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The failed state Index 2011 : A report

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Because the world say, because the figures such as GDP growth rate say, because world bend international laws such as nuclear deal for India, because world leaders make a point to visit India at least once in their tenure and your own media say

Anyway, you hate India so much that you have just closed eyes. Wakeup before it is very late

the world does not say. You think the world says.

this is useless.. you cannot provide any evidence why India is rated above most of those countries. It's just "because the Americans say so". what a superduper power.
"... Indeed, there are now around 30 million Pakistanis who are considered to be in the middle class with an average income of $10,000 annually, while some 17 million are now bracketed with the upper and upper-middle classes."
(Irfan Husain, The rise of the Mehran man, 17 April 2010)

That's not something to be found in Somalia or Congo.

I did some maths and found this interesting bit of figure
If 30 Million Pakistanis earn 10000 USD per annum , then that translate into a figure of 300 Billion USD
While pakistans GDP stands at 165 Billion USD:P for yr 2010 , which would increase to 192 Billion USD , when adjusted for Inflation:sick:

Even if we assume this figure to be Percapita income in PPP
Then it means that 30 million Pakistani control 300 Billion USD PPP out of the total pakistani GDP PPP of 462 Billion USD:pakistan:

Which stupendously translate into 17 % of pakistani awam controlling some 60% OF PAKIS GDP:lol:

Which is much more than what top 20% of India and china s population control , which is 40-48% of National GDP
I'll be back when you answer some of the facts I've presented. I dont think you can which is why you all troll.

1) India's middle class is really in poverty.

how come the most poor became the highest spenders
McKinsey & Company - Next Big Spenders: India’s Middle Class

yeah right western propaganda
2) India's sanitation problem is the worst in Asia.
Yeah ok so toilets have become iota for a failed state... Ok good going... :tup:
3) India's Assam and other insurgencies are as bad as the current Pakistani one though noone reports it.

So if no one reports it how do you know.... Allah came in your dream and told you :lol:
4) India's poor are actually starving

If they are starving for so long why arent they dead yet.... or they have the supernatural ability to live without food. Another flawed logic

5) India has the greatest proportion of malnourishment in the world.

Lets talk percentage. India constitues the worlds 1/5th population so the odd numbers would ought to be higher
These are the facts. Debate them with proofs in links.
The iota of proofs lies on you about who spoke in your ear when no one actually reported it.
If you can't, India is more of a failed state than most of the countries on that list. It has a bloated rating.

Yeah right....
Bhens k aage been bajaye bhen khadi paguraye....
All the heads of states of P5 countries visited india one after another in six months last year when they are planning to visit pakistan because according to you india is as failed state as pakistan so if they are visiting india they should also visit pakistan !
and we also have cabinet level meeting with germany's chancellor few months back.

---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

All the heads of states of P5 countries visited india one after another in six months last year when they are planning to visit pakistan because according to you india is as failed state as pakistan so if they are visiting india they should also visit pakistan !
and we also have cabinet level meeting with germany's chancellor few months back.
Just the 30 million Pakistanis do not make a state stable

Is there political stability which can ensure the wealth?
Is there political will for foreign investments?
What about the emanting terrorism in Pakistan? Is pakistan a safe destination?
Coming over to military power Pakistan is just considered as the nuke state with the tag line of "Bandar k hath main talwar" nothing more than that
At the same time the whole nation is divided into multiple halfs with others declaring each other as non muslims.....

good stability.... yeah right

47 million peoples belong to the middle/upper-class in a population of 180 millions. My point was just that you don't see these numbers in the other 'failed state' countries, whether Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan.
About the political stability, I think you don't get it: the likes of Karachis and Lahores or Islamabad are not big jungles with missiles falling from the sky. These cities know one-two terrorist attacks per year, perhaps, but it doesn't affect the business, even if foreign investment is influenced by country's image (and not reality.)

And the whole nation is not divided. Not at all.
:rofl: super

"... Indeed, there are now around 30 million Pakistanis who are considered to be in the middle class with an average income of $10,000 annually, while some 17 million are now bracketed with the upper and upper-middle classes."
(Irfan Husain, The rise of the Mehran man, 17 April 2010)

That's not something to be found in Somalia or Congo.

I did some maths and found this interesting bit of figure
If 30 Million Pakistanis earn 10000 USD per annum , then that translate into a figure of 300 Billion USD
While pakistans GDP stands at 165 Billion USD:P for yr 2010 , which would increase to 192 Billion USD , when adjusted for Inflation:sick:

Even if we assume this figure to be Percapita income in PPP
Then it means that 30 million Pakistani control 300 Billion USD PPP out of the total pakistani GDP PPP of 462 Billion USD:pakistan:

Which stupendously translate into 17 % of pakistani awam controlling some 60% OF PAKIS GDP:lol:

Which is much more than what top 20% of India and china s population control , which is 40-48% of National GDP

47 million peoples belong to the middle/upper-class in a population of 180 millions.

