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The GoB to take decision shortly on Begum Zia's overseas medical treatment


Jun 14, 2016
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খালেদা জিয়াকে বিদেশে নেওয়ার বিষয়ে শিগগিরই জানানো হবে’

ইত্তেফাক অনলাইন ডেস্ক
প্রকাশ : ২৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০২১, ২১:৪০

আইনমন্ত্রী আনিসুল হক। ছবি- সংগৃহীত
আইনমন্ত্রী আনিসুল হক। ছবি- সংগৃহীত

চিকিৎসার জন্য বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন খালেদা জিয়াকে বিদেশে নেওয়ার অনুমতির বিষয়ে আনুষ্ঠানিক সিদ্ধান্ত শিগগিরই জানানো হবে বলে জানিয়েছেন আইনমন্ত্রী আনিসুল হক।

শুক্রবার (২৪ ডিসেম্বর) বিকেলে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আইন অনুষদ প্রাঙ্গণে বাংলাদেশ আইন সমিতির ৩৫তম বার্ষিক সম্মেলনের উদ্বোধন অনুষ্ঠানে সাংবাদিকদের এক প্রশ্নে তিনি এ কথা বলেন।

আইনমন্ত্রী বলেন, বিএনপির ১৫ জন আইনজীবী আমার সঙ্গে দেখা করেছেন। এখন আমার যে ব্যাখ্যা সেটি আপনারা জানতে পারবেন। এটি নিয়ে অস্থির হওয়ার কিছু নেই। বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন খালেদা জিয়াকে উন্নত চিকিৎসার জন্য বিদেশে নেওয়ার অনুমতির বিষয়ে শিগগির আনুষ্ঠানিক সিদ্ধান্ত জানানো হবে।

তিনি বলেন, এই সরকার ১৯৯৬ সালে ইনডেমনিটি আইন বাতিল করেছে। বঙ্গবন্ধু হত্যার বিচার করেছে। মানবতাবিরোধী অপরাধীদের বিচার করেছে। এর থেকে বড় আইনের শাসন প্রতিষ্ঠার পদক্ষেপ আর কোনো সরকার নেয়নি।

কক্সবাজারে পর্যটককে সংঘবদ্ধ ধর্ষণের ঘটনার কথা উল্লেখ করে আইনমন্ত্রী বলেন, এটি অত্যন্ত মর্মান্তিক অপরাধ। এ ঘটনার সুষ্ঠু ও দ্রুত বিচার নিশ্চিত করতে সরকার প্রয়োজনীয় সব ব্যবস্থা নেবে।

আইনের শাসন প্রতিষ্ঠার বিষয়ে তিনি বলেন, আইনের শাসনের প্রতিষ্ঠিত ধারণাটি শুধু আইন-আদালতের বিচার-আচার আর আইনশৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতির ওপরই নির্ভর করে না। আইনের শাসন এখন অনেকগুলো পারিপার্শ্বিক বিষয়ের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কযুক্ত। সে দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকেই বলছি, বিচারক বা আইনজীবী ছাড়াও নানা পেশায় ছড়িয়ে থাকা বাংলাদেশ আইন সমিতির সদস্যরা আইনের শাসন প্রতিষ্ঠায় গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অবদান রাখতে পারেন।

অনুষ্ঠানে বাংলাদেশ আইন সমিতির সভাপতি ব্যারিস্টার সাজ্জাদ হোসেনের সভাপতিত্বে সুপ্রিম কোর্টের (আপিল বিভাগ) সাবেক বিচারপতি মির্জা হোসেইন হায়দার, বিচারপতি মো. জাহাঙ্গীর হোসেন, আইন ও বিচার বিভাগের সচিব মো. গোলাম সারওয়ার, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আইন অনুষদের ডিন প্রফেসর ড. মো. রহমত উল্লাহ, অ্যাডভোকেট আজমত উল্লাহ খান, অ্যাডভোকেট মোল্লা মোহাম্মদ আবু কাওসার, অ্যাডভোকেট কামরুজ্জামান আনসারি, সমিতির মহাসচিব কেশব রায় চৌধুরী প্রমুখ বক্তব্য রাখেন।
Kaleda zia should not be allowed to seek medical assistance aboard this nothing but a ploy. Once aboard she will seek asylum and seek to destabilise bdesh and undo any progress that bdesh has made out of shire spite.

