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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Let's see: demographic advantage for the Kurdish population (higher birth rates) compared to slowly declining Turkish population, a regional resurgence of Kurdish nationalism, especially in Syria and Iraq but also in Turkey, an enhanced strategic position of various Kurdish groups like the PYD, stronger international backing of Kurdish forces including significant support from US and Russia, the PKK which has managed to significantly penetrate cities in southeastern Turkey, thousands of Kurdish youths who turn over to PKK, etc.

Your armed forces are unwelcome in large parts of your own country and there is nothing you can do about it beside posting fancy and delusional numbers of supposed PKK-casualties.

There is a nice proverbe in Turkey for this kind of situation "You can't keep a ferry going just with words".

You need more than "support",if you want an independent country.

Let's just not create an imaginery country called Kurdistan whic is located somewhere between Iran,Iraq and Turkey.Let's talk about an actual state which is called "Armenia". Look at Armenia and see the future of Kurds. There is a nuclear reactor left from USSR,exclude it and they live in medieval age.

The location of Kurdistan is too problematic to run.You say,there is a demographic superiority of kurds in south of Turkey but just across the line,there is Turkish superiority belonging to Syria.They can't even control it.
Manpower is everything and if you don't build your country with educated people,you lose.Look at Israil.They don't lose.They have logical solves to problem + racist policits. Kurds has nothing more than ethnic politics.I never saw a kurdish politician to demand "normal" right for kurds.Such as employment,education,security.

Anyways,Kurds are middle eastern and idiot.Thats all.Sorry,i had good kurdish friends but this is just an objective view.
Birth rate etc. is just numbers.There are biological and physical reactions or societies.There will be a war with kurds,I don't know with whom, and this birth rate just makes the massaccare bigger.
Turkish main problem, is Arab spring agenda, and not so smart Erdogan, stickind with it, or to express in other words, sticking with Hillary and zio , neocon clan, whose one of main representatives Hillary appears to be

Arab spring , failed as a whole. Israel, and some egypt media magnats owerthrown pathetic midget Morsi. Assad is stil present at his post in Damascus. So called FSA in northern Aleppo is struggling with ISIS gangs, no being up to a task of fighting kurds...

USA oligarchy clearly has simphaties, for kurds. FSA is doomed at theirs Azaz pocket. Huge kurdish area on turkish boders is becoming reality. Region is filled with hundred of thousands of arms and ammunitions. Dumb Erdogan went for arab spring not thinking of plan B. He was fascinated, by the lucrative promises made by S. Arabia and Qatar. Now huge united syrian Kurdistan is emerging by the turkish borders. Time will tell, but Turkey is doomed, by the Erdogans moves in syrian turmoil. Awakening is going to be very painful
@cabatli_53 , can we thread-ban this, troll. Who does nothing but disrespecting our people, and instigating our posters ?
I reported this Persian terrorist a week or two weeks ago, for his posting in favor of terrorism. The guy seems, frustrated of the developments. Well, I haven't seen any Turks doing such thing in their section and sure, I won't see it ever, it's a matter of spine.
Not in so-short term.Syria need to be reconstructed and yet we don't know about the situation of it.After the war,If Assad stays,it is clear that will be with Russians.I don't believe that Russia wants to give them ground and serve to Usa.
If Assad falls,there will be rebels and they will have close contact with Turkey and Usa.I don't think that they will want to give ground to Kurds.
What kurds get?
Sympathy.But most people know that they surpressed other minorities there.It doesn't really matter.But they don't have enough population to hold that border.If some million of Kurds relocate to syria,then there will be.
But all the way,bunch of rats.Their life expectency and quality is too low.Woman are not in the society,other half is partly dumb.Good luck for them.
The only thing they can do is their woman give birth and their guys suck whoever helps them.
Iran and Turkey both share the same concerns about Kurdish independence/statehood, which is why I believe that an alliance between these two countries in the near future is highly likely.
If Assad falls,there will be rebels and they will have close contact with Turkey and Usa

