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The Generosity of an Arab nation towards Pakistan

I wish too but these Arabs are the reason we do not have a Khalifah since 1924.

Dont you think if Pakistan got closer with Muslim nations that it might bring the Ummah together?

Pakistan is already very close with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan a lot. Pakistan should be closer to all the rest of Islamic nations to help establish a Khalifah.
Khalifath would come when people would want it.

The time is not far, when these kaffirs would invade one muslim country after another, when they have killed enough of us, taken all the oil, leaving no money for arab seikhs to pay for belly dancers then people would wake up.

Your right, its the kaffirs who divided the Arabs and they are all Muslims I dont understand why there needs to be borders between Arab Muslim nations they are the same people...and some kaffirs have divided Pakistanis in the past and are trying to divide Pakistanis again.

A khalifah should be established to unite all Muslim lands.

Pakistan is lucky to have such friends. not a massive but what ever they could offer, in these times for Pakistan as they are facing a big power crisis there. Hope things better for civilians. Its a goodwill gesture.
Dont you think if Pakistan got closer with Muslim nations that it might bring the Ummah together?

Pakistan is already very close with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan a lot. Pakistan should be closer to all the rest of Islamic nations to help establish a Khalifah.
But none are sincere regarding the Khilafah. Saudi Arab help Pakistan coz we and Saudi are in US bloc. Iran used to help us when it was in US bloc. Now it does not infact it is more allied with India
But none are sincere regarding the Khilafah. Saudi Arab help Pakistan coz we and Saudi are in US bloc. Iran used to help us when it was in US bloc. Now it does not infact it is more allied with India

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Pakistani Nation is Grateful to Our Emirati Bothers, Pakistan needs Electrical Power and this Gift will surly help Pakistan to deal with its Load shedding problems.
Great gesture, this will not be forgotten.
We must thank the UAE for this, because this is generosity at its finest

However, must we always get "gifts" because we are unable to do things on our own?
I'd rather see our government solve the energycrisis herself and by our own resources, Pakistan needs to tackle this and stand on her own feet, i'm not saying that it's wrong, i'm just saying that accepting outside help/donations for our domestic problems says something about our own government and the way they're dealing with the energy situation in Pakistan right now.
You guys are happy over this?
If it was arms, it can be understood, but they'r donating electric power plants? Not done, your govt should very politely refuse. Or convert it to a soft loan, or something of the sort.
You guys are happy over this?
If it was arms, it can be understood, but they'r donating electric power plants? Not done, your govt should very politely refuse. Or convert it to a soft loan, or something of the sort.

they are helping us in our difficult times and they are helpin us with wat we need and also they are helpin us coz they feel for us and not bec they need us. that is y we are thankin them.
they are helping us in our difficult times and they are helpin us with wat we need and also they are helpin us coz they feel for us and not bec they need us. that is y we are thankin them.

The guy is obviously having difficulty accepting the fact that Pakistan is getting help from a friendly nation. Typical Indian behaviour...

On a different note, let's hope we can utilize this reactor for both civilian and military purpose.
Arab nations are helping Pakistan to get Nuclear bomb. Iran and India are not strategical partners, They're just doing business with each other. Dont forget this! India launched a spy satellite for Israel to spy on Iran and Syria! and voted against Iran nuclear programs in UNSC.

In 2003 it was reported that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had entered a secret agreement on "nuclear cooperation" providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons technology in return for access to cheap oil for Pakistan.

In March 2006, the German magazine Cicero reported that Saudi Arabia had since 2003 received assistance from Pakistan to acquire nuclear missiles and warheads. Satellite photos allegedly reveal an underground city and nuclear silos with Ghauri rockets in Al-Sulaiyil, south of the capital Riyadh.Pakistan has denied aiding Saudi Arabia in any nuclear ambitions.

So dont think the Arab nations "Generosity" is because they love Pakistan! its because of the Nuclear bomb and UAE following the same.

Its not "bheek". Its a gift from our Arab brothers and we should be thankful.

It will help Pakistan's electricity problems, it may not solve it, but will help the problems. We should appreciate our Arab brothers' generosity.

Well I dunno wether its a bheek or gift or Mithai, but no such thing as free lunch in this world especially from UAE , something is realy fishy here. Maybe a settlement against what they have done to KESC ( The Karachi electric Supply corporation).

The pindora box will be opened sooner or later.:pakistan:
If Arabs are donating Iran is builidng it for Pakistan.

Today, 29 December, Iranian Energy Minister Parviz Fattah arrived at the head of delegation in Pakistan for talks with the leadership of the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy of Pakistan.According to Parviz Fattah, the purpose of his visit to Pakistan is to hold talks with Pakistani counterparts to enhance cooperation between the two countries in the supply of electricity from Iran to Pakistan and to discuss the issue of Iran’s involvement in Pakistani projects for the construction of power plants and transmission lines . During the two-day stay in Pakistan’s Energy Minister to visit Iran’s waterworks and electricity facilities in the north of Islamabad. During the visit between the two countries signed an agreement on cooperation in energy. Minister of Energy of Iran will hold meetings and talks with the president and prime minister of Pakistan, with the advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and with leaders of several Pakistani ministries and agencies, sends Iran News.
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If Arabs are donating Iran is builidng it for Pakistan.

Today, 29 December, Iranian Energy Minister Parviz Fattah arrived at the head of delegation in Pakistan for talks with the leadership of the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy of Pakistan.According to Parviz Fattah, the purpose of his visit to Pakistan is to hold talks with Pakistani counterparts to enhance cooperation between the two countries in the supply of electricity from Iran to Pakistan and to discuss the issue of Iran’s involvement in Pakistani projects for the construction of power plants and transmission lines . During the two-day stay in Pakistan’s Energy Minister to visit Iran’s waterworks and electricity facilities in the north of Islamabad. During the visit between the two countries signed an agreement on cooperation in energy. Minister of Energy of Iran will hold meetings and talks with the president and prime minister of Pakistan, with the advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and with leaders of several Pakistani ministries and agencies, sends Iran News.

Thank you my Iranian brother. We Muslims should stay united. Kafirs divided us in the past and they want to divide us even more than we already are. If Muslims are all united, Muslims can be on the top and no country can be a threat to us. I say Muslim countries all unite and help each other, we will all have to answer to Allah one day...we must help our brothers and sisters in this world.
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