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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

iran already is a nuclear state. that's what this whole entire nuclear fight has been about.

iran has all the internal capabilities required to build a bomb. Its sites are heavily disbersed and buried deep under impenetrable mountains. IF the political order comes, Iran will have a functioning nuke in months (if not weeks). There is no question in my mind about that.

But taking that final screw turn step has risks and rewards.

The reward is that Iranians can brag on internet forums about their nukezzzzz (as seems to be a Pakistani national pastime)

the downsides are economic warfare. sacrificing your economic well being. And making your lethal conventional missile arsenal that you have spent decades and billions developing useless against nuclear states.

Iran will not be able to mass launch conventional missiles at Israel and US bases without fear of a nuclear response. As those countries would have to assume any missile coming from iran is a nuclear missile (this is nuclear warfare 101)

The risks and rewards currently are not in favour of iran going nuclear.

the only thing that would change that equation is an actual nuclear threat. If for example Israel threatened to seriously nuke iran. Iran would immidiatly build a bomb. Which is why the Israelis really go out of their way to EMPHASIZE they will never be ones "to introduce nukes to the middle east".

another example would be Pakistan. if iran and Pakistani relations broke down, and Pakistan threatened iran in any capacity. iran would then build nukes. under those circumstances the risk/reward would be in favor of taking that final screw turn away.

the nuclear debate wasn't about preventing iran from building a bomb. iran could have built a bomb 10~ years ago if it went all out for it. the west knew this.

they wanted to take that ability from iran, and prevent it from being a nuclear threshold state. Their ABSOLUTE RED LINE was always URANIUM ENRICHMENT. the nuclear deal was a final signature of the west recognizing irans nuclear rights. recognizing iran as a nuclear state. And agreeing to trade with iran in exchange for iran not making that final screw turn for the bomb.

that is a MASSIVE change in their behaviour from having absolutely 0 tolerance about Iranian uranium enrichment for decades. Threatning iran with war or surrender.

iran has been at this state craft business for thousands of years my friend. We know what were doing.......
. .
Lol..what a fool. So let me get this straight, he says what if the U.S. backs UAE and tells us to give up the Tunb islands or it will be war? Lol, sure the U.S. will go to war for the Arabs so they can have an island. Let me remind you that the U.S.A has delivered Iraq and Saddam to Iran on a silver platter. We would have never been able to do what they did for us. Also, when did U.S. care about Kuzehstan? He says what do we do if Saudi Arabia develops nukes??? Well, buddy, we withdraw from JCPOA....easy. We can withdraw tomorrow and let sanctions snap back if we want to. No one has erased the know-how to build a bomb.

Let me show you the real cost of JCPOA:

Iran economy grew 12.5% in March 2016-17 compared to the preceding year, according to the Central Bank of Iran's latest report released on Sunday.
The strong growth is attributed mainly to increased oil production following the removal of international sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program as of January 2016.
GDP growth, without taking oil production into account, stood at 3.3%, the CBI said, noting that the oil sector registered a dramatic 61.6% growth last year.
Selling oil without receiving the money is called giveaway!

We can use bartering (what Ahmadinejad was doing without destroying our nuclear infrastructures), but it has it's own consequences which is filling our market with foreign products and so is equal to unemployment in Iran.

An all time high record in the number of closed factories in the last years of Rouhani's administration is that sign.

Ahmadinejad sold the oil with half the current rate with double price, so not only we don't see any advancement in Rouhani's administration but a complete backwardness, it's just destroying the national resources.
the GDP in none oil sector is in fact gas export, or better to say free gas export to Turkey and U.A.E.

that GDP bragging is only good for fooling the those who don't know what's going on. Iran's economy is going down and 4 years later pro-west Reformists can take the whole credit for it!
for the first time in Iranian history workers wanted to hit Iranian president during his visit, I can imagine the situation 4 year later.

Amir Ahmadi pointed correctly, those who are willing to destroy our nuclear infrastructure with a threat of war or sanctions, they will use the the same reasonings in other matters too, for example in military matters (as they have already done it), they will use the same reasoning to give up on our islands.
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It's blind action with a belly full of hot air (just like your bluster now) that got us into this mess. Who got us into sanctions? Who gave all the contract to the IRGC, who probably doubled if not tripled corruption under his rule? Who's mouth in the U.N. cost us Billions in lost oil revenue? The answer to all of this is your boy Ahmadinejad. The idiot of world diplomacy. He left the economy in shambles and locked down in the world's worst sanctions regime. And now you expect Rohuani to clean up the mess instantly. What a laugh....go sell that crap elsewhere...We're not buying.
It was your American masters who brought the sanctions not Ahmadinejad, and whatever Ahamadinejad's economic and foreign policies were, it was a hell much better than Rouhani' policies.

hold your blabbering about foreign policies for kids, U.S sanctioned us, because they wanted to stop our advancement, yes, Ahmadinejad could sell out his country like Rouhani to prevent further sanctions, but he didn't.
now look at the Rouhani's result, he did that and in return not only he achieved NOTHING, but a whole new set of sanctions, this time with other excuse such as missiles and human rights,...

