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The failed state Index 2011 : A report

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there was no trolling in the other thread. It was you being unable to answer why India is not a failed state when it has half a billion people starving. That would be a failed state by ANY definition.

These sorts of listings are all opinion.

because wer are 8th largets economy, India's economy powerhouse Mumbai is alpha city, we have one of the largest middle class population, some brightest students, successful democracy and powerful civil society, our poverty rate is declining at a good rate and is expected to be around 22 % by 2015, we have some richest people aswell and successful entrepreneur, not to forget we are IT superpower and furure economic super power....

these reasons are enough to consider India as a successful country..

now coming to pakistan which is 12th failed state, no law and order, bomb blast every hour, weak govt, military power, 35% literacy rate, poor economy, 43% poverty and increasing, 75% in danger of falling below poverty line, 50% depends on aid for food , no guarantee of jusice to rape victims.. ISI murdering Journalists etc...
libya on 111 ? wtf ?
libya is one of the failed states !
because wer are 8th largets economy, India's economy powerhouse Mumbai is alpha city, we have one of the largest middle class population, some brightest students, successful democracy and powerful civil society, our poverty rate is declining at a good rate and is expected to be around 22 % by 2015, we have some richest people aswell and successful entrepreneur, not to forget we are IT superpower and furure economic super power....

these reasons are enough to consider India as a successful country..

now coming to pakistan which is 12th failed state, no law and order, bomb blast every hour, weak govt, military power, 35% literacy rate, poor economy, 43% poverty and increasing, 75% in danger of falling below poverty line, 50% depends on aid for food , no guarantee of jusice to rape victims.. ISI murdering Journalists etc...

Beautifully wraped up whole story,not much left to say to some flightless bird ....
because wer are 8th largets economy,

The 8th largest economy with the largest population in the world. That is not a success. Half a billion starving. This does not fit the definition of an unfailed state.

India's economy powerhouse Mumbai is alpha city, we have one of the largest middle class population,

The Indian middle class earns 1000 rupees a month or around 20 dollars. Or just under a dollar a day.

Do you call earning a dollar a day, middle class? :rofl:

some brightest students, successful democracy and powerful civil society, our poverty rate is declining at a good rate and is expected to be around 22 % by 2015, we have some richest people aswell and successful entrepreneur, not to forget we are IT superpower and furure economic super power....

India's problem with poverty isn't going away. it's getting worse. What you do is change the poverty line and say look we've improved.

don't get me started on the corrupt democracy and "powerful" civil society which everyone knows to be untrue. Brightest students is another figment of the imagination. Indian students are no more brighter than any others.

these reasons are enough to consider India as a successful country..

They would be. But they're all untrue.

now coming to pakistan which is 12th failed state, no law and order, bomb blast every hour, weak govt, military power, 35% literacy rate, poor economy, 43% poverty and increasing, 75% in danger of falling below poverty line, 50% depends on aid for food , no guarantee of jusice to rape victims.. ISI murdering Journalists etc...

bomb blasts occur in India regularly, probably more than Pakistan. It's a weak government if you look at Assam. Literacy rates in Pakistan are not good, but India is about the same.

Pakistan's poverty is much less than India's. The main thing is in Pakistan people on 1 rupee a day are classed as below the poverty line, in India they are classed as middle class.

All these things occur in India in greater quantities except those things related to war.

Pakistan is no more a failed state than India. virtually all your points can be rebutted.
It is true that India has 400 Million Poor
but the fact is poor in India are provided far more benefits and subsidies than those in other nations
These range from free education till the age of 14 , reservation of seats in govt run colleges for people of backward classes , Even annual fees at Delhi University is 150 USD for poor students
other points being
free healthcare in govt run hospitals , subsidised food grain
Each BPL family is entitled to 25 Kg of Rice and 20 Kg of wheat @ Rs 3 per kg
National Rural Employment guarantee schemes

The cumulative central and state government expenditure on poverty alleivation and Subsidy was 70 Billion USD in 2010
while govt has budgeted 90 Billion USD this yr for such programmes
The 8th largest economy with the largest population in the world. That is not a success. Half a billion starving. This does not fit the definition of an unfailed state.

The Indian middle class earns 1000 rupees a month or around 20 dollars. Or just under a dollar a day.

Do you call earning a dollar a day, middle class? :rofl:

India's problem with poverty isn't going away. it's getting worse. What you do is change the poverty line and say look we've improved.

don't get me started on the corrupt democracy and "powerful" civil society which everyone knows to be untrue. Brightest students is another figment of the imagination. Indian students are no more brighter than any others.

They would be. But they're all untrue.

bomb blasts occur in India regularly, probably more than Pakistan. It's a weak government if you look at Assam. Literacy rates in Pakistan are not good, but India is about the same.

