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The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants -

I am posting another video of Karachi for those Indians who have misconception about Karachi and about Pakistan in General, created by their ridiculously biased and loopy media.

Once I saw a TV program, Mishi Khan went to Mumbai and conducted interviews of Indians for her show on Pakistani TV. In one interview, an Indian TV actor said to her, are you allowed to go to the beach in Karachi? She politely smiled and said yes. Being a Karachite and visiting Mumbai, she knew the facts, but stayed cool, despite such a slur by the ignorant Indian.

But it is not his fault, the Indians are feed constant lies by their over egoistic media. Hence ridiculous comments are made; like made earlier on this thread; we can buy Karachi etc. I have not been to Mumbai, but my brothers and Sister had been to Mumbai and Delhi. One of my Brothers is a regular visitor due to his work. When my Brother first visited Mumbai he said, I was literally sick, looking at the squalid conditions and people living on the streets of Mumbai.

I am still waiting for the Indians to produce the evidence of such sustained quantity and quality of houses in Mumbai. They should know ordinary middle class people of Karachi lives in the size of houses which even your mega bucks making film stars can not afford. I am providing you with evidence, not empty talk or rhetoric, actual verifiable evidence, enjoy the video and the houses of Karachi, remove your misconceptions and stop making foolish comments. I know if you have anything comparable to these houses in Mumbai you have produced by now.

If you are so cool... give me 60 Lakh INR to buy 600 sqft house in mumbai.. I will give you my house address send me Demand draft...

and for your kind info this is a discussion on French fighter.. be little matured to debate on topic...
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Lets just say that Rafale is a "premium" fighter. Only countries that have money can procure such "premium" fighters.

With the F-35 coming into service soon, I do not think that the Rafale can compete against that in the global arms market.

Many of the world class air forces have been buying American jets for a long time. They also happen to make a best bombs.

The new F-15 Silent Eagle is likely to come soon. Targeted mainly for export.




Countries, especially among current users such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Israel would really want this. If it is air superiority one wants, and a high price tag is not a problem, the F-15 is the one to go for.
Question is: Can Rafale compete against the F-15 Silent Eagle?
In my opinion, no.

The report is valid as far as the global arms market goes. The Americans, Russians and the Chinese are likely to lead the global arms market now and the future.
Lets just say that Rafale is a "premium" fighter. Only countries that have money can procure such "premium" fighters.

With the F-35 coming into service soon, I do not think that the Rafale can compete against that in the global arms market.

Many of the world class air forces have been buying American jets for a long time. They also happen to make a best bombs.

The new F-15 Silent Eagle is likely to come soon. Targeted mainly for export.



Countries, especially current users such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Question is: Can Rafale compete against that?
In my opinion, no.

The report is valid as far as the global arms market goes. The Americans, Russians and the Chinese are likely to lead the global arms market now and the future.

What's the use of a jet which can't be used in wartime?

Since they ain't giving us source codes of the radars, we'll have to be dependent on US missiles in the time of crisis. Which isn't acceptable for us. And Japan, SK. Singapore doesn't have any issue signing Cismoa, we won't jeopardize security of our communication just to please some Americans. Got the flow?
What's the use of a jet which can't be used in wartime?

Since they ain't giving us source codes of the radars, we'll have to be dependent on US missiles in the time of crisis. Which isn't acceptable for us. And Japan, SK. Singapore doesn't have any issue signing Cismoa, we won't jeopardize security of our communication just to please some Americans. Got the flow?

um...never said anything about India in my post.

As far as India goes, I understood their reasons for rejecting the F-16 and the F-18 and even the F-35 program (India Rejects US Offer of Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning-II | Views to News, about Pakistan, India, World and Technology) in favor of the Rafale and the EF.
And F-15 SE is without any customer as of now.

Where in the post you quoted did I mention the F-15 SE?

The F-15 SE is still under development. Look, my point is that the Rafale won't be able to compete against the F-15 SE in the near future. Let alone the F-35 (under development), the program offer which you guys rejected.
you know why they cannot buy big houses in Mumbai because it is frikkin expensive..

I used to live in Powai which had a rate of 18000 rs per square feet that comes to around 34000 Pakistani rupees per square feet.

When i did search on Google the rates are 3000 to 6000 Pakistani rupees per square feet..
By selling one flat in Mumbai I can buy a friggin block in Pakistan..
Did you give it a thought?

Yeah, and if one sells a penthouse in New York, it can buy........ blah blah blah.

DHA is as expensive as most part of Mumbai, you didn't hear in the first video a 200 square yards plot in commercial area is over 20 Crores.
As I said to you, Karachi is huge in size compare to Mumbai. The DHA alone is bigger than whole city of Mumbai. Therefore, the land is slightly cheaper. They don't live in small apartments but reasonably good houses. Secondly, Karachi is on the fault lines, so in the past, they didn't allow taller buildings, otherwise, Karachities have plenty of money to build tall buildings, but they wouldn't get the planning permissions.

