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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

due to the elections, Americans are refraining from imposing any new sanctions against Iran, but they are getting ready for a new wave of sanctions this time with the excuse of our missile program.

it's interesting even when Iran doesn't launch any missile, they come up with new reports about secret progress,
like this one:
Iran copying North Korea and developing nuclear missile to hit USA

or that one!
Former CIA agent says Iran aiding North Korea as new missile test emboldens Pyongyang

more than 80 new sanction plans and bills against Iran, just during one year after the deal!

list is updated till 14.11.2016 so it doesn't contain some new sanctions like the Trump visa ban, also the link is in Persian, yet still contains the link to each plan:
من؛ یک‌سالگی برجام؛ «تحریم» نام دارم!
and after elections:

US to review Boeing, Airbus sales to Iran, impose ‘additional sanctions’

The US Department of the Treasury is reviewing licenses for Boeing Co. and Airbus to sell Iran aircraft, while it will do its best to impose “additional sanctions” on Tehran.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin made the comments before a House of Representatives panel Wednesday.

"We will use everything within our power to put additional sanctions on Iran, Syria and North Korea to protect American lives," he told members of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Officials in the administration of US President Donald Trump have been sparing no efforts to undermine the nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers, including the US, as it was negotiated in the administration of President Barrack Obama.

"I can assure you that's a big focus of mine and I discuss it with the president," Mnuchin told lawmakers.

Most of Iran's aging fleet of 250 commercial planes were purchased before 1979, and as of June 2016, only 162 were operational, with the rest grounded because of a lack of spare parts.

Airlines in Iran have been operating for decades on ageing fleet of Boeing and Airbus airliners, plus some Russian planes bought or leased since the revolution.

Iran and the world powers – the US, Britain, Russia, Germany, china and France – reached a nuclear deal in Vienna in July 2015.

Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran undertook to put limitations on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related sanctions imposed against Tehran.

Trump has been a staunch opponent of the Iran nuclear deal as it was negotiated under his Democratic predecessor despite the Republican Party’s opposition.
Ok your are big boy using such tough language, hope that helps your ego. Now either learn to be polite and educate yourself about matters you want to have discussions, or stop wasting our time.
Wasting ur time lol???, we didnt buckled under international pressure like u, we said f uck u to the world and went ahead with our nuke tests unlike u, the result?? We have now progressed to become a nuke triad power with second strike and mirv capability, we went through the sanctions period with patience yet never sold our honour for dollars like u, the result?? Allah rewardes us by making us the lifeline for survival for a global economic giant(china) hence now no one can hurt our economy, our stand paid off, we are now heading to become a trillion dollar economy by 2027 maximum, we manufacture most of our defence needs in house now, no one can f uck with us now, while u got scared of amreeka and sold ur nukes , now amreeka is treating u like the cowards u are lol....when they pressurized pakistan to drop nuke program do u knw what the reply of our leaders was" we will eat grass but will not abandon nuke program" so instead of talking big here face facts son, the world doesnt respect those who talk big out of dellusional egos, the world gives respect to those who can stand their ground...
Wasting ur time lol???, we didnt buckled under international pressure like u, we said f uck u to the world and went ahead with our nuke tests unlike u, the result?? We have now progressed to become a nuke triad power with second strike and mirv capability, we went through the sanctions period with patience yet never sold our honour for dollars like u, the result?? Allah rewardes us by making us the lifeline for survival for a global economic giant(china) hence now no one can hurt our economy, our stand paid off, we are now heading to become a trillion dollar economy by 2027 maximum, we manufacture most of our defence needs in house now, no one can f uck with us now, while u got scared of amreeka and sold ur nukes , now amreeka is treating u like the cowards u are lol....when they pressurized pakistan to drop nuke program do u knw what the reply of our leaders was" we will eat grass but will not abandon nuke program" so instead of talking big here face facts son, the world doesnt respect those who talk big out of dellusional egos, the world gives respect to those who can stand their ground...
You have nukes but you can't defend your sovereignty, neither from inside or outside threats. your country doesn't dare to challenge American's hegemony on any issue. forget the Americans, even Saudi dictators can affect in your policies with a little donation.

This is Pakistan:
US drone attack violation of Pakistan's sovereignty, says PM - Dawn

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan

This is Iran:
Iranian Drones Circling Above US Aircraft Carrier 'Getting on Pentagon's Nerves' -Sputnik International

This is how we deal with those who accidentally cross our waters:

This is how we humiliate their top notch stealth toys, the same toy which is hovering over Pakistan and the rest of the world freely:

Yes, there are some delusional and traitors in Iran who fooled people by saying we will remove the sanction in return of postponing our civilian nuclear program, but if they can move their smart a$$es freely and in full security in Iran, that's because they are under the shadow of a real power which is Iranian armed forces.
neither east nor west, just Islamic Republic of Iran.
You have nukes but you can't defend your sovereignty, neither from inside or outside threats. your country doesn't dare to challenge American's hegemony on any issue. forget the Americans, even Saudi dictators can affect in your policies with a little donation.