You should forget that scenario. Assad is not going anywhere, at least in the mid term

That was, clear, since Obama administration refused to start aerial agression against the Syria in 2013. Russia intervention, further, took place to secure Latakia, and Assads/Iranian postions in Aleppo area

Russia, or better to say Kremlin, just cant allow , Assad to be erased from syrian political map, since that means Qatari gas pipeline over Syria to mediterenian coast. But Russia, cant afford, war with Turkey or USA, thats why, Russia decreased their presence in Syria, following secret negotiations

After, 2012 or 2013, when situation was critical for the regime, Assad, just cant be removed in violent scenario. American administration realized that, and afterwards, they started betting on pro kurdish and anti ISIS card
You should forget that scenario. Assad is not going anywhere, at least in the mid term

That was, clear, since Obama administration refused to start aerial agression against the Syria in 2013. Russia intervention, further, took place to secure Latakia, and Assads/Iranian postions in Aleppo area

Russia, or better to say Kremlin, just cant allow , Assad to be erased from syrian political map, since that means Qatari gas pipeline over Syria to mediterenian coast. But Russia, cant afford, war with Turkey or USA, thats why, Russia decreased their presence in Syria, following secret negotiations

After, 2012 or 2013, when situation was critical for the regime, Assad, just cant be removed in violent scenario. American administration realized that, and afterwards, they started betting on pro kurdish and anti ISIS card
Problem is simple, neo-Ottoman and neo-Russian Imperial expansionism agendas are clashing. Both Turkey and Russia is returning back to their imperialistic roots. In the end power can only be contained for so long, US imperial power is on the decline, and Russia is perfectly aware of this, they are expanding their sphere of influence, if not via soft power (diplomacy) they directly resort to force, EVEN at the expense of trespassing in Turkish air space and ruining their bonds. Both Turkey and Russia are disregarding economic long term gains for imperialistic agendas.

This is not BS. Not accepting this reality is BS. Since Putin and Erdogan's rise to power these two countries' interests have expanded rapidly and economic rise has followed closely. This is not to say these countries fear the repercussions of global backlash when they act agressively, we've come to a point where Erdogan can say things like "West is hypocritical and terrorists supporters!"
This exact same narrative is prevalant in Russia. European countries are completely feminized with their bullcrap gender equality and whatnot. The two strong men of Europe are Russia and Turkey today, they dare speak and act and their interests clash.

It's either this, or we underestimate Erdogan and Putin hugely. The following is a possibility, Russian tzar and Ottoman sultan are dealing under the table disguising their agenda's to fool the feminized Europe. This sounds like a tinfoil conspiracy nutjob thought, but seldomly what appears on the mainstream media is the objective truth.


just keep in mind the political prowess of Erdogan and Putin. Putin managed to control the chechen seperatists by inculcating their values and islam via opening grand mosques, buying off their leader's support and so on. Erdogan did similar things with the Kurds and got most of their votes in almost all elections. He even managed to take hold of the entire structure of Turkish landscape from politics, to economics, to education etc. Both men are extremelly politically cunning. Objective reality is they managed to take hold of a country in all aspects, and they both agressively pursue interests at the cost of geostrategic friendships
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@ Zulkarneyn

I agree with quite a few points in your post. But, on the side of, as you stated Russian imperial expansionism ...

