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The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants -

Rafale is crap...bt these dumbos are begging a speedmeter and tyre frm french fr their so called "thunder with no air in tube"....(in short avionics)...

bt u noe wat ..we r quite confident wid c class fighter lyk rafale..bcz we have great pilots....even rickshaw driver can shot down jh-17 with one coconut..after all he is frm chennai..inna rasacala
Any Kid can tell, What is Good :azn:

One should ask How many countries can Afford ?? Just for the sake of Posting ??

When people starts Criticizing or Pin-Point , Specially neighbor. Then It means Its Good :yahoo:
This is what happens when rickshaw drivers, sanitary cleaners have an internet connection and start posting on forums.
If this continuous, very soon PDF will go down the drain.

Dude it is an insult to rickshaw drivers and sanitary cleaners ..... by comparing to him....
By The Way,

USD 10 billion Indian Air Force (IAF) tender for 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA)

This is More Than Pakistan 2011 Defence Budget. So, Obviously Its not possible for you. Hence, Post anything Crap who can Afford and Buying it. Best and Only Way to Counter Attack. :rofl:
Tomorrow There will be Thread.

No One wants to Buy 5th generation Flights PAK FA + FGFA + AMCA

No One Wants to Buy Aircraft Carrier + Nucleur Sub Marine

No One Wants to Buy Arrow 2 or Develop Military + SPY Satellite

:yahoo: :cheesy: :rofl:
Dnt know abt tht but PAF bought 18 F-16s for 80 million $ a pop.
Come on we know how U get these F16s..... Hope U dont need my explianation.
I agree delta wing (mini mirage type)jets are useless in todays era.
Then why are U still using them? Beside how many Mirages U use?
Come on we know how U get these F16s..... Hope U dont need my explianation.

Then why are U still using them? Beside how many Mirages U use?

YOu only see delta fighters in the old inventories of airforces. I mean everything costs money to replace right..........what bohters me the most about this selection is that most posters simly back Rafale because it is "sexy." We have a long way to go if that is the criteria we are looking for and should call ourselves idiots for selecting on that basis.
YOu only see delta fighters in the old inventories of airforces. I mean everything costs money to replace right..........what bohters me the most about this selection is that most posters simly back Rafale because it is "sexy." We have a long way to go if that is the criteria we are looking for and should call ourselves idiots for selecting on that basis.

regarding bolded part, no.... it is not the case.

people do support rafale because....

spectra suit
the ToT part
france's relaxed attitude about mirage changes during kargil war
supplying all source codes
IAF loves mirages (they even want to upgrade mirages at a huge price, shows their love to that bird)
particularly the A2G capability of rafale which IAF will need badly after phasing out some birds (it can replace jags and mig27s)
the class apart avionics
the wapons come with it
rafale's capability to carry huge load of weapons.

may be more...
regarding bolded part, no.... it is not the case.

people do support rafale because....

spectra suit
the ToT part
france's relaxed attitude about mirage changes during kargil war
supplying all source codes
IAF loves mirages (they even want to upgrade mirages at a huge price, shows their love to that bird)
particularly the A2G capability of rafale which IAF will need badly after phasing out some birds (it can replace jags and mig27s)
the class apart avionics
the wapons come with it
rafale's capability to carry huge load of weapons.

may be more...

Finally someone who posts actual facts as to why Rafale's selection may be better for us. Now what about Typhoons's capabilities that are on par or superior to Rafale? Not to you specifically, to anyone!
I agree delta wing (mini mirage type)jets are useless in todays era.:whistle:
No dude u r mistaken that delta wing fighter with missiles can kick the back of the worlds best multirole fighters efficiently. But its not a multirole fighter as jf-17. Once again i would like to say the effieiency of jf-17's. tejas cannot do the roles of jf-17's...

Tejas is useful for interception,strike attacks and it lacks air superiority against Typhoons , Mki's and F-22's. Not a best multi role fighter.

Jf-17 is best multi role
1.Useful for training
2.It supports learning for beginners and experts
3.It can used as target for missiles
4.It can be used for practicing interception
5.It can be shown as threat by numerical superiority
6.It can be used for testing ejection seats at high altitudes
7.It can be sold to poor countries
8.Its the worlds best 4-- gen aircraft
9.Its maitainance is low, no spares problem
10. And the most best part of Jf-17 is it makes u confident that it can effectively counter mki's.
it is not about Boosting about an Expansive Jet,the thing is that you are capable to manage with that ,an enemy never think about Price Before shooting it all that matters is Winning attitude
But we see if jf-17 is opponent we wont use missiles we ll just use guns to bring it down.
Ur winning attitude would be gone when u see rafale.

I think whatever India buys or intend to buy becomes junk suddenly.... I dont know why... :no:
hen india buys 126 jets its a thrash but when pakistani says its better for them to have 40 aircrafts of the same type then those planes will be getting super powers like...
30 rafales enough to counter india,
36 mig35's can be a threat to india...
Don't watch Indian News channel much
South Korea, Singapore, and Morocco choosing Boeing's (BA) F-15 and Lockheed Martin's (LMT) F-16 over the Rafale.

Yes, Choose and then Weep as PAF is doing these Days !!!
  • What about CISMOA ?
  • What abt ToT ?
  • What about Spares ?

Above all what about Sovereignity ?
And espacially Korea. they have one of the world best technology and they are way ahead in many fields. just google and you will see how poor they are and how rich you are:what:.

Both The Nations are NOT even THINKING for Fifth Generation Fighters and Google and You will see INDIA is THE ONLY NATION which has 3 Fifth Generation Fighters available on the Table....

3. F-35

If affordability is the parameter of Richness.... India Investing a whopping $30 Billion on 250 FGFA... ..

Besides even US has poor but how many nations have 10% Economy Growth ?

While India "the super rich" with 500 millions living in abject poverty according to the UN orders Rafales which nobody in the world wants. Rafales would become famous. Famous Junk, rejected by others.:cheesy:

You are Still using the Junks older.. much older sister.. the Mirages... i guess New Junk must be better than Older Junk !!!

You have 150 Mirages III ( which is a Fighter of almost second world war time late in 50s. ) in ACTIVE DUTY and Yet u dare call a 4.5 gen+ Figher a Junk ...

God Help PAF if Rafale is a Junk !!!
Dear All,

Rafale may have lost to american fighters in certain deals as pointed out by some members, but the reason for that may be quite a lot. America's aggressive marketing policy and so called allied nations status results in "no option but select the US toys". This pressure by USA can be a important factor. Also since F35 is under developement, USA can assure some of the Nations that we can replace these fighters (F15, F16) in future with F35. may be even some nations are dependant on American Aid hence no options but to buy them. Ally like South Korea which surely has good economy but have a great influence of USA over its Policies. Hence as I said there may be several reasons why Rafale have not been selected in other nations Procurement.

With regards
And Need is the Prime factor.... How can we compare on Nation's need with the Other ?
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