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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

What part of that is bad ? PKK terrorizing ppl as I explained. When you give them a chance to come out of their holes and gather around a political party, where the majority of politicians are just as bad as PKK. You need to root out these, whilr improving life for common people, and that my friend is fuxking hard. Selahattin Demirtas is still in prison, and I don't remember him voicing support for PKK, but correct me if I am wrong. This guy, if he is legit decent kurdish politician, will turn into a super star when PKK influence on common ppl has been dealt with. And like RTE he'll have a fanbase the day he comes out and all corrupt HDP has been dealt with. He'll start a new party or have it ready, and the people tired of corrupt HDP and PKK etc. Will jump into his open arms, and once again for earnest work to improve life and conditions for our regions that has suffered in the hands of PKK. A terrorist organization that Germany and other EU countries allow to exist in their country.

Well, that is how I see it could turn out.
Kurds are already given rights that very few minorities in the world can boast of
It’s true that SE isn’t developed region but that was because of pkk terrorism ilisu dam and following projects will do great things for the people living here
What hdp pkk and all preceding parties (that were banned for a reason) want is sectarian division of the state among ethnic lines
We all have seen examples of divided countries who instead of going better actually ended in much more worse condition than pre-sectarianism mode
Condolences to the Turkish Nation and the Special Forces Command

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Götü sıkışan zaten teslim oluyor veya intihar ediyor, Askere kursun sık, teslim ol, hapis yat sonra ailene geri dön böyle terör bitmez.
I initially wrote this message in Turkish, but here is the Google translated version:
The exact opposite. Finishing terrorism with weapons is a last-care method. We have to finish terrorism from the scent, so that they cannot find new staff. Just like coronavirus cases, humans are getting better, but it comes in new cases and the number of viruses remains the same. The new case will not come, the virus will disappear completely.

In Terrorizm, the same logic should deceive new people and go to pkk, so that you can get pregnant as pkk orgut. In this responsibility, it starts with us before our soldiers. We all have responsibility in this regard. If we treat each other with respect, if we pay more attention not to dismiss, the pkk lies are much less effective. So we will strengthen our soft belly.

Please look at this video from start to finish. A young boy who got rid of pkk's pence is behind us, and tells how he got rid of it:
[MEDIA = youtube] xukqo335ocg [/ MEDIA]

In this video, the thought style of pkk, how they deceive and suppress people, how they apply propaganda. As we see and learn about them, then it seems that we have some responsibility. For example, this tells behind us, since his childhood pkk, Kurt nationalism has been committed to him. They've been hanging this in their brains since childhood, what can we expect from such a person? We have to prevent this, we have to win these people, mothers, fathers, children, and win them. I do not necessarily say they should think like us, by the way, I say to pkk in the style of no feed.

This friend tells how he got rid of the chain of pkk, and obviously he was rescued from the people who were inspired by the people in his etherphine. Here's the noble struggle here, let the pkk be breathless that we're going to win these people. In the 90s, for example, the state of emergency was in that region, at that time, pkk had attracted the most people, for example, and it was the strongest time of pkk. In this case, the people there felt overwhelmed and depressed, which gave pkk an opportunity to spread its propaganda more effectively and the staff won. Anyway, the actions of pkk, bombs, other types of actions, the first aim of these actions is to destabilize that region and prevent it from investing there and prevent it from doing anything (get sports, hobbies, education, etc.) Let the pkk's lies be more shy. But if this region is lifted, the pkk breaths because it does not easily bleed into the propaganda of the humanitarian pkk of that region. People become more conscious. In fact, these PKKs hate the Wolves who do not sympathize with PKK more than the Turks, see them as traitors.

He says in the 22nd minute what we should pay attention to. He tells us not to be excluded, he breathes their (Kurt) nationalist feelings. Nationalism (any ideology) only leads to more ideology and people feel even more polarized and excluded. For example, when we look at Iraq, Iraq got into each other, they protected Sunni nationalism, Shii nationalist, Kurt nationalism all one by one, they dropped each other, so Iraq was destabilized and they are still struggling. Same as in Libanon (decades originated before, but it works more in the same way).

We have a responsibility in this regard. We, as individuals, need to pay attention to our words, what we write, so that at least we do not make us feel dismissed. Let pkk find it and make it propaganda and not fool people, or let us defile anyone against the propaganda of pkk. For example, a tourist flag in the Black Sea region had a Wolf flag (Northern Iraq Wolf region) to take a photo. They were going to clinch the man there, and that was the Internet. This was a powerful propaganda material for the PKK, and spread all kinds of lies, the Turks are dismissing the wolf, racist and vesayre. He gains the sympathy of Europeans (normal people) with such lies. I mean, it didn't work for us to react like that here, it was even to our loss. He also resulted from the fact that he could not control a person's nationalist feelings, which had a snowball effect on our ally. Unfortunately, very unconscious in this regard, because many of our Turkish citizens commented on the meaning of 'well done' under this video. In these comments, pkk and bad are used against us by intentions.

