia


It is far away from Pakistan , China and Bangladesh .
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