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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Oh, that kind of drugs they gave you.

At least I need drugs to believe that I am 'God'. In your case, you deluded yourself that the Chinese government never lied. We have to give high credit to Chinese propaganda for convincing so many to believe that lie, especially to those who actually lived in both worlds. Self delusion is indeed powerful. More powerful than drugs, really.
At least I need drugs to believe that I am 'God'. In your case, you deluded yourself that the Chinese government never lied. We have to give high credit to Chinese propaganda for convincing so many to believe that lie, especially to those who actually lived in both worlds. Self delusion is indeed powerful. More powerful than drugs, really.

Isn't it time again to take your medication? Reality could be hard once the effect lessens and you realise that you are a nobody.
And the "traitorous China" has already raised its voice, so now it is the time for the "loyal Vietnam" to show its stance as well. :coffee:

Russia doesn't need anyone's protection, but at least you have to show that you are a reliable long term partner.
Our stance is clear. If we voice support for Russia, we will risk to be drawn into the escalating conflict and our credibility in the West. Same shit will happen if we support Ukraine, we will disappoint our friend Russia.

Conclusion: Vietnam officially calls both sides for crease fire and negotiation as seen in the press. You may be right if you assume that we speak to both Russia and Ukraine over diplomatic and other channels. Most likely over military channel as we maintain a close military cooperation.

Personally I am very sceptical of Russia' s annexation of Crimea. Many Vietnamese don't support Putin as the act is a clear violence of sovereignty of Ukraine and international laws. Russia is very big, the largest country on earth. it does not need more territories.
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Our stance is clear. If we voice support for Russia, we will risk to be drawn into the escalating conflict and our credibility in the West. Same shit will happen if we support Ukraine, we will disappoint our friend Russia.

Conclusion: Vietnam officially calls both sides for crease fire and negotiation as seen in the press. You may be right if you assume that we speak to both Russia and Ukraine over diplomatic and other channels. Most likely over military channel as we maintain a close military cooperation.

Personally I am very sceptical of Russia' s annexation of Crimea. Many Vietnamese don't support Putin as the act is a clear violence of sovereignty of Ukraine and international laws. Russia is very big, the largest country on earth. it does not need more territories.

Good, you guys will eventually pay a price for your weakness and incompetence.

Expect that Russia will screw you up in the near future for this betrayal. :coffee:
Good, you guys will eventually pay a price for your weakness and incompetence.

Expect that Russia will screw you up in the near future for this betrayal. :coffee:
right is right, wrong remains wrong. friendship does not mean non-critical to everything the friend does. Vietnam relationship with Russia and Ukraine goes back to the times of Soviet Union. there is a deep understanding and trust between the sides.

your understanding of "betrayal" is not ours.
china u have balls u have stood for your friends both in tough and good times,where as politicians in India are discussing whether we should or shouldn't support Russia..
No surprise here. China of course will normally side/favour Russia, giving their current relations/partnership against 'U.S/western imperialism'.
What I would like to see is indias position. It is a big country as well and has been eagerly seeking a permanent UNSC membership for a while now. It should know that wiith this position comes grear responsibilities which I dont think India is mature or strong enough yet to take sides/make decisive decisions. So I dont see the use of a permanent role for it at this moment in time.
I also recently read that some russian origin vietnamese missiles were intercepted in finland. Dont knoe how credible is this news. But if it waa real then its obvious that russia is using its little partner vietnam to ship weapons to ukraine seperatists. It will be interesting to see U.S/E.U response to this against Russia (don't think vietnam will be affected much since its a small country with no real threar/power to make us worry, so the blame will be directed at Moscow IMO).
It will be interesting though to see how this crisis will play out and how the U.S/E.U will react to further fighting/escalation in ukraine
china u have balls u have stood for your friends both in tough and good times,where as politicians in India are discussing whether we should or shouldn't support Russia..
No surprise here. China of course will normally side/favour Russia, giving their current relations/partnership against 'U.S/western imperialism'.
What I would like to see is indias position. It is a big country as well and has been eagerly seeking a permanent UNSC membership for a while now. It should know that wiith this position comes grear responsibilities which I dont think India is mature or strong enough yet to take sides/make decisive decisions. So I dont see the use of a permanent role for it at this moment in time.
I also recently read that some russian origin vietnamese missiles were intercepted in finland. Dont knoe how credible is this news. But if it waa real then its obvious that russia is using its little partner vietnam to ship weapons to ukraine seperatists. It will be interesting to see U.S/E.U response to this against Russia (don't think vietnam will be affected much since its a small country with no real threar/power to make us worry, so the blame will be directed at Moscow IMO).
It will be interesting though to see how this crisis will play out and how the U.S/E.U will react to further fighting/escalation in ukraine

There are lots of conspiracy theory going around so it's hard to say what happened at the time.

1)Ukraine also moves in Buk missiles with active Radar few days ago , there are also unconfirmed reports that their Radar was active when the plane was destroyed.

2)Separatist has Buk missiles too but they didn't have active Radar but doesn't need a radar in the sites, Russian can give/support via data link to the Buk-M system, otherwise the rebels can't claim to have shoot down Ukrainian gov. AN-25 and Frogfoot previously.

Until the truth comes out we won't issued a statement ,however we dislike how prematurely USA is blaming Russia or vice versa.

We indeed issued our sympathy to victims of this heinous crime.

KUALA LUMPUR: India has conveyed its shock and grief over the MH17 tragedy.

It’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed the Government of India’s full support for an investigation that can help establish the exact circumstances in which the tragic incident took place.

In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak, today, he conveyed his deepest condolence and understanding of what all the Malaysian citizens were going through, especially in view of the equally tragic accident that befell Malaysian airlines flight MH-370 some months ago, on which there was still no closure.

He also stated that his thoughts and prayers were with the family members of all passengers and crew on board the flight and prayed to God to give strength to deal with this difficult time.

India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has conveyed her deep sense of loss and grief to the Government of Malaysia and to the families of those aboard the Malaysian airlines flight.

In a letter Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, she conveyed her deep condolences on this tragic incident.

She also stated that her thoughts and prayers were with the family members of all passengers and crew on board the flight.

Sushma also mentioned that India stands by the people and Government of Malaysia and other countries whose nationals were on board and their concerns would receive her closest attention.

Also as you sated India can't take decisive decisions well i have answer for you "It's better to be silent than talk crap until the truth comes out"
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