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The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants -

Brother we are either going for Rafale or Tornado.....we dont want Torpedo cause its performance is as bad as that of M.i.G 29.....For india $53 billion is not a big deal...Congress and BJP together with IPL in the next session can raise double the amout for DRDO and NSG...considering the fact we just launched GSAT-8 last week its highly likely france would ask ISRO to send their next set of payload into orbit:tup:
I think there needs to be some explanation since Chennai heat might be getting to you and you are clearly not used to it.

Example: Shanghai has nice apartments. The apartments are very luxurious and comfortable. But only PLA and communist party officials control over 60% of the investments and even people who were evicted from the land do not own anything there. Do you understand the similiarity? The same land from which the poor Shanghaians were evicted has now been developed in to great townships but the poor people have no right and have been evicted from their own homes and if they protest then they are arrested by the communist party and then sent on re-education where they are tortured and even old people are not spared.

I know an uncle who has seen an old lady whose husband was first a migrant worker and he came to Shanghai in old times and made a small home. The old couple had a son and they were happy. But soon the greedy communist party officials evicted the whole village near the Bund river to make these big apartments. It was easy to throw the poor people out because the PLA and the communist party families and children owned all the construction companies. The old man went to protest but he was arrested and sent away to prison for re-education. The son of the old lady also tried to save his father but he was also arrested and his body disappeared. This is the case with thousands of familiies. Where these poor people used to grow their food is now apartments of PLA and communist party officials and the poor people cannot even look these corrupt officials in the eye because if they do then they will be arrested and sent to jail for many years and their familiies will die.

I hope that you got the message and please feel welcome to enjoy the hospitality in India brother.

On the topic: Please expect several such news pieces to appear all over the world. It is only expected considering that Rafaele has been shortlisted for the MMRCA bid and competition is expected to not give up easily.
how much does it cost?

well even F-16 cost 80millions

and uganda operate SU 30 which as per indian cost 103millions USD
even JFT cost 25millions

rafale is not costy.most of countries can buy it bt by the same amount the other countries can buy evenmore better products than Rafale

Well Su30 MKI currently being inducted cost around 55 Million USD
The first batch of Su30 Mk inducted in yr 1998 costed around 30 Million USD
the increase in price was due to inflation

The reason why Last Batch of Su30 Mki cost around 103 Million USD is becoz it will be inducted in yr 2014-15
and becoz they carry an AESA radar
add to that , they also carry uprated engines , better avionics and EW suites and jammers
as well as structural improvements to carry 2 brahmos cruise missiles

This is also the reason why upgrade of first 50 MKI cost around 2.3 Billion USD or 46 Million USD each

Remaining 180 MKI will cost 30 million each to upgrade
Brother we are either going for Rafale or Tornado.....we dont want Torpedo cause its performance is as bad as that of M.i.G 29.....For india $53 billion is not a big deal...Congress and BJP together with IPL in the next session can raise double the amout for DRDO and NSG...considering the fact we just launched GSAT-8 last week its highly likely france would ask ISRO to send their next set of payload into orbit:tup:

yes our Avionics are developed by Bajaj and our SU-30 engines are fitted with ISRO made Kevari engines:tup:
This is what happens when rickshaw drivers, sanitary cleaners have an internet connection and start posting on forums.
If this continuous, very soon PDF will go down the drain.
yes our Avionics are developed by Bajaj and our SU-30 engines are fitted with ISRO made Kevari engines:tup:

Bajaj also makes good autorickshaws. Hey which brand do you drive or do you actually 'pull' rickshaw rather than 'drive' one.
how much does it cost?

well even F-16 cost 80millions
Ambiguous statement.Cost depends upon the model.The F-16IN super Viper comparable to Block 60 costs around $50 million.
and uganda operate SU 30 which as per indian cost 103millions USD
even JFT cost 25millions
yet another ambiguous statement.Uganda operates MK-2,which is not comparable to the Indian MKI
rafale is not costy.most of countries can buy it bt by the same amount the other countries can buy evenmore better products than Rafale

The model of Rafale in MMRCA competition costs $84.48 million.Thats more than 3 times the cost of a JFT.
I think there needs to be some explanation since Chennai heat might be getting to you and you are clearly not used to it.

Example: Shanghai has nice apartments. The apartments are very luxurious and comfortable. But only PLA and communist party officials control over 60% of the investments and even people who were evicted from the land do not own anything there. Do you understand the similiarity? The same land from which the poor Shanghaians were evicted has now been developed in to great townships but the poor people have no right and have been evicted from their own homes and if they protest then they are arrested by the communist party and then sent on re-education where they are tortured and even old people are not spared.

I know an uncle who has seen an old lady whose husband was first a migrant worker and he came to Shanghai in old times and made a small home. The old couple had a son and they were happy. But soon the greedy communist party officials evicted the whole village near the Bund river to make these big apartments. It was easy to throw the poor people out because the PLA and the communist party families and children owned all the construction companies. The old man went to protest but he was arrested and sent away to prison for re-education. The son of the old lady also tried to save his father but he was also arrested and his body disappeared. This is the case with thousands of familiies. Where these poor people used to grow their food is now apartments of PLA and communist party officials and the poor people cannot even look these corrupt officials in the eye because if they do then they will be arrested and sent to jail for many years and their familiies will die.

I hope that you got the message and please feel welcome to enjoy the hospitality in India brother.

On the topic: Please expect several such news pieces to appear all over the world. It is only expected considering that Rafaele has been shortlisted for the MMRCA bid and competition is expected to not give up easily.

Damn, so those commies take away those poor folks' homes and the land they make their living on, how will those people live?
yes our Avionics are developed by Bajaj and our SU-30 engines are fitted with ISRO made Kevari engines:tup:

i don't want to call you an as$ hole, cause i have more respect for that word than you. go jerk it somewhere in the corner don't litter this forum.
. mods please take care of this weed.
Here's an article from defense Aerospace, and the actual price(along with R&D costs) price is a shocker.

The average unit procurement cost of fighter aircraft produced in the NATO area is $112.43 million,
and varies in a ratio of almost 3 to 1 from $62.1 million for a Dassault Rafale C to $177.6 million
for a Lockheed F-22A. Three aircraft have a unit procurement cost of around $70 million, and
another three cost around $110 million.
When total research and development costs are added, however, the picture is very different, as
the average program unit cost rises to $148.7 million. On this basis, only two aircraft cost less than
$100 million, another costs $112 million, and two (Eurofighter and Rafale) cost around $140
Again, the F-22A is the most expensive, with a unit program cost of $338.8 million.


Now tell me, how many countries can afford an aircraft costing above $140 million a pop. :what:
I have a feeling India is going to buy a whole hunch of these "FAILED" fighters.

I hope not....the Typhoons is a much better plane with more incentives to offer that are more beneficial for Indian in the long run with regard to it indigineous program. Rafale is only offering TOT nothing more or less. In Typhoons' case, we are made an actual partner. I think your feeling is related to the you eat haha
Rafale is no failed fighter.

If India selects it, it might just get a new lease of life.

Make no mistake, its one cracker of a machine.
There are many crakcer fighters.....whatever that means.....the point it that the Typhoon is better and mind you, nobody wants to buy it, tells it might not be all thats it cracked up to be.
There are many crakcer fighters.....whatever that means.....the point it that the Typhoon is better and mind you, nobody wants to buy it, tells it might not be all thats it cracked up to be.

Says who?.....you!!! :lol:
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