This drop in Iran's GDP (starting from 2013 when Rouhani took the office) is the outcome of laughing with your blood thirsty enemies:

No, thanks we don't want another drop this time in our security.
I'll tell you this one last time, in case other Iranians are reading this, so they don't believe your bullshit. The Economic indicators are backward looking so, in other words, the effects of the stupid policies are felt in the future. So don't show GDP numbers when the sanctions had not yet taken effect for Ahmadinejad, and then shows us the numbers after the sanctions are already hurting us and blame Rouhani.....LIES>>>FAKE NEWS!

What he has also left out, is the price of oil. The oil prices now are roughly half of what Ahmadinejad era prices were. Also, he left out the "Real GDP" numbers for the last 2 years of Ahmadinejad's time in office. Lastly, most countries shared in the economic recovery after the 2007 meltdown so the trend will show the graph going up from 2010 to 2014, and then most countries will show the graph dropping after 2014 due to a global slowdown.


The trend for most countries look like this....China for example:

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. . .
in the second annual of JCPOA, U.S confirmed Iran's commitments to the deal and then violated the deal simultaneously by imposing new sanctions:
After Trump reluctantly certifies Iran is obeying nuclear deal, he slaps it with new sanctions
(right in the face of those who believe in negotiations)

meanwhile Mr merchant is threatening to abandon the deal too!
Exclusive: Iran's Foreign Minister Warns Donald Trump That Tehran Can Abandon the Nuclear Deal
(but what he doesn't understands is that everybody in this world knows that his words are empty rhetoric and worthless)

plus another " تحریمها کاغذ پاره هستند " statement by the Merchant ministry!
Iran president Rouhani: we respond to US sanctions روحانی: به تحریم های امربکا پاسخ می دهیم
ریاست‌جمهوزی، حسن روحانی: ما به تحریم های امربکا پاسخ می دهیم

اقدامات آمریکایی‌ها با روح و متن برجام در تعارض است/ آمریکای عهدشکن نمی‌تواند مدعی ثبات، حقوق بشر و قانونگرایی باشد/ هر تحریم جدید آمریکا با پاسخ متناسب ملت ایران مواجه خواهد شد

Iranian president vows due response to US sanctions
Iran president Rouhani: we respond to US sanctions روحانی: به تحریم های امربکا پاسخ می دهیم
ریاست‌جمهوزی، حسن روحانی: ما به تحریم های امربکا پاسخ می دهیم

اقدامات آمریکایی‌ها با روح و متن برجام در تعارض است/ آمریکای عهدشکن نمی‌تواند مدعی ثبات، حقوق بشر و قانونگرایی باشد/ هر تحریم جدید آمریکا با پاسخ متناسب ملت ایران مواجه خواهد شد

Iranian president vows due response to US sanctions
He said same thing about ISA sanctions ..
. .
I'll tell you this one last time, in case other Iranians are reading this, so they don't believe your bullshit. The Economic indicators are backward looking so, in other words, the effects of the stupid policies are felt in the future. So don't show GDP numbers when the sanctions had not yet taken effect for Ahmadinejad, and then shows us the numbers after the sanctions are already hurting us and blame Rouhani.....LIES>>>FAKE NEWS!

What he has also left out, is the price of oil. The oil prices now are roughly half of what Ahmadinejad era prices were. Also, he left out the "Real GDP" numbers for the last 2 years of Ahmadinejad's time in office. Lastly, most countries shared in the economic recovery after the 2007 meltdown so the trend will show the graph going up from 2010 to 2014, and then most countries will show the graph dropping after 2014 due to a global slowdown.