This is Pakistan:
US drone attack violation of Pakistan's sovereignty, says PM - Dawn

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan

This is Iran:
Iranian Drones Circling Above US Aircraft Carrier 'Getting on Pentagon's Nerves' -Sputnik International

This is how we deal with those who accidentally cross our waters:

This is how we humiliate their top notch stealth toys, the same toy which is hovering over Pakistan and the rest
You have nukes but you can't defend your sovereignty, neither from inside or outside threats. your country doesn't dare to challenge American's hegemony on any issue. forget the Americans, even Saudi dictators can affect in your policies with a little donation.

This is Pakistan:
US drone attack violation of Pakistan's sovereignty, says PM - Dawn

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan

This is Iran:
Iranian Drones Circling Above US Aircraft Carrier 'Getting on Pentagon's Nerves' -Sputnik International

This is how we deal with those who accidentally cross our waters:

This is how we humiliate their top notch stealth toys, the same toy which is hovering over Pakistan and the rest of the world freely:

Yes, there are some delusional and traitors in Iran who fooled people by saying we will remove the sanction in return of postponing our civilian nuclear program, but if they can move their smart a$$es freely and in full security in Iran, that's because they are under the shadow of a real power which is Iranian armed forces.
neither east nor west, just Islamic Republic of Iran.
Keep telling urself that...
Dude, you're the one trolling..please stop bragging about nukes. As I've said earlier, if the west wants to attack your country they can do it with impunity.. You'll be seeing a mushroom cloud while your nukes will still be in their silos.
Another thing, so we don't have nukes as far as you know...so how come the U.S. hasn't bombed us then?
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Yes, there are some delusional and traitors in Iran who fooled people by saying we will remove the sanction in return of postponing our civilian nuclear program, but if they can move their smart a$$es freely and in full security in Iran, that's because they are under the shadow of a real power which is Iranian armed forces.
neither east nor west, just Islamic Republic of Iran.
Also you really should stop calling our legitimately elected and appointed officials as "Traitors", they are NOT traitors. The share a different ideology than you....that's how a democracy works. If you jail, kill or otherwise make the opposition disappear then you are running a Fascist state. So tell me do you want a Democracy or Fascism?
Also you really should stop calling our legitimately elected and appointed officials as "Traitors", they are NOT traitors. The share a different ideology than you....that's how a democracy works. If you jail, kill or otherwise make the opposition disappear then you are running a Fascist state. So tell me do you want a Democracy or Fascism?

two members of negotiating team turned out to be foreign spy, one escaped to UK, the other has been freed by a bail cause government doesn't want to loose the face. how did two traitors find their way into the top negotiating team? it wasn't an accident. when you trust your enemies and the people who who want nothing but overthrowing of Iranian regime, things like this happens.
and thanks to this team, today our nuclear infrastructure is gone while dollar value is still 38000R.

their actions is nothing less than a treason even if they didn't mean to.

what f@cking moron would fulfill all of it's obligations against a bully and then waits for him to do the same?!
they did it cause they were in a hurry to reach a deal before the elections, simply they sacrificed the national interests over their party's interests.

these are the reason I call them traitors, not because they have different ideology.
All you did was post a video..again. No hard evidence, just some video a hardline org made. For those people reading this, he's talking about a few nuke negotiator that were dual nationals..there was never any public evidence of spying. If one of them was guilty of something, it may have been fraud See the WAPO article below:


This article even explains it better:

Again of the team members on the JCPOA team, there has been no evidence of anyone of them spying. Another nugget of info, the Judiciary Committee is basically a hardline outlet that bullies citizen and non-citizens alike. A completely unique organ that operates on the fringes of the law and answers to no one. This is no different than the Italy's "Brown Shirts" The German's "Sturmabteilung or SA" other similar constructs of past Fascist states such Italy and Germany.
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Keep telling urself that...
Its not about how Pakistan's military powerful is but how Pakistani political and military demands powerful is?
I'm not denying that Pakistan is powerful or probably more powerful than Iran but is Pakistan willingly so powerful to stop America to not strike on Pakistan's ground or something like that?

two members of negotiating team turned out to be foreign spy, one escaped to UK, the other has been freed by a bail cause government doesn't want to loose the face. how did two traitors find their way into the top negotiating team? it wasn't an accident. when you trust your enemies and the people who who want nothing but overthrowing of Iranian regime, things like this happens.
and thanks to this team, today our nuclear infrastructure is gone while dollar value is still 38000R.

their actions is nothing less than a treason even if they didn't mean to.

what f@cking moron would fulfill all of it's obligations against a bully and then waits for him to do the same?!
they did it cause they were in a hurry to reach a deal before the elections, simply they sacrificed the national interests over their party's interests.

these are the reason I call them traitors, not because they have different ideology.
When they were negotiating most of people agreed with them at that time. They didn't know that the west is going to make it so hard on economic against Iran. They thought the sanction will be lifted easily and things going to be better.
Its not about how Pakistan's military powerful is but how Pakistani political and military demands powerful is?
I'm not denying that Pakistan is powerful or probably more powerful than Iran but is Pakistan willingly so powerful to stop America to not strike on Pakistan's ground or something like that?
The drone strikes were allowed by the dictator gen musharaf himself, no strike was conduced without our permission, we were back then acting as Us allies and were acting as helping the Us finish of terrorists etc while in reality we were actively supoorting the taliban in afghanistan so u are talking about stopping Us while we actually defeated them in afghanistan via