With new building and construction technologies, they have relaxed the rules slightly; new taller buildings are under construction now. Otherwise the standard height was 12 floors over that you will struggle to get the planning permissions. You will see lots of buildings of this height in Karachi. Secondly, all the new areas of Karachi are planned on the basis, that on the main roads are commercial areas where you can build shops and flats and behind them are houses. So when you driving around you see flats on the main roads, but that’s all the rest are houses.

You also get one thing straight, Pakistanis are far better off then what their national stats show, most of the people don't pay taxes, that’s why Pakistan is in budgetary problems. Tax ratio in Pakistan is only 8% compare to India's 18%.

So if Pakistan get little tough on levying and collection of the taxes, Pakistan's per capita income would be twice of India and there would be no need for loans of any kind.

You Indians should remember Pakistan's problem are only skin deep, they can over come them very quickly provided they have honest administration. Whatever their budget deficit is, can be wiped off, by just applying better administration and collection without even increasing the tax burden or widening the net of the Tax. Imagine what can be done by increasing it to the level of 18%.

Like I said, I had been kidding with you. If you think I don't know how world works, then you are mistaken. Remember I am a westerner.

My family knows India if I have never been there, so I know most of the things about your country. You guys should wise up and do not cross the line. Like I said, patriotism is not a bad thing, but being stupid or ignorant in your patriotism is not a good idea. Pakistanis are very self critical.

We are also far more democratic and tolerant compare to Indians, despite whatever misconceptions you have. There can not be any better example than this or other forums like it, where you are given full say in discussions. If we were not mentally more democratic and tolerant we wouldn't allow you on our forums.

Compare to Pakistani forums, Indian forums, websites, newspapers don't allow comments from Pakistanis. I have tried for years, they never publish my comments. Similarly ridiculous attitude shown on these threads.

Admit people of Karachi in general live in far better conditions than the people of your biggest and richest city Mumbai. Therefore, remove your false misconceptions and stop writing nasty comments. That is the message I wanted to hammer home.

Let us come out of the 30 years+ war in Afghanistan we will catch up on Dubai quickly. Karachi would have developed if these wars were not imposed on us, and we having not to face RAW sponsored terrorist in Karachi including a political party. At least in Karachi the apartments and offices would be occupied rather than becoming ghost towns in Dubai.
Where in the post you quoted did I mention the F-15 SE?

The F-15 SE is still under development. Look, my point is that the Rafale won't be able to compete against the F-15 SE in the near future. Let alone the F-35 (under development), the program offer which you guys rejected.

You're mixing up 4.5th gen with 5th gen aircraft.

Rafale isn't supposed to compete with F-35s, but ironically Rafale defeated F-35s in combat trainings. And F-15SE was mainly offered as a replacement for F-35s but the participating countries isn't interested in it. So it's highly likely to be discarded in the near future. And F-15SE isn't stealth at all, its RCS will be equal to EFT or Rafale.
If you are so cool... give me 60 Lakh INR to buy 600 sqft house in mumbai.. I will give you my house address send me Demand draft...

and for your kind info this is a discussion on French fighter.. be little matured to debate on topic...
600 sq feet? Are you kidding me? Do you have houses of that size in Mumbai? G man, I am truly saddened from this information. 1000+ sq feet is standard size of flats for poor people in Karachi. The houses you seeing are build on 2000 to 4000 square yards not on square feet.

Yes, i know it is a thread to discuss the fighter. Why your Indian fellow started the non-sense of buying off Karachi? I had to dispel his misconceptions about Karachi. Some one also said have I ever been to Pakistan? I have to show him, not only I go almost every year, but I have a huge family house just behind the UAE Sheikh's mansion shown in one of the Videos. Plus I have 3 family houses in F6 area of Islamabad, which is the most expensive in Islamabad. He said, Pakistan is not London. Yes, it is not, but for me personally living in Pakistan is far better than living in London.

The family I have in Pakistan, live in better house which is far better furnished. They drive nicer and newer cars. Eat far better food than I usually do. Once the security is better and I get some of my family issues settled I surely will prefer to live in Karachi or Islamabad, any time of the day.
Yeah, and if one sells a penthouse in New York, it can buy........ blah blah blah.

DHA is as expensive as most part of Mumbai, you didn't hear in the first video a 200 square yards plot in commercial area is over 20 Crores.
As I said to you, Karachi is huge in size compare to Mumbai. The DHA alone is bigger than whole city of Mumbai. Therefore, the land is slightly cheaper. They don't live in small apartments but reasonably good houses. Secondly, Karachi is on the fault lines, so in the past, they didn't allow taller buildings, otherwise, Karachities have plenty of money to build tall buildings, but they wouldn't get the planning permissions.

With new building and construction technologies, they have relaxed the rules slightly; new taller buildings are under construction now. Otherwise the standard height was 12 floors over that you will struggle to get the planning permissions. You will see lots of buildings of this height in Karachi. Secondly, all the new areas of Karachi are planned on the basis, that on the main roads are commercial areas where you can build shops and flats and behind them are houses. So when you driving around you see flats on the main roads, but that’s all the rest are houses.