This tactic doesn't just use pkk, by the way. All terror organs, farc, isid, all use the same methods and propaganda techniques in the world. So the content is different, the technique is the same. For example, Isid succeeded in bringing people in Europe who felt disoriented. In addition, those who do not know Islam well are more likely, because they know that they are easier to deceive: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...tanding-of-islam-radicalisation-a7877706.html

For example, there are people who still fall for the lies used by the pkk, such as pkk claiming that Kurds are discriminated against, etc. They are deceiving people by serving these lies in a convincing way by using the videos I gave as an example and the comments below it. They play on people's senses, they are angry, they scare them, etc. Besides that, people who have not learned about these events and researched them believe this. The majority of those entering pkk are children and young people aged 15, 16, early twenties. Children who have not yet learned exactly what life is and the perrils that come with it. For example, the person who joined his family in that video was deceived and recruited at a young age (I don't know how old he is now, but I think he is barely 20 years old).

We are all responsible, friends. We need to be aware of this responsibility so that we can overcome pkk and any teror and provocations.
Tam tersi. Silah ile terorizmi bitirmek son care olan bir metoddur. Terrorizmi kokunden bitirmemiz gerekiyor, yani yeni eleman bulamasinlar. Ayni Koronavirusu vakalari gibi, insanlar iyilesiyor ama bunun yani sira yeni vakalarda geliyor ve virus aktif sayisi ayni kaliyor. Yeni vaka gelmiyecekki, virus tamamen yok olsun.

Terrorizm'de de ayni mantik, yeni insanlari kandirip pkk'ya gitmesinki pkk orgut olarak geberip gitsin. Bu sorumlulukda, askerlerimizden once bizde basliyor. Hepimizde bu konuda sorumluluk var. Birbirlerimize saygili davranirsak, dislamamaya daha cok onem verirsek, pkk yalanlarinin etkiligi dahada cok duser. Yani yumusak karnimizi guclendirmis oluruz.

Bu video'ya lutfen bastan sona kadar izle. pkk'nin pencesinden kurtulmus bir genc arkadasimiz, ve bundan nasil kurtuldugunu anlatiyor:

Bu video'da pkk'nin dusunce tarzi, nasil insanlari kandiriyorlar ve baskiliyorlar, nasil propaganda uyguluyorlar. Bunlari gordukce ve ogrendikce, o zaman bizimde bazi sorumlulugumuz oldugu gorunuyor. Mesela bu arkasimiz anlatiyor, cocuklugundan beri pkk, Kurt milliyetcliligi olayi ona islenmis. Cocuklugundan beri bunu beyinlerine asiliyorlar, boyle bir kisiden ne bekleyebilirizki? Bunu onlememiz lazim, bu insanlari, anneleri babalari olsun, cocuklar olsun, bunlari kazanmamiz lazim. Mutlaka bizim gibi dusunsunler demiyorum bu arada, pkk'ya yem olmasin tarzinda diyorum.

Bu arkadasimiz pkk'nin zincirinden nasil kurtuldugunu anlatiyor, ve belli oluyorki etrefindaki insanlardan kaynaklanmis, onlardan ilham alip illet olan pkk'dan kurtulmus. Iste asil mucadele burada, bu insanlari kazanacagiz'ki pkk'nin nefesi kesilsin. 90'li yillarda mesela OHAL olmustu o bolgede, o zamanlar pkk en cok insan cekmisti mesela ve pkk'nin en guclu zamaniydi bu yillar. Bu durumda orada insanlar kendilerini ezilmis ve depresyonda hissetmislerdi, ve bu da pkk'ya firsat verip propagandasini daha effektif yaydi ve eleman kazandi. Zaten pkk'nin eylemleri, bomba olsun, baska turlu eylemler olsun, bu eylemlerin ilk gaye'si o bolgeyi destabilize edip, oraya yatirim vesayre yapilmasini onlemek ki, insanlar issiz kalsin birsey ile ugrasmasin (spor olsun, hobbi olsun, egitim olsun, vesayre), pkk'nin yalanlarina daha kirilgan olsun. Ama bu bolge kalkinirsa, pkk'nin nefesi kesiliyor cunku o bolgenin insani pkk'nin propagandasina kolay kolay kanmiyor artik. Insanlar daha bilincli oluyor. Hatta, bu pkk'lilar, pkk'ya sempati duymayan Kurtleri, Turklerden daha cok nefret ediyor, onlari hain olarak goruyor.