If we go by that calculation then 300 million in India belong to middle class of 1 billion is approximately same.
My point was just that you don't see these numbers in the other 'failed state' countries, whether Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan.

But pakistan has higher rating then them already aint it?
About the political stability, I think you don't get it: the likes of Karachis and Lahores or Islamabad are not big jungles with missiles falling from the sky.
Political stability has nothing to do with missiles but has to do with stable government. how many coups has pakistan faced since independence.
These cities know one-two terrorist attacks per year, perhaps, but it doesn't affect the business, even if foreign investment is influenced by country's image (and not reality.)

Please follow the news sincere request
And the whole nation is not divided. Not at all.

Well half of pakistan is busy in dividing people on the basis of who is actually
a true muslim
who is non muslim
who is talib
who is muhajir
who is shia
who is sunni
who is punjabi
India's middle class earn $1 a day. Do you agree or do I need to post a link for you?

How is that a more successful state than China or Pakistan?

oh $hitt by mistake i thanked your post !!! :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: please it was a mistake i wish for the remove thank button

india's middle does not earn less then $1 a day you mean $30 a month! thats nonsense the person who works in our household in calcutta gets like 2500 rupees a month thats much more than $30 & hes poor so how a middle class earn less then $30 a month i agree india has poverty but it also has 500 million middles class larger then the u.s so in a population 1.2 billion 500 million middle class is a very good sign you cant ignore that ,plus poverty is also reducing slowly dont be blind by your hate you sound foolish

the thank was intended for

sir ur tank need refuelling....:lol:
go for some vacations...

hope its clear
oh by mistake i thanked your post please it was a mistake i wish for the remove thank button

india's middle does not earn less then $1 a day you mean $30 a month! thats nonsense the person who works in our household in calcutta gets like 2500 rupees a month thats much more than $30 & hes poor so how a middle class earn less then $30 a month io agree india has poverty but it also has 500 million middles class larger then the u.s so in a population 1.2 billion 500 million middle cllass is a very good sign you cant ignore that plus poverty is reducing slowly

dont take him seriously, he is just barking without any logic , links/proofs...
The 8th largest economy with the largest population in the world. That is not a success. Half a billion starving. This does not fit the definition of an unfailed state.

The Indian middle class earns 1000 rupees a month or around 20 dollars. Or just under a dollar a day.

Do you call earning a dollar a day, middle class? :rofl:

India's problem with poverty isn't going away. it's getting worse. What you do is change the poverty line and say look we've improved.

don't get me started on the corrupt democracy and "powerful" civil society which everyone knows to be untrue. Brightest students is another figment of the imagination. Indian students are no more brighter than any others.

They would be. But they're all untrue.

bomb blasts occur in India regularly, probably more than Pakistan. It's a weak government if you look at Assam. Literacy rates in Pakistan are not good, but India is about the same.

Pakistan's poverty is much less than India's. The main thing is in Pakistan people on 1 rupee a day are classed as below the poverty line, in India they are classed as middle class.

All these things occur in India in greater quantities except those things related to war.

Pakistan is no more a failed state than India. virtually all your points can be rebutted.

Are you seriously blue or I am seeing it right. I mean look at the standard of your post, you have no idea about India and you talk like expert. You have developed superiority complex on hearsay.
-If we go by that calculation then 300 million in India belong to middle class of 1 billion is approximately same.

-But pakistan has higher rating then them already aint it?

-Political stability has nothing to do with missiles but has to do with stable government. how many coups has pakistan faced since independence.

Please follow the news sincere request

-Well half of pakistan is busy in dividing people on the basis of who is actually
a true muslim
who is non muslim
who is talib
who is muhajir
who is shia
who is sunni
who is punjabi

- Never said the contrary.
- That's what I found the 'classification' weird.
- I don't think that. Peoples are living in these big cities, business is not affected by what NWFP witnesses.
- The vast majority of Pakistan feel Pakistanis first, whether in Karachi, Lahore, Mirpur or Peshawar.
Are you seriously blue or I am seeing it right. I mean look at the standard of your post, you have no idea about India and you talk like expert. You have developed superiority complex on hearsay.

No he is a pure green(if you know what I mean)....this color is associated with "envy". (heard its a vibrant green when "some" read anything about India's progress :P ) Spare him he is not worth your time.
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