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The Generosity of an Arab nation towards Pakistan

There is no flaming. Just the stating of an obvious fact!

This is flaming because this so called fact of yours may have a very different reason at hand as to why SA went for US and not Pakistan. From where in the hell did the trust issue got into it other then of course the Indian mind with a deliberate attempt to derail the thread and start another flame war.:tsk:
Ok let me refraise that question .will house of saud deny any American help if there own status was on line and people wanted to whack them.

In 1979, the Saudi royals enlisted a French commando team to help recover the Mosque in Mecca from extremists. I read in one account that the French soldiers were given some sort of "temporary Muslim" status by the Saudi's top religious authority so that they could enter the mosque.

Here's a passage from a book review of "The Siege of Mecca" by Yaroslav Trofimov:

On November 20, 1979, worldwide attention was focused on Tehran, where the Iranian hostage crisis was entering its third week. The same morning---the first of a new Muslim century---hundreds of gunmen stunned the world by seizing Islam’s holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Armed with rifles that they had smuggled inside coffins, these men came from more than a dozen countries, launching the first operation of global jihad in modern times. Led by a Saudi preacher named Juhayman al Uteybi, they believed that the Saudi royal family had become a craven servant of American infidels and sought a return to the glory of uncompromising Islam. With nearly 100,000 worshippers trapped inside the holy compound, Mecca’s bloody siege lasted two weeks, inflaming Muslim rage against the United States and causing hundreds of deaths.

Despite U.S. assistance, the Saudi royal family proved haplessly incapable of dislodging the occupier, whose ranks included American converts to Islam. In Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini blamed the Great Satan---the United States---for defiling the shrine, prompting mobs to storm and torch American embassies in Pakistan and Libya. The desperate Saudis finally enlisted the help of French commandos led by Captain Paul Barril, who prepared the final assault and supplied the poison gas that knocked out the insurgents. Though most captured gunmen were quickly beheaded, the Saudi royal family responded to this unprecedented challenge by compromising with the rebels’ supporters among the kingdom’s most senior clerics, helping them nurture and export Juhayman’s violent brand of Islam around the world.
This is flaming because this so called fact of yours may have a very different reason at hand as to why SA went for US and not Pakistan.

In the initial days of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, it seemed possible that he would keep going right into northern SA. Only the US has the military aircraft lift capability to get a substantial force of men and equipment into a theater within days or weeks. Also, attacking a US force would have given Saddam a lot to think about. Pakistan did participate in "Desert Shield" to protect SA and free Kuwait, but the US was needed at first because only it could respond quickly enough before Saddam made an annexation of SA territory a fait accompli.
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