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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Bu lafi agza bile almak ayiptan öte SUC. Lütfen !

Suçsa yakalayacak polis, savcı nerede?!

Ayıplı işleri yapanlar kral oluyor, namuslular okka altına gidiyor.


Latest PKK casualties. ISIS killed and cleaned vermin from Syria. 11 of them were from Turkey, only 1 of them (last picture) was of Syrian origin.


News on Fight against Terror

HDP building has been decorated with Turkish flag by locals in Kemer, Antalya.

Ali kardes. Diger arkadas soykirimdan bahsetti ve bu acikca Türkiye aleyhine bir söylemdir. Böyle bir töhmet altinfa Türk Polisini ve Askeri ni birakmak ayiptir ve üstüne vatan hainligidir.

Palaskaya Kulak takip gezemeyiz. Gezersek basimiza hic yoktan bela aliriz.

1) Kökten çözüm gerekir. Başka yolu yok. Bu saatten sonra.

2) Adım Ali değil. Alien.


Pro-PKK shop in Tarsus, Mersin burnt down.

Semdinlide catisma var deniliyor...

Same goes for Diyarbakir/bismil, attack on a police building.
Semdinlide catisma var deniliyor...

Same goes for Diyarbakir/bismil, attack on a police building.

Aklına gelebilecek her yerde çatışma var şu an. Ve Türk uçakları sadece IŞID'i bombalıyor.

AKP, hitler gibi ülkesini çökertmeden gitmeyecek.


2 Security personel slightly wounded in an explosive Attack against Police Station in Kozluk, Batman.

PKK attacked Military Base in Silvan, Diyarbakir. No details yet.

2 Police wounded in a RPG attack in Semdinli, Hakkari.
Turkish Airforce bombed PKK terrorist camps in Northern Iraq.

Türk ordusu Medya Savunma Alanları’ndaki gerilla bölgelerini savaş uçaklarıyla bombalıyor.

Türk devletine ait savaş uçaklarının saat 22:55 sularında Medya Savunma Alanları’na bağlı Zap, Gare, Haftanin, Metina ve Avaşin alanlarının da savaş uçakları tarafından bombalandığını öğrenildi

Terrorist Source: ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê


Explosive thrown onto a Police Panzer in Semdinli, Hakkari.

Exciting news coming out of Gazi district in Istanbul.

Full-scale civil war brewing.
"Full-scale civil war brewing"

Polis yetmiyorsa, Ordu devreye girer ! AKP düsünsün .

Is your ally Zekeriya Öz in Türkiye or already in DUBAI ?

NOW we will see the PROTESTING PKK and other left Terrorist Groups and of couse IS suiciders in western countries and Türkiye ! Now SOLIDARITY ! NOW or never

TÜRKIYE bombs also Syria IS, Iraq IS and PKK in Iraq !

Hope to see KANDIL bombed and IRAN to dare attack TÜRK warriors !


from local sources

IS Setting in Syria and North of IRAQ, USA and Türkiye share Intelligence and TARGETS !

and also PKK Settings



INCIRLIK airbase is used, that means allied FORCES plus Turkish AirfORCE


AIRSTRIKES going on coordinated with all ALLIES !

Allies concentrate on Syrian IS,

Türkiye on Northern Settings in IRAQ.

Turkish Airforce bombed PKK terrorist camps in Northern Iraq.

Terrorist Source: ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê


Explosive thrown onto a Police Panzer in Semdinli, Hakkari.

Exciting news coming out of Gazi district in Istanbul.

Full-scale civil war brewing.

God fu00kin damn it. These ANIMALS. What can be done about this? I believe Turkey should invest more in intelligence and counter terrorism. This isn't a front-war (aside from the Syrian border). As I said many times before, this is a TERROR war. You bomb their disgusting camps, they shoot people in Istanbul, Antalya and where ever you can imagine. Turkey needs more SPY agencies, more funding etc. Turkey is too exposed to attacks like this. I hope this blows over. But it's quite a f-king bad situation right now. 3/4 of the southern boder is in the hands of RATS (100% is you count ISIS too) and there are many PKK cells throughout the country. That's the sad legacy of the 30 year war on terror. 2-3 million of those $%##$% moved into the big cities and can always start bombing/shooting/burning/rioting when even a single PKKer is killed. I hate the world. How I wish this was 2015 minus 100 years.

Turkish Airforce bombed PKK terrorist camps in Northern Iraq.

Terrorist Source: ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê


Explosive thrown onto a Police Panzer in Semdinli, Hakkari.

Exciting news coming out of Gazi district in Istanbul.

Full-scale civil war brewing.

Your posts are great except pulling Iran into this. You think Iran is happy that the PKK controls the Turkish border? IDIOT. If anything, Turkey is Iran's buffer from this crap. Anyway, hope this sh!t gets under control quick..
Your posts are great except pulling Iran into this. You think Iran is happy that the PKK controls the Turkish border? IDIOT. If anything, Turkey is Iran's buffer from this crap. Anyway, hope this sh!t gets under control quick..

I dont post to appease anybody, any organisation nor any country.
I dont post to appease anybody, any organisation nor any country.

Oh crap. I meant to quote Hurshid's post, not yours. You're are fine. He just called Iran the enemy again, even though both Iran's enemies are making trouble inside Turkey right now. I'll be honest, I feel quite SICK reading this crap. Genuinely a bad feeling in my stomach when I hear about those RATS making trouble in Turkey. It was a nice 15 years. Why can't it last longer? I don't want another guerilla war inside Turkey's border. Border attacks every once in a while I can live with. But full conflict? NO. Burn them all in their caves.
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