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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Kurdustan is overrated, Baghdad can trash the entire KRG and take military control of it if it wants. That leaves Syria which is even less established.

Lmao correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the Iraqi government pay for the KRG/Peshmerga salaries? Pretty pathetic of KRG if you ask me.
Lmao correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the Iraqi government pay for the KRG/Peshmerga salaries? Pretty pathetic of KRG if you ask me.
If you ask me pretty smart. While they are stealing profits they make the Iraqi government to pay for the Peshmerga salaries :D
Not sure if any of you are aware. But forgive me for bringing this up, the PKK released GoPro footage of an ambush on our soldiers killing 3 of them in close range all caught on tape. Don’t really know how recent the footage is either.
May god grand them status of Shaheed.
Not sure if any of you are aware. But forgive me for bringing this up, the PKK released GoPro footage of an ambush on our soldiers killing 3 of them in close range all caught on tape. Don’t really know how recent the footage is either.
May god grand them status of Shaheed.

Yes difficult to watch and to be honest its infuriating. How such a small element was sent on that route is just disgusting. Poor junior officers is usually the cause. We will have the usual suspects jump in here and try to blame local governors and politicians for the deaths of those soldiers but it was a tactical error and the fault lies with the officer that ordered a 3-4 man fire team to travel so far alone - Completely goes against our doctrine.

Unfortunately they died because some prick was too lazy to move up a full squad as they are supposed to do.

As for the soldiers themselves - they died fighting for their nation, no more could be asked of a man. Ambushing forces always have the advantage regardless of training or equipment - they dictate the terms of the fight and when / how it starts. They will always win fire superiority at the beginning but a full squad on bounding cover would have prevented them from being able to capitalize on it.

Unfortunately the lives of our soldiers are not valued by high level leadership or politicians for that matter - so the appointment of poor officers who go off the book out of laziness will continue.
Not sure if any of you are aware. But forgive me for bringing this up, the PKK released GoPro footage of an ambush on our soldiers killing 3 of them in close range all caught on tape. Don’t really know how recent the footage is either.
May god grand them status of Shaheed.
May Allah grand them with the highest level of paradise. In that situation it was very hard to react. They seemed tired and totally not expecting it.
Information came that TSK hit a PKK meeting consisted of 100-120 terrorists with participation of high level leaders in Kandil. UCAVs and F16s made low altitude sorties. TSK is expected to share information in any moment.
Yes i also read that and really want to see more information once its avalaible. Also a dronge footage would be awesome and list of maybe important list terrorists.

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