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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

The new Yankee sanctions tell us: never make a deal with cowboys
We didn't actually, what we did was with the world not only US.
US is making his face look bad. No other country trust America anymore. They just don't want to mess with them, it's just business.
We didn't actually, what we did was with the world not only US.
US is making his face look bad. No other country trust America anymore. They just don't want to mess with them, it's just business.

You people are the one who talk about " only interest is matter in modern countries foreign affairs " , but now you are talking about "US is making his face look bad" ...

sorry but you guys are like broken lover who get dumped by his beloved and now is truly depressed and begin to fool himself with lies ...

lets be clear , IMO USA only see you reformists as political whore and you have no value for them .... their smile to you is like smile of a man who show some minimal kindness to a whore before fucking her and in your case , USA will use you from behind ...

sorry , maybe you guys pursue serpentine to ban me for these words but face the truth , your love for westerns is totally one sided and your nothing more than political whores for them ...

We didn't actually, what we did was with the world not only US.
US is making his face look bad. No other country trust America anymore. They just don't want to mess with them, it's just business.
I know it mate. I meant we shouldn't make any deal that one side of it is US.
guys, look at the S722 sanction's text, 140 pages! it's a whole new set of sanctions.

They are trying to weaken our security by targeting the IRGC, and of course their cooperatives (Iranian traitors) will try to play it down and preserve the JCPOA by putting Iran's security vs the economy.
You people are the one who talk about " only interest is matter in modern countries foreign affairs " , but now you are talking about "US is making his face look bad" ...

sorry but you guys are like broken lover who get dumped by his beloved and now is truly depressed and begin to fool himself with lies ...

lets be clear , IMO USA only see you reformists as political whore and you have no value for them .... their smile to you is like smile of a man who show some minimal kindness to a whore before fucking her and in your case , USA will use you from behind ...

sorry , maybe you guys pursue serpentine to ban me for these words but face the truth , your love for westerns is totally one sided and your nothing more than political whores for them ...

I'm talking about those who still doesn't know the real US.
I have seen and talked with many peoples who still think that US is an angel to the world

I know it mate. I meant we shouldn't make any deal that one side of it is US.
The problem is that in the most deals we are facing US, directly or indirectly

So U think EU will resist against US ?

Thanks to westernophile reformists we poured concrete for no shit
Yes they will, when they see that they are in the losing side

You people are the one who talk about " only interest is matter in modern countries foreign affairs " , but now you are talking about "US is making his face look bad" ...

sorry but you guys are like broken lover who get dumped by his beloved and now is truly depressed and begin to fool himself with lies ...

lets be clear , IMO USA only see you reformists as political whore and you have no value for them .... their smile to you is like smile of a man who show some minimal kindness to a whore before fucking her and in your case , USA will use you from behind ...

sorry , maybe you guys pursue serpentine to ban me for these words but face the truth , your love for westerns is totally one sided and your nothing more than political whores for them ...

Your problem is that you get fast and easily angry and you tell and do things that you can't take it back
ahem get nuked up and be safe. though it could be conspiracy i do believe iran has traitors even crypto in government.

maybe iranians need to eat grass and get used to simple life, when under sanctions.

or end up like iraq, syria, libya, etc. saudis will then fund all kinds of merceneries to kill persian i bet thier mufti will say the persians are kafirs etc and then they will sell your women folk like syria.

anyway a question for pakistanis, what should pak do if iran is invaded and all hell breaks loose at border,
what if sauidis start funding crazies, what should be our response.
ahem get nuked up and be safe. though it could be conspiracy i do believe iran has traitors even crypto in government.

maybe iranians need to eat grass and get used to simple life, when under sanctions.

or end up like iraq, syria, libya, etc. saudis will then fund all kinds of merceneries to kill persian i bet thier mufti will say the persians are kafirs etc and then they will sell your women folk like syria.