Western agencies will help her with little convincing , as they want to put pressure on bdesh to be a tool for the west like joining the Quad.
Below is the unedited translation of the news. -@bluesky-

Law Minister Anisul Haque said a formal decision on allowing BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia to be taken abroad for medical treatment would be announced soon.

He was speaking to reporters at the inaugural ceremony of the 35th Annual Conference of the Bangladesh Law Association on Friday (December 24) afternoon at the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University.

The law minister said, 15 BNP lawyers have met me. Now you will know my explanation. There is nothing to worry about. An official decision on allowing BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia to be taken abroad for advanced treatment will be announced soon.

He said the government had repealed the Indemnity Act in 1997. Bangabandhu has tried the murder. Has tried criminals against humanity. No other government has taken steps to establish a bigger rule of law.

Referring to the incident of gang rape of a tourist in Cox's Bazar, the law minister said it was a very tragic crime. The government will take all necessary steps to ensure a fair and speedy trial of this incident.

Regarding the establishment of the rule of law, he said that the established concept of the rule of law does not depend only on the conduct of the courts of law and the law and order situation. The rule of law is now related to many surrounding issues.

From that point of view, apart from judges or lawyers, the members of the Bangladesh Law Association spread across various professions can make an important contribution to the establishment of the rule of law.
Kaleda zia should not be allowed to seek medical assistance aboard this nothing but a ploy. Once aboard she will seek asylum and seek to destabilise bdesh and undo any progress that bdesh has made out of shire spite.

Western agencies will help her with little convincing , as they want to put pressure on bdesh to be a tool for the west like joining the Quad.
Where do you find development in Bangladesh? The country is not being industrially developed and people do not have jobs. They have to survive in slums. And here you claim BD is a symbol of development.

Rather, BD is burdened with $97 billion of foreign loan a large part of which has been stolen by the BAL politicians and bureaucrats who build houses in Canada and America.

The country may not be able to pay back this loan and many of its road building will stop. Rapid industrialization and building everything by our own people are the only two ways to develop.





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I had enough of your name calling.

Listen bnp pom pom girl with a tiny brain, where did I say did I say bdesh is developed industrially?

This is evidence that bnp pom pom girls like you will undo any progress made over the last 10 yrs. As your so vindictive. Too shearly deny that bdesh has made no progress over the last 10 yrs shows how vindictive you bnp pump pump girls. Especially when various independent renowned agencies have found that bdesh has made progress.

Your bnp party was against woman working BTW.
Bangladesh has gained no real progress, and without heavy industrialization in a densely populated country, one cannot say the country is developing. A few bridges or a few km of roads with borrowed money from overseas is no recipe for development. Build them with your own fund or tell me which other country developed with BAL formula?

Learn about the process of national economic development of a country by reading through tens of books on the subject and learning through thousands of pages of knowledge that your tiny BAL brain is incapable to understand. So, I say get lost.

However you say, your BAL idiot party has borrowed $97.5 billion already and Hasina has ruined the economic future of the country. BAL borrows to loot the money and buy houses in Canada and America. On the contrary, it has no plan to industrialize.

So, what is your point? Say it to other ignorant BAL chamcha that Bd is developing. I am not here to listen to what your BAL party defines as economic development.
Your bnp party was against woman working BTW.

Bhai let's be factual now. This is not true.

The proposal to provide 10 KG rice a month for sending female children to school by families was the work of Khaleda during BNP rule AFAIK. Someone can look this up. I am the least political person but credit has to be given where due.
Bhai let's be factual now. This is not true.

The proposal to provide 10 KG rice a month for sending female children to school by families was the work of Khaleda during BNP rule AFAIK. Someone can look this up. I am the least political person but credit has to be given where due.
Begum Zia's policy of educating the girls is bearing fruits now. Hasina Bibi also followed the same policy and improved on it. I remember reading news whereby the GoB would bear the education expenses of college-going females.

I applaud Hasina Bibi for this because this is how she intended to raise their marriage age.