I am old and wise enough to be unbiased in such matters , not to fit in some russophile or turcophobe patterns. I only care about the truth an fairness, to myself and others. I know Russia very well

Trust me Russia cant afford to carry out some neo imperialistic agendas. Theirs financial system is largely subdued to western (dollar) one. Russia cant ever afford to be a true superpower, such is USA currently and rising China. Putins regime was quite a servile to the conglomerate of western powers, until they set up coup in Ukraine backed by armed gangs, less then a year before the regular elections. Theirs final goal was to set up a military base up in front of the russian nose, in Crimea

Russia cant care less about the Ukraine, trust me those two parted ways for several next decades. Russian Crimea scenario was a lesson with message: stay away from our borders. Stupid ukrainians were just a tool in american neo con agenda. They lost Crimea, so the others know, if russian security is endangered at immediate borders, the tool of anti russian agenda is going to pay the price. I am not advocating Russia, but they were infrorced to pull such moves, as warning to american endless global apetites and theirs puppets

In regard of Syria. When the war start ranging at full scale brutality ? In 2012. Russian, very limited intervention begun in 2015. Russia was very reluctant to have anything with this war, they joined, only after they received warning from Syria and Iran, toopling Assads regime is matter of months. Not because Putins elite likes Assad, but because, qatari pipeline, was ensuing Assads fall, and that part was unecceptible for Russia. There was no any, ideological agenda behind it. It was money issue behind it

On the side of Turkey and Erdogan, I agree the later is playing neo ottoman card. But since the circuimstances have changed, Erdogan moves were not genuine, but the one of the tools in neo con mission of crushing Syria. Im affraid Erdogan overestimated his own power and the Turkey as whole. Erdogan, tried like a hyena, to pursue his own goals when war thorn Syria was crumbling, openly fueling the war, with arms, intelligence, money etc

Thats the difference between Russia and Turkey role in syrian conflict. Erdogan and the company, were prepared in advance, knowing, what game is going to be played and they participated from the beggining. Russia on the other hand, entered the conflict, 5 minutes before theirs crucial interest was about to vanish
zestokryl i agree with many of your points, but i think we tend to exaggerate the global economic aspect, in this day and age, if your economic capacity is sufficient (for countries the size of Russia or even Turkey) to feed mouths and if your infrastructure, energy, education, health system is in place, concentration of focus is directed at improving the intellectual capacity of the nation. intellectual capacity/capital determines the total value of said country's capabilities.

currently countries at the size of Russia with indigenous capability to develop and improve projects of magnitude, ia. cutting energy demans via nuclear power plants, improving military industrial complex etc doesn't require Western markets. i don't even feel the urgency to mention alternative growth markets that replaces the "West", like China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and so on.

total capital of the world moves from the Western sphere to the Eastern, 20 years ago it was 80% EU+USA+Japan 20% rest. today it's 60% East (China, Indonesia, India, Brazil), 40% "West".
We don't have to have tunnel vision of Nostradamus to guess where things are headed at, simply following the ratio and flow of capital will suffice. add to this change in population, youth bulges in newly industrialized countries (indonesia, Turkey, brazil etc)
Everyone wants a state sticked with it.So the only solution is that everyone has different states in syria.
Think will be changed and forgotton but deads will be death.
The dumbest side in this war is syrians.That c...csucker Assad sold the country to Russians.Political conflicts turned into a civil war.

1-Warning issued for terrorism propaganda supported by videos/posts favoring PKK.
2- Warning issued for insulting members and their families !

The posts related with PKK propaganda is cleaned !

Is there anybody who is willing to do more PKK propaganda for provocation ? Just inform me !
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zestokryl i agree with many of your points, but i think we tend to exaggerate the global economic aspect, in this day and age, if your economic capacity is sufficient (for countries the size of Russia or even Turkey) to feed mouths and if your infrastructure, energy, education, health system is in place, concentration of focus is directed at improving the intellectual capacity of the nation. intellectual capacity/capital determines the total value of said country's capabilities.

currently countries at the size of Russia with indigenous capability to develop and improve projects of magnitude, ia. cutting energy demans via nuclear power plants, improving military industrial complex etc doesn't require Western markets. i don't even feel the urgency to mention alternative growth markets that replaces the "West", like China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and so on

Russia, has some science and technology infrastructure and scientists, but devil is in the details ...

