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The failed state Index 2011 : A report

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roadrunner can go to any extent to make look india bad ,let him be happy,who cares about him,he and all his fellow country man live in denial mode there fate will be just like that of afganistan or iraq while we became the major economic and military power !

and they close all those thread which show development of India ... Height of jealousy !!
The 8th largest economy with the largest population in the world. That is not a success. Half a billion starving. This does not fit the definition of an unfailed state.

The Indian middle class earns 1000 rupees a month or around 20 dollars. Or just under a dollar a day.

Do you call earning a dollar a day, middle class? :rofl:

India's problem with poverty isn't going away. it's getting worse. What you do is change the poverty line and say look we've improved.

don't get me started on the corrupt democracy and "powerful" civil society which everyone knows to be untrue. Brightest students is another figment of the imagination. Indian students are no more brighter than any others.

They would be. But they're all untrue.

bomb blasts occur in India regularly, probably more than Pakistan. It's a weak government if you look at Assam. Literacy rates in Pakistan are not good, but India is about the same.

Pakistan's poverty is much less than India's. The main thing is in Pakistan people on 1 rupee a day are classed as below the poverty line, in India they are classed as middle class.

All these things occur in India in greater quantities except those things related to war.

Pakistan is no more a failed state than India. virtually all your points can be rebutted.

My point to Mods is if this kinda guy A roadrunner show is allowed to be think tank then why not Jana madame at least she puts some thing sensible unlike this guy ....Hope you resolve this issue MODS ...
this is the usual justification.

That the poor in India are taken care of. I think you're lying. Why are there millions of malnourished children if they are getting enough food?

Despite all the causes, India currently adds 40 million people to its middle class every year.Analysts such as the founder of "Forecasting International", Marvin J. Cetron writes that an estimated 300 million Indians now belong to the middle class; one-third of them have emerged from poverty in the last ten years. At the current rate of growth, a majority of Indians will be middle-class by 2025.

A 2007 report by the state-run National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) found that 77% of Indians, or 836 million people, lived on less than 20 rupees per day (USD 0.50 nominal, USD 2.0 in PPP), with most working in "informal labour sector with no job or social security, living in abject poverty." However, a new report from the UN disputes this, finding that the number of people living on US$1.25 a day is expected to go down from 435 million or 51.3 percent in 1990 to 295 million or 23.6 percent by 2015 and 268 million or 20.3 percent by 2020.
people who depend on food assistance in Pakistan from 38 percent of the population in 2003 to 49 percent in 2009.

Pakistan: 8 Hunger Facts | World Food Program USA

50 percent of all Pakistanis have little or no access to clean toilets

Pakistan: 8 Hunger Facts | World Food Program USA

nearly 75% of the population lives very close to the poverty line and very small changes can push very large numbers of people below i

Pakistan Poverty increased to an astonishing 43 Percent - MarketWatch.pk

Violence to silence the media: Pakistani journalist killed by ISI

Violence to silence the media: Pakistani journalist killed by ISI

Increasing Unemployment and Poverty in Pakistan

Poverty rate in India will dip to 24% by ’15

Dont just Bark Prove your points @RoadRunner

I dont believe the toilets link. Pakistan's sanitation is much better than India's. Everyone knows this.

While a mere 14 percent of people in rural areas of the country - that account for 65 percent of its 1.1 billion population - had access to toilets in 1990, the number had gone up to 28 percent in 2006. In comparison, 33 percent rural Pakistanis had access to toilets in 1990 and it went up to an impressive 58 percent in 2006.
India trails Pakistan, Bangladesh in sanitation

India does not have a better rights record when it comes to journalists. Take Jyotimeroy Dey who was killed because of coverage in Assam.

Like I said, these listings are opinion. They put allies higher up and enemies lower down. India is artifically inflated by the american and indian press.
and they close all those thread which show development of India ... Height of jealousy !!

that's human nature and u can expect that from our enemy countries forum but besides this roadrunner and few other guys every one is quite friendly.
carry on trolling and avoid answering the facts i present.
roadrunner can go to any extent to make look india bad ,let him be happy,who cares about him,he and all his fellow country man live in denial mode there fate will be just like that of afganistan or iraq while we became the major economic and military power !

I dont care about India. I only post this stuff because it's factual and the Bolly delusions make me laugh.
Pakistan's sanitation is much better than India's. Everyone knows this.

everyone ? Thats why all the fii's are investing in pakistan and not in india.
pakistan and banladesh is not everyone !
India's middle class earn $1 a day. Do you agree or do I need to post a link for you?

How is that a more successful state than China or Pakistan?

Link please, Stop barking and provide link...

dont forget Pakistan's rich population earn 2$ a day and its a fact..
As always , this thread has moved to Indian poverty debate.

Thanks to the esteemed "think tank". Do we have more like these ones?
Despite all the causes, India currently adds 40 million people to its middle class every year.Analysts such as the founder of "Forecasting International", Marvin J. Cetron writes that an estimated 300 million Indians now belong to the middle class; one-third of them have emerged from poverty in the last ten years. At the current rate of growth, a majority of Indians will be middle-class by 2025.

A 2007 report by the state-run National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) found that 77% of Indians, or 836 million people, lived on less than 20 rupees per day (USD 0.50 nominal, USD 2.0 in PPP), with most working in "informal labour sector with no job or social security, living in abject poverty." However, a new report from the UN disputes this, finding that the number of people living on US$1.25 a day is expected to go down from 435 million or 51.3 percent in 1990 to 295 million or 23.6 percent by 2015 and 268 million or 20.3 percent by 2020.

"... Indeed, there are now around 30 million Pakistanis who are considered to be in the middle class with an average income of $10,000 annually, while some 17 million are now bracketed with the upper and upper-middle classes."
(Irfan Husain, The rise of Mehran man, 17 April 2010)

That's not something to be found in Somalia or Congo.
It's not clear what to discuss here, Congratz to India showing the better rank in this list.

What I personally believe, Best country means not the richest country or the developed country. If you feel your life is smooth, if you have peace in ur mind, if you feel you're enjoying, if you have a smile with you always thatz the best country for you. :cheers:
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