But above all, it is Begum Rokeya who initiated the process of uplifting women of the Muslim society of Bengal with the support of her husband. Fortunately, the other two ladies followed her good examples.
Bhai let's be factual now. This is not true.

The proposal to provide 10 KG rice a month for sending female children to school by families was the work of Khaleda during BNP rule AFAIK. Someone can look this up. I am the least political person but credit has to be given where due.

I got no idea, but I firmly remember high-level member of bnp and possibly kahledha being against family planning and masses of bdeshi woman being in formal employment .
I got no idea, but I firmly remember high-level member of bnp and possibly kahledha being against family planning and masses of bdeshi woman being in formal employment .

I don't believe Khaleda could resist this plan raised by NGO's that was vetted by EU govts. who were majority consumer of our exports via GSP benefit at the time.

She may have voiced concerns because she had Jamatis raise this female parity in education as a problem, but ultimately gave in.

EU govts. (and UN as well) has been very vocal about raising the bar on gender equality by these measures which in their opinion would reduce female fertility (which worked exactly as planned).

Bangladesh female fertility is among the lowest and female literacy highest in the subcontinent, which says something.

Bangladesh has had more females than males in primary/secondary schools for the longest time. That also says something.

NGO's in our country made this possible and it happened during Khaleda's time.
I had enough of your name calling.

Listen bnp pom pom girl with a tiny brain, where did I say did I say bdesh is developed industrially?

This is evidence that bnp pom pom girls like you will undo any progress made over the last 10 yrs. As your so vindictive. Too shearly deny that bdesh has made no progress over the last 10 yrs shows how vindictive you bnp pump pump girls. Especially when various independent renowned agencies have found that bdesh has made progress.

Your bnp party was against woman working BTW.
Don't worry. BNP chapter is over in Bangladesh. Also family dynasty is over as well.

After Hasina no one will be PM from Khaleda or Hasina family.

However wet dream of true democracy will never come true. Whining for democracy is the trick of enemy ( raw) , and they aren't going to be successful.

Bangladesh will be prevailed and elevated! But yes keep it in mind that Bangladesh is now like Pakistan of cold war era!
I don't believe Khaleda could resist this plan raised by NGO's that was vetted by EU govts. who were majority consumer of our exports via GSP benefit at the time.

She may have voiced concerns because she had Jamatis raise this female parity in education as a problem, but ultimately gave in.

EU govts. (and UN as well) has been very vocal about raising the bar on gender equality by these measures which in their opinion would reduce female fertility (which worked exactly as planned).

Bangladesh female fertility is among the lowest and female literacy highest in the subcontinent, which says something.

Bangladesh has had more females than males in primary/secondary schools for the longest time. That also says something.

NGO's in our country made this possible and it happened during Khaleda's time.
Bold part: I am not aware where from this @Tom-tom got this idea that Begum Zia was against family planning, but this planning started sometime in the 1960s during the time when Ayub Khan was the President.

Family planning has been continuing ever since and I never read one single report that a religious party objecting to it. Begum Zia and before her Mujib, Zia and Ershad continued this program. And this is still continuing.

People should not fabricate history. And, @Tom-tom guy lacks any knowledge of history.
Bold part: I am not aware where from this @Tom-tom got this idea that Begum Zia was against family planning, but this planning started sometime in the 1960s during the time when Ayub Khan was the President.

Family planning has been continuing ever since and I never read one single report that a religious party objecting to it. Begum Zia and before her Mujib, Zia and Ershad continued this program. And this is still continuing.

People should not fabricate history. And, @Tom-tom guy lacks any knowledge of history.
Family planning gained momentum when BNP led by BKZ took charge in 1991. All previous regimes utterly failed to arrest the birth rate causing irreparable damage to the economy.
Family planning gained momentum when BNP led by BKZ took charge in 1991. All previous regimes utterly failed to arrest the birth rate causing irreparable damage to the economy.
You do not really understand that Rome was not built in a day. And do not forget to pay thanks to President Ayub Khan during whose time family planning was initiated. All others after him followed his good example in this field. He was the initiator.
common man english please
Not just that.. the title gives no clue what country this thread is about..they are unable to use a small forum and follow rules.. I wonder what they are doing with their country.
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