anyway a question for pakistanis, what should pak do if iran is invaded and all hell breaks loose at border,
what if sauidis start funding crazies, what should be our response.

well , I hear so much insults for just trying to say this to my fellow countrymen , don't bother yourself , we will pay for our cowardliness ....
Thanks to westernophile reformists we poured concrete for no shit
It's not "Westernophiles" but Worldaphiles (If I make up a word)....you cannot make progress in a country living in a vacuum. They have tried that...it's called N. Korea. You can see how well that has worked out. This is all elementary economics. Iran's economy was shattered with the sanctions, without oil sales the economy would have slowly failed. Why do you think the Zionists are working overtime to put more sanctions on Iran? If JCPOA did nothing but only lifted the sanctions on the oil sales it would still be worth it....Oil and gas are Iran's lifeblood.

lets be clear , IMO USA only see you reformists as political whore and you have no value for them .... their smile to you is like smile of a man who show some minimal kindness to a whore before fucking her and in your case , USA will use you from behind ...
You have a very shallow understanding of the world politics. If you understood your enemy you would realize you're not a dealing with one entity. The U.S.A. is a complex machine with many moving parts....in order to win you must strengthen the part that is agreeable with your plans and at the same time help defeat the disagreeable part. The new sanctions without the EU don't have enough bite to hurt us in a big way.....The EU will not go along with any new sanctions if Iran does not violate the agreement.
well , I hear so much insults for just trying to say this to my fellow countrymen , don't bother yourself , we will pay for our cowardliness ....

iranians will get it big time they will humilate you, americans and saudis will have a great day plundering iran and they will jelously destroy your history, so that next generations wont even know who they are.
Then they will liberalise your women folk and missonaries will come to convert them and denounce islam.
iranians need nukes, eat grass, walk barefoot if you have to but get the nuke. your not dealing with normal people your dealing with satan himself. oil rich countries are worst countries for people as they very dependent on it and soften up on easy life. piped water? depend on power station?, food imported?, like qatar?.
get a farm, well water, survival prepper, off the grid, get training.
ahem get nuked up and be safe. though it could be conspiracy i do believe iran has traitors even crypto in government.

maybe iranians need to eat grass and get used to simple life, when under sanctions.

or end up like iraq, syria, libya, etc. saudis will then fund all kinds of merceneries to kill persian i bet thier mufti will say the persians are kafirs etc and then they will sell your women folk like syria.

anyway a question for pakistanis, what should pak do if iran is invaded and all hell breaks loose at border,
what if Saudis start funding crazies, what should be our response.
Good lord, another Pakistani teaching Iranians the importance of Nukes....I've said it thrice and I will say it again..if the U.S. wants to nuke you guys or bomb you guys..it can without impunity. They can render your nukes useless from 10,000 miles away. WE ARE NOT IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN OR SYRIA! Even Israel does not dare touch us. We don't need nukes to defend ourselves. We've been around for 6000 years my friend. We've endured a coup, revolution, war and the world's toughest sanction regime.
Good lord, another Pakistani teaching Iranians the importance of Nukes....I've said it thrice and I will say it again..if the U.S. wants to nuke you guys or bomb you guys..it can without impunity. They can render your nukes useless from 10,000 miles away. WE ARE NOT IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN OR SYRIA! Even Israel does not dare touch us. We don't need nukes to defend ourselves. We've been around for 6000 years my friend. We've endured a coup, revolution, war and the world's toughest sanction regime.

The only thing you got going is oil maybe the dollar is getting weaker, they getting mad.
plz dont bring afghanistan in they are the strongest without military a bunch of guys in sandals that can endure war after war and usa is having hard time. usa wouldnt dare nuke pak, radation can spread. if usa does other countries will panick then there will be guarantee nuclear armanent. ok if you believe you safe without nukes that is your opinion, maybe photoshop is doing a better job. if dollar gets really weak then usa will do libya style regime change
pakistan does not have oil, china/russia are too big to take over. iran makes great victim.
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