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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Do any of you think the momentum of the operation has been broken ?

Compared to an operation that is happening and the terrorists are reacting to our advancement, giving them 5-10 days to implement a guerilla operation/ implementing a civilian clothing operation would give us much bigger problems in the long run.

IMO we're giving the terrorists time to change into urban warfare tactics where they'll use civilian clothing and traps and such.
Wouldnt say sabotaged but miscalculation by putin and assad expecting the PKK to unfold under their control. Not the smartest move by Putin so far especially since it were the kurds who were doing propganda last weeks in the US trying to get them back to Syria which they- to a certain extent did.
this thread will never end when the KRG exists, people forgot already suddenly the pKK showed up in Kirkuk city when the 2017 crisis happened.

I blame dollar worshippers for their moderate policies
I think turkey lost this war!

wrong decisions
no acting (woooah yes so much military "half" decisions)
no programs
no nessesary laws
no programs
no programs
no programs
no reforms for programs
growing EU and US and other support..

all this in resulting in a brainwashed youth

and than ppl talk about if it comes to a full war full chaos than "we doh thiz and thatz, dude!" I say you do a shit.. it will ever come to something than you will have to realize that you are too late!

decades wasted without programs and caring to end this! you dont win with force and killing.. and than you go out and just kill a handfull.. thats your way? that will lead to sucess? there had been no real acting against PKK and leftist.. I say what you have should have done decades before :

First massive Military action in first appearance, against any kind of Terrorists.. shoot and than ask later.. you need to kill as much as possible.. the commander who brings you captives should get problems

first decade poisen, kill, car accident, disappear them and their familes after that just anyone who is involved

massive monitoring of them and their familes.. involvement of police, MIT, jandarma and special forces..

no Parties for PKK and their spokesmen who speaks good or for them will have no invovement in Politics including their families lifetime ban of government (from parties to school), judicative, executive and media no military no banks and ban of leading positions (including own business and let it be a teahouse)

forming of special units in Police, jandarma and military
Police searching of locals, businesses
jandarma FBI like and coordination with police
military death scuads search and destroy in and out of turkey (borders)
MIT kill poisen, car accident high ranking pkk no mercy

simultaniously start programs in school system , pupil exchanges, cultural programs. start to control imams in the mosques let them preach unity not only in the east

split the holidays in ramadan holiday 4 weeks, summer holiday 6 weeks, winter holidays 2 weeks and 1 week in spring and in autumn
scools starts from 7:45 and ends on 15:30 depending on class it could be like this 7:45 - 12 normal school 12-14 help for homework and extra teachings for the ones who need help in math, turkish, and so on 13-15:30 extra lessons wich you can choose (football, baseball, swimming, singing, karate ow whatever fun)
we need religious teachings in school and socialization education

teachers should scan their studends for families who may be pro pkk

laws that make it easy to seperate chilkdren and parants of pro pkk
laws that make it easy to let parents pay for their children if they destroy something
laws that make it easy to kill pro pkk leader hang them..
laws that make it easy to spy on them
laws that make it easy to remove immunity from politicians
laws that make it easy to shut down and prison or hang pro pkk media

forcing media to produce anti PKK propaganda (min xY% of their output must be this)
forcing media to show that kurds dont like pkk

establishing apropaganda institute that produces media, films, documentations for tv magazins, providing images, videos and other materials

disempowerment of local leaders and mayors or anyone who has some say.. it must be ruled by central government and it should not be that these guys drive a mercedes and think they are the king in the town.. no you serve the government and you have to fulfill the program of the government and not your fantasies..

it must be established that it is a no go that anything pro pkk like singers, shows, public events are allowed and those who are there and talk it sweet or are behind it must face full force of government and it does not matterwho you are..

so how much of such things did our government do? and how much of these requied things are of military nature? there are just more social and government desicions that have to be made.. but we lack almost everything..

we should have fight for the heads of their children but we didnt.. and now there are many ppl around who are really brainwashed you cant talk to them they wont hear and see what you have to say.. even if they listen they dont care they are gone.. any government f uc k e d up this issue

the upcoming generations are really lost and I know that most of our ppl dont care and play the smartass card..
talking big is ignorance and ignorance will lead to a day where ppl cant deny that they have been wrong but than what will they say? I have been tricked? I didnt see this coming? if only someone would have warned us?I buyed my döner (kebab) from pro pkk sources who did I harm? or just blame the jews? really?
how would such ignorance than be answered?

really nothing happens since decades and no one really bothers..

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