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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

They released footage showing some pieces of equipment with serial number on it, but no one seems to have picked up on it. A couple months ago they also showed what looked like a Russian UAV which they supposedly downed.
I've met a lot of people who don't like our government or us at all.

They did not, since 1453...
No problem at all...

Atasözü der ki; Türk'ün Türk'ten başka dostu yoktur.
Sıkıntı yok.
i just find it strange why our army posts a handful soldiers to some flimsy outpost (generally speaking based on pkk videos i saw) that can be overrun easily by a big group of pkk rats who know the terrain, get to have the initiative to attack and have the surprise advantage. Aside from those big Kalekols, i just dont see the point of making our soldiers (mostly conscripts?) stand guard at, for example, some hillpoint with apparently minimal protection, thus basically sitting ducks. Hopefully the number of armed UAV's will increase fast so that maybe our soldiers will not be used for such outposts anymore. Even if such outposts will still be utilized, at least make sure that those pkk bastards can't get close unseen thanks to UAVs and other technologies.

It's maybe easier said than done, but it seems our fight needs to be done more professionally by using more intelligence and more technology.
Gun operator is not professional as the ones at SE.If he has began to fire from the back he could hit most of them also cut the escape way.Terrorists always run away from the gun and for this time it was easy to guess their escape way and kill them.Of course I am not expert but I dont find him successful.
Gun operator is not professional as the ones at SE.If he has began to fire from the back he could hit most of them also cut the escape way.Terrorists always run away from the gun and for this time it was easy to guess their escape way and kill them.Of course I am not expert but I dont find him successful.

I noticed how he was spraying bullets left and right. At least they were all killed though. :sniper:
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