The trend for most countries look like this....China for example:

این که مشخصه چرا افت کرده
قیمت نفت افتاد اینم افت کرد
زمان هم دقیقا منطبقه مگه چقدر از تولید ناخالص نفته تولید ناخالص با واردات و صادرات فرق داره و درضمن بدبختی اینجاست که تولید ناخالص به دلار محاسبه میشه که نرخ دلار به تومن هم چهاربرابر شدتو اون بازه پس واضحه افت بخاطر چیه
تحریم هم بی تاثیر نبود
در عوض روحانی هم با افزایش مالیات و نرخ خدمات جبرانش کرد
اگرنه نرخ رشد روحانی هم منفی میشد
انقدر از اون بالا تا پایین هاردلاینر هاردلاینر کردی و اومدی پایین فهمیدی همین چندوقته اعلام کردن 50 میلیارد پول ایران تو چین بلوکه شده؟
درد اینه که چرا با اونهمه شعار اومد بالا و گفت چنان رشد ایجاد میکنم که مردم خودشون یارانه نخوان مردم خودشون مالیات بدن درعوضش چی شد؟ سامانه کارورزی راه انداخته که حتی به بیکارای دانشگاهی پول بده. من طرفدار قالیباف نبودم اما این یک دزدی روشن ایده اس که بعد از فیلتر کردن سایت اون بدبخت یکی به نام خودش بازکرد
کار برای کارگر چینی ایجاد نکنیم درعوض واردات تو سه سال به اندازه سه برابر کل دوره احمدی نژاد خنگ شده
نه به اون شوری نه به این همه بی رگی
بدبختی و تمام حرف اینجاست که چرا حالا که قراره هسته ای بره (منم خیلی موافقش نبودم) چرا حواسشون نبوده یا نخواستن تاییدیه مبادلات بانکی بگیرن که اینطور دستشون زیر دست امریکا نباشه که بعدش برن التماس که بیا و بازش کن اونام بگن نه تو متن و جزو تعهدات ما . نیست!!! این بدبختیه. این بذبختیه که وقتی وقت مذاکره بود هیچی نگفتن که حالا فکر کردن بعدا هیلاری میاد بالا و با اون معامله میکنن که اشتباه بود و همه تخم مرغاشون تو سبد هیلاری گذاشتن یا هم فکر کردن بعدا دولت امریکا دلش میسوزه! یا فشار میذارن روش اونم بازش میکنه!؟
که از اون طرف چین کلاس بذاره و بگه 50 میلیاردت نمیدم مگر اینکه بخوای تو پروژه ها فاینانس کنم که مشخصا جیب به جیبه مگه کی میاد الان که پول نمیشه رد وبدل کرد تو ایران کار و سرمایه گذاری کنه؟ بیاد سرمایه گذاری کنه که حتی نتونه پول خودش رو ببره؟
اینکار چین هم سود چند مرحله ایه یعنی پول دستش بوده سود که نداد ه هیچ الانم داره اینشکلی به شرکتای خودش کار میده با پول ما بعدشم سودش از خودشه!!! حالا بیا و بگو اشتباه کردم باید به روش خودم پیش میرفتم
دو درصد سود پنجاه میلیارد میشه 1 میلیارد که کلیه برا مملکت فلک زده ای که دلاراش کیفی رد و بدل میشه خودش کیمیاست
اون از جریان حقوقای نجومی لامصبا من خودم دکتر عمومیم تازه حقوق 800 میلیونی میدن تو بیمارستان نمازی شیراز به اتند اون حقوقای
رییس بانکا به کنار این توافقم به کنار
این بابا هوشنگ میگه که اگر گفتن و ترامپ که انتظاری نیست پشتشون ایستاد نگفت میاد میجنگه براشون. میگه این حالات مشابهن​
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The answer to all of this is your boy Ahmadinejad
هیچکس طرفدار این نیست اما چرا روحانی وقتی اینهمه شعار داد عمل نکرد؟؟؟
چرا وقتی قراره انرژی هسته ای بره خوب مراودات دلاری که هیچکس نمیتونه رد کنه تاثیرش رو و هیچکس هم البته نمیتونه تحمل کنه محدودیتش رو برنگشت؟؟؟
پول تو دنیا یعنی دلار
یادمه همین احمدی نژاد خنگول دلار رو اورد تا 2800 که من یه لپتاب ساده برای کارای پایان نامه خریدم الان 2000 الان همون شده 2600 با اینکه کلی از مدلش هم افتاده!!! مگه ملاک تورم جیب نبود؟؟؟
انقدر هزینه خدمات رو برده بالا یا گمرک و مالیات که این تولید ایجاد شده اگرنه همینم نبود که شما اینجا ازش عکس بندازی و تمسخر بگیری بقیه رو با این اطلاعات ناقصت؟ ملاک جیبه یا نه؟
مطمینم میدونی بخش خدمات چیه
تو هر اداره ای میری برای یه امضا 50 تومن میندازه پای خرج.که قبلا هم وجود نداشت.خودم برای فارغ التحصیلی فقط یک میلیون پول امضا دادم
بعد از اونطرف هم که انواع اقسام حقوق خداتومنی
علی برکت الله

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