Russia gone through 90 era , devastated in terms of society, destroyed industrial cooperation, education, agriculture

Maybe Russia does not need desperately western markets, but they do need western technologies. For example, german diesel engines for coast guard ships , UAVs, electronic system for satelites, industrial automatics and more stuff

Second russian problem is declining oil and gas prices. State owned oil and gas mega companies, are making much of the internal demand for goods and services. Many jobs depend on theirs orders, and thats the problem in addition, goverment has much less assets for investing, after oil and gas price drops

China is taking a lead in some departments, but western technologies are sometimes irreplacable. Even, when thats not the case, chinese are playing sleazy. For example, they are ready to sell some satellite hardware to Russia, but in exchange, they are demanding production licence for russia space rocket engines, since Russia cant no longer acquire
european or american ones

Germany and some other EU countries were perfect partners to do bussiness with in the tech field, but the USA destroyed theirs relationship on purpose, by creating ukrainian crisis and casting sanctions upon Russia

One of the examples, is russian ongoing program to restart famous Antonov 2, airplane production, with composite made fuselage and new engines. Since there are no small turboprop production in Russia , they planned to buy 300 Honeywell turboprops, for the project. But, now, ties got cut, and there are no other way to acquire such engines outside western countries. You are, generally right, there are many rising economies, but sadly, some technologies/ products, are duopoly of the few countries on the planet

Political conflicts turned into a civil war.

It was political conflict, just for show , in the beginning. While demonstrations were taking places loads of arms and armed gangs were pouring into Syria

I remember reading interview with some syrian pharmacist couple, who menaged to flee Syria and end up in Russia. They have sad, no one took any actions against demonstations, till someone, set off bomb mounted on motor bike at the army check point. Maybe they simplified theirs story somehow, but armed diversional groups were being prepared to cross the border and carry out diversions and killings inside Syria

Demonstrations were show for western media, under the radar whole different plan was ongoing. To instigate bloodshed and hatred, with assasinations , diversions and arms distrubution
Quite failed yes. I like my failed kebab in luxury restaurants, drinking failed raki and smoking failed sisha. I enjoy being in failed vacation villas at failed beaches with my family wearing bikinis. Also, my family all have failed doctor and engineering jobs at failed high tech firms, making failed first class products, making 4 times as much failed money as Iranians. Yup we are a failed state.

Do you also see some world- wide sport and entertainment stars visiting your failed country all the time? Do you see how your failed country is building some world class infrastructure- motorways, ports, airports, bridges? Do you see how your failed country is hosting some world events all the time? Do you have all kind of TV channels airing? Can you vote freely in this failed state or you have an ayatolah ruling the whole country like in some other not so failed countries. :D
I mean, just look at all events taking place in Turkey every year and then compare them to the ones taking place in other neighboring countries. :D

And all that with all the unrest in the country constantly... No matter who you ask, he will tell you that Turkey walked a long way forward in the last 20 years- from an unimportant poor country to a real regional power with a big economy that is getting more and more involved in the politics of the developed world. A failed state indeed. :)
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The only problem in recent PKK fight is, that its not only PKK but global superpowers and PYD actively siding with PKK. Otherwise Turkish armed forces won a victory never seen in guerilla battle history, when PKK was in Kobani they received training from supportive governments. They changed tactics to fight in cities instead in open, but they're defeated in the cities, Turkish army didnt just evacuate and bomb the cities which would've been very easy, but cleaned the cities house by house instead. The houses were boobytrapped, sometimes with high-tech detectors embedded in walls and impossible to detect. The few hundred casualties we gave was due to this, cause we wanted to solve it the hard way. PKK on the other hand lost more then 10000 men and the organizational structure on those regions have been destroyed along with it.
They've received a serious blow which they thought was impossible with their new strategy, but the Turkish army chased the coward dogs down one by one.
Now they're retreating to open terrains, the PKK would've been long finished, if it wasnt the global powers and PYD helping them. But surely, they received a heavy defeat and EU is indirectly begging Turkey to lower pressure on the militants.

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