Pakistan's poverty is much less than India's. The main thing is in Pakistan people on 1 rupee a day are classed as below the poverty line, in India they are classed as middle class.

All these things occur in India in greater quantities except those things related to war.

Pakistan is no more a failed state than India. virtually all your points can be rebutted.

people who depend on food assistance in Pakistan from 38 percent of the population in 2003 to 49 percent in 2009.

Pakistan: 8 Hunger Facts | World Food Program USA

50 percent of all Pakistanis have little or no access to clean toilets

Pakistan: 8 Hunger Facts | World Food Program USA

nearly 75% of the population lives very close to the poverty line and very small changes can push very large numbers of people below i

Pakistan Poverty increased to an astonishing 43 Percent - MarketWatch.pk

Violence to silence the media: Pakistani journalist killed by ISI

Violence to silence the media: Pakistani journalist killed by ISI

Increasing Unemployment and Poverty in Pakistan

Poverty rate in India will dip to 24% by ’15

Dont just Bark Prove your points @RoadRunner
It is true that India has 400 Million Poor
but the fact is poor in India are provided far more benefits and subsidies than those in other nations
These range from free education till the age of 14 , reservation of seats in govt run colleges for people of backward classes , Even annual fees at Delhi University is 150 USD for poor students
other points being
free healthcare in govt run hospitals , subsidised food grain
Each BPL family is entitled to 25 Kg of Rice and 20 Kg of wheat @ Rs 3 per kg
National Rural Employment guarantee schemes

The cumulative central and state government expenditure on poverty alleivation and Subsidy was 70 Billion USD in 2010
while govt has budgeted 90 Billion USD this yr for such programmes

this is the usual justification.

That the poor in India are taken care of. I think you're lying. Why are there millions of malnourished children if they are getting enough food?
this is the usual justification.

That the poor in India are taken care of. I think you're lying. Why are there millions of malnourished children if they are getting enough food?

India is developing at rate which you can only dream of !! so stop worrying about poors in India because they have bright future, think about 75% middle class population in Pakistan who are in danger of falling below poverty line

Some $1.2 billion dollars spent by the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) in the past ten years has gone to waste as poverty levels in Pakistan kept increasing instead of decreasing during that period.

The 8th largest economy with the largest population in the world. That is not a success. Half a billion starving. This does not fit the definition of an unfailed state.

The Indian middle class earns 1000 rupees a month or around 20 dollars. Or just under a dollar a day.

Do you call earning a dollar a day, middle class? :rofl:

India's problem with poverty isn't going away. it's getting worse. What you do is change the poverty line and say look we've improved.

don't get me started on the corrupt democracy and "powerful" civil society which everyone knows to be untrue. Brightest students is another figment of the imagination. Indian students are no more brighter than any others.

They would be. But they're all untrue.

bomb blasts occur in India regularly, probably more than Pakistan. It's a weak government if you look at Assam. Literacy rates in Pakistan are not good, but India is about the same.

Pakistan's poverty is much less than India's. The main thing is in Pakistan people on 1 rupee a day are classed as below the poverty line, in India they are classed as middle class.

All these things occur in India in greater quantities except those things related to war.

Pakistan is no more a failed state than India. virtually all your points can be rebutted.

In one sentence India Forex reserve is more than your Total country turnover in this Decade that is 2000 -2010 that is 315billion dollars and growing,we spent 15billion dollar just to purchase latest jets is more than your total Forex resereve thats approx. to 15 billion dollars......... :hang2:

Do your maths who is failure and who is successful ,if you still wants some more let me know ASAP coz today am generous Just for you:angel:
The 8th largest economy with the largest population in the world. That is not a success. Half a billion starving. This does not fit the definition of an unfailed state.

The Indian middle class earns 1000 rupees a month or around 20 dollars. Or just under a dollar a day.

Do you call earning a dollar a day, middle class? :rofl:

India's problem with poverty isn't going away. it's getting worse. What you do is change the poverty line and say look we've improved.

don't get me started on the corrupt democracy and "powerful" civil society which everyone knows to be untrue. Brightest students is another figment of the imagination. Indian students are no more brighter than any others.

They would be. But they're all untrue.

bomb blasts occur in India regularly, probably more than Pakistan. It's a weak government if you look at Assam. Literacy rates in Pakistan are not good, but India is about the same.

Pakistan's poverty is much less than India's. The main thing is in Pakistan people on 1 rupee a day are classed as below the poverty line, in India they are classed as middle class.

All these things occur in India in greater quantities except those things related to war.

Pakistan is no more a failed state than India. virtually all your points can be rebutted.

Your posts are funny to read...
roadrunner can go to any extent to make look india bad ,let him be happy,who cares about him,he and all his fellow country man live in denial mode there fate will be just like that of afganistan or iraq while we became the major economic and military power !
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