You also get one thing straight, Pakistanis are far better off then what their national stats show, most of the people don't pay taxes, that’s why Pakistan is in budgetary problems. Tax ratio in Pakistan is only 8% compare to India's 18%.

So if Pakistan get little tough on levying and collection of the taxes, Pakistan's per capita income would be twice of India and there would be no need for loans of any kind.

You Indians should remember Pakistan's problem are only skin deep, they can over come them very quickly provided they have honest administration. Whatever their budget deficit is, can be wiped off, by just applying better administration and collection without even increasing the tax burden or widening the net of the Tax. Imagine what can be done by increasing it to the level of 18%.

Like I said, I had been kidding with you. If you think I don't know how world works, then you are mistaken. Remember I am a westerner.

My family knows India if I have never been there, so I know most of the things about your country. You guys should wise up and do not cross the line. Like I said, patriotism is not a bad thing, but being stupid or ignorant in your patriotism is not a good idea. Pakistanis are very self critical.

We are also far more democratic and tolerant compare to Indians, despite whatever misconceptions you have. There can not be any better example than this or other forums like it, where you are given full say in discussions. If we were not mentally more democratic and tolerant we wouldn't allow you on our forums.

Compare to Pakistani forums, Indian forums, websites, newspapers don't allow comments from Pakistanis. I have tried for years, they never publish my comments. Similarly ridiculous attitude shown on these threads.

Admit people of Karachi in general live in far better conditions than the people of your biggest and richest city Mumbai. Therefore, remove your false misconceptions and stop writing nasty comments. That is the message I wanted to hammer home.

Let us come out of the 30 years+ war in Afghanistan we will catch up on Dubai quickly. Karachi would have developed if these wars were not imposed on us, and we having not to face RAW sponsored terrorist in Karachi including a political party. At least in Karachi the apartments and offices would be occupied rather than becoming ghost towns in Dubai.

this guy mixed up almost everything..started with real estates and ended up in RAW.....
600 sq feet? Are you kidding me? Do you have houses of that size in Mumbai? G man, I am truly saddened from this information. 1000+ sq feet is standard size of flats for poor people in Karachi. The houses you seeing are build on 2000 to 4000 square yards not on square feet.
Yes, i know it is a thread to discuss the fighter. Why your Indian fellow started the non-sense of buying off Karachi? I had to dispel his misconceptions about Karachi. Some one also said have I ever been to Pakistan? I have to show him, not only I go almost every year, but I have a huge family house just behind the UAE Sheikh's mansion shown in one of the Videos. Plus I have 3 family houses in F6 area of Islamabad, which is the most expensive in Islamabad. He said, Pakistan is not London. Yes, it is not, but for me personally living in Pakistan is far better than living in London.

The family I have in Pakistan, live in better house which is far better furnished. They drive nicer and newer cars. Eat far better food than I usually do. Once the security is better and I get some of my family issues settled I surely will prefer to live in Karachi or Islamabad, any time of the day.

Well yes..real estate is rather costly here in Mumbai.One of the many ill effects of being the financial capital of India...Take my example.I stay in a 2 bhk,empty flat with a carpet area of 700 sq feet and pay a rent of 15000 INR,and this place is considered to be cheap...The cost of real estate is directly proportional to demand and it would require something like a Communist regime or insane manner of government subsidy to control that..

Anyways,I think,real estates can be an interesting topic of discussion.You should think about creating a new thread on that...
guys... please stick to the topic... yaa we all know karachi.... more people killed in sectarian violence than any other region in the world...
You're mixing up 4.5th gen with 5th gen aircraft.

Rafale isn't supposed to compete with F-35s, but ironically Rafale defeated F-35s in combat trainings. And F-15SE was mainly offered as a replacement for F-35s but the participating countries isn't interested in it. So it's highly likely to be discarded in the near future. And F-15SE isn't stealth at all, its RCS will be equal to EFT or Rafale.

The F-15 SE apparently uses 5th generation technologies and is mainly targeted at nations already using F-15 variants. Where did you hear that the F-15 SE is meant as a "replacement" for the F-35? Does it make sense to "replace" an aircraft that isn't even in service?

Who said no one is interested in the F-15SE?

Japan discarded it in favor of its own 5th generation fighter project.

The Koreans are interested: DailyTech - Boeing F-15SE "Silent Eagle" May Wind Up in South Korean Air Force

The Saudis are interested: DoD Buzz | Saudis Eye Buying 72 F-15s

Even the Israelis are interested.

I didn't say the Rafale is a bad jet. It is a formidable fighter - no doubt.

It is partly about business relations. When you become reliant on a sole supplier, it is natural to become dependable since there is an environment of trust. And since France has been one of India's key suppliers, it makes sense to buy the Rafale.

If Rafale is going to sell, Dassault has to try hard to convince the end user in order to compete with its American and British (BAE) counterparts in the global market.
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