22'inci dakikada anlatiyor neye dikkat etmemiz gerektigini. Dislmamazi soyluyor, onlarin (Kurt) milliyetci duygularini kabartmamizi solyluyor. Milliyetcilik (herhangi ideolojiklik) ancak daha cok ideolojilestirmeye yol aciyor ve insanlar boylelikle daha da cok kutuplasmis ve dislanmis hissediyor. Mesela Irak'a baktigimizda, Irak biribirine girdi, Sunni milliyetciligi, Shii milliyetlici, Kurt milliyetciliginin hepsini tek tek koruklediler, birbirlerine dusurduler, bundan dolay Irak destabilize oldu ve daha hala zorlaniyorlar. Libanon'da ayni sekilde (on yillar onceden kaynaklandi, ama ayni sekilde daha isliyor).

Bizimde sorumlulugumuz var bu konuda. Bizler, birey olarak laflarimiza, yazdiklarimiza dikkat etmemiz lazim ki karsimizdaki kisiyi en azindan dislanmis hissettirmeyelim. pkk bunu bulup propaganda haline getirip insanlari kandirmasinlar, yada bir kisiye pkk'nin propagandasina karsi kirilganlistirmayalim. Mesela, Karadeniz bolgesinde bir turist hatira fotorafi cekmek icin Kurt bayragi (Kuzey Irak Kurt bolgesi) cekmis. Orada neredeyse adami linc edeceklerdi ve buda internete dustu. Bu pkk icin guclu bir propaganda malzemesi oldu, ve her turlu yalani yaydi, Turkler Kurtleri disliyor, irkcilik yapiyor vesayre diye. Avrupalilarin (normal insanlarin) sempatisini boyle yalanlarla kazaniyor. Yani demek istedigim, burada boyle bir tepki vermek bize yaramadi, hatta bizim zararimiza oldu. O da bir kisinin milliyetci duygularina hakim olamadigindan kaynaklandi, bu da alyehimize kartopu etkisi yaratti. Bu konuda ulke olarak cok bilincsizis maalesef, cunku bu video'nun altinda cok Turk vatandaslarimiz 'iyi yapti' manasinda yorum atti. Bu yorumlarda pkk ve kotu niyetliler tarafindan aleyhimize kullaniliyor.

Bu taktigi sadece pkk kullanmiyor bu arada. Dunayada tum teror orgutleri, farc olsun, isid olsun hepsi ayni yontemleri ve propaganda tekniklerini kullaniyor. Yani icerigi degisik, teknigi ayni. Mesela isid, Avrupada kendilerini dislanmis hisseden insanlari kendine kazandirmayi basardi. Onun yani sira Islamiyeti iyi bilmeyenlere daha cok yoneldi, cunku onlarin daha kolay kandirildiklarini biliyorlar: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...tanding-of-islam-radicalisation-a7877706.html

pkk'da ayni, Kurtler dislaniyor, vesayre gibi yalan oldugu gun gibi belli olan yalanlara daha hala kanan insanlar var mesela. Bu yalanlari ise o ornek verdigim video'lari ve altindaki yorumlari kullanip inandirici bir sekilde servis edip insanlari kandiriyorlar. Insanlarin dugyularina oynuyorlar, kizidiriyorlar, korkutuyorlar, vesayre. Onun yani sira bu olaylari tam olarak ogrenmemis, arastirmamis insanlar buna inaniyor. pkk'ya girenlerin cogunlugu onun icin genc yaslarinda 15, 16, yirmili yaslarin basinda olan cocuklar ve gencler. Daha hayatin tam olarak ne oldugunu orgrenmemis cocuklar. O video'daki ailesine kavusmus kiside cocuk yasinda kandirildi mesela (su anda kac yasinda bilmiyorum ama 20 yasinda ya vardir ya yokdur).

Hepimiz sorumluluk altindayiz arkadaslar. Bu sorumlulugun bilincinde olmamiz lazim ki pkk'nin ve herhangi teror'un ve provokasyonlarinin ustesinden gelelim.
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Van’da kırıma uğrayan insanlı keşif uçağında şehit olan 2'si pilot olmak üzere kahraman 7 Emniyet personeline ve Siirt'te teröristlerle çıkan çatışmada şehit olan 2 Özel Harekat Polisimize Allah’tan rahmet, kederli ailelerine sabır diliyoruz. Başımız sağolsun. #Van #Siirt https://t.co/FnLVpocgRq

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