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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Chronology of the air strikes against the PKK - Terror Organization :

Turkish Air Force made 155 sorties from bases in Malatya and Diyarbakir.UAVs from Batman gathered intelligence. 400 PKK Targets were hit.
F-16's and F4- 2020's realized the air attacks. Precision guided bombs and free fall bombs were dropped.

That means, Turkish Airforce made in 2 days almost %10 of the air strikes of the Allied Forces against IS (1500) in 1 year , in only 2 days.


PS: About the last paragraph. Do all IDIOTS now finally understand that the US/West doesn't want to destroy ISIS (yet)? If you need more evidence, you should hit your head against an uncoming train.
In times like these, it becomes very apparent why Turkey has over 200 f-16s and about 50 f-4's too. Put them to good use. Don't give the rats any breathing room. I think/hope Turkey has full indigenous bomb making capabilities. Stay safe TSK, and I hope the regular citizen doesn't feel much from these event.
MP of HDP is a terrorist and weapon smuggler. He was caught with a Syrian PYD member. He had 1 RPG, 3 US M-16, 20 anti personel grenades and 2.000 rouns ammunition.

https://www.google.se/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrlE-NS6TxE&ved=0CCYQtwIwA2oVChMIob-Ijd_4xgIVQZIsCh28sgLE&usg=AFQjCNEkoH8OoK0aOk_HCJnyNlRwqeRDPQ&q=hdp li vekil silah kuryesi

Iran wants Turkey to respect state boarders. I ask which states boarders ?

İran'dan Türkiye'ye IŞİD tepkisi

Syrias and Iraqs. I say F that. Bombs away. Iran should join the party too. This menace can only be stopped when the big boys cooperate. No more helping the KRG. Sanction them completely. Nip it in the bud.
Turkey car bomb kills two soldiers as PKK truce breaks down - BBC News


A car bomb attack on a military convoy in south-eastern Turkey has killed two soldiers and injured four others, Turkish officials say.

The explosion late on Saturday happened in the town of Lice in Diyarbakir, the province governor's office said.

The attack came after Turkey bombed Kurdish separatist camps in northern Iraq - the first such strikes since a peace process began in 2012.

No group has claimed responsibility for the latest attack.


Unrest like this in Istanbul has intensified since the massacre of 32 people in the Kurdish area of Suruc

Demonstrators were detained in Ankara on Saturday
The military said militants from the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, also fired at troops in the "treacherously pre-planned'' ambush.

It said a large-scale operation was underway to capture the attackers.

The PKK threatened to break off a two-year ceasefire following Saturday's raids.

There has been a wave of unrest after a suicide bomb in Suruc, blamed on so-called Islamic State (IS) killed 32 people - mainly university students planning to carry out aid work in Kobane, Syria.

It has included protests and confrontations with police in Ankara and Istanbul.

The PKK's military wing killed two Turkish police officers on Wednesday, claiming they had collaborated with IS in the bombing in Suruc.


The week that changed Turkey


The faces of some of the victims of the bomb blast in Suruc
  • Monday: Thirty-two people volunteering to rebuild Kobane are killed by IS-linked militants in Suruc
  • Thursday: IS forces shoot dead a Turkish border guard
  • Meanwhile, the PKK reportedly kills two Turkish police officers in retaliation for Suruc and what they see as Turkey's collaboration with IS
  • Friday: Hundreds of suspected IS supporters are arrested and properties are searched; Turkish F-16 jets, based in Diyarbakir, bomb three IS targets in Syria
  • Saturday: Turkey strikes IS and PKK targets in Syria and Iraq; the PKK says the conditions are no longer in place to observe ceasefire

The US has called on both sides to avoid violence, but stressed that Turkey has the right to defend itself against attacks by Kurdish rebels.

Brett McGurk, the deputy special presidential envoy for the coalition to counter IS said on Twitter: "We urge de-escalation and that both sides remain committed to the peaceful 'solution process' for a just and sustainable peace."

He added: "There is no connection between these airstrikes against PKK and recent understandings to intensify US-Turkey cooperation against ISIL."

The BBC's Turkey correspondent Mark Lowen reports Kurds say the Turkish government has abstained from stopping IS, seeing the group as a useful tool against its Kurdish enemy, the PKK.

He says sporadic attacks including one on a police station in Istanbul have raised the spectre of a return to conflict between the Turkish state and Kurdish separatists that blighted the country for 30 years and killed 40,000 people.

Istanbul authorities have banned a peace rally scheduled for Sunday to denounce this week's suicide bombing, on the grounds it may be used by outlawed groups for "provocative" acts, AP reports.
@IR-TR I can assure you. I am not against Iran. But their policy against Türkiye is not fair so far.

Both should join hands, exterminate ANY armed Kurd, and go look toward Asia. F the west except economic ties. The west has only ever brought pain upon Turkey AND Iran. I believe many Western nations think the 'paritioning of the ottoman empire' didn't go far enough.
Every single article that doesn't call the PKK a terrorist organization is not readworthy. They are a terrorist organization by the definition of the word, and by the fact that they're LISTED as such in the US and EU terror lists, and many others.
They even don't want to accept Lausanne treaty and want Sevr boarders back. There are of course balanced strategies in the safe of Türkiye.
and by the fact that they're LISTED as such in the US and EU terror lists, and many others.

Yes, they are terrorists, but not because they are in US/EU list. It's too naive to put trust in that ridiculous list, in which, they enlist only those who are not liked by them, or sometimes it's just a show. savages like MeK are not terrorists for them and countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia (and similar ones) are not the breeding ground and cash machine for all terrorism in ME. That list is as worthy as a toilet paper imo.
News report show it was a classic ambush with terrorist first calling the soldiers for help in a prank call and then ambushing them as they came into the area.
Yes, they are terrorists, but not because they are in US/EU list. It's too naive to put trust in that ridiculous list, in which, they enlist only those who are not liked by them, or sometimes it's just a show. savages like MeK are not terrorists for them and countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia (and similar ones) are not the breeding ground and cash machine for all terrorism in ME. That list is as worthy as a toilet paper imo.

Oh you're very right. I just meant to show the hypocrasy of a western news organization ignoring 'their own list' of terrorists, when talking about them in articles. You can bet your behind they love the PKK and yet have to accept them on the list because of Turkey's strategic importance. As I said, Iran and Turkey should run away to Asia. The west wants both these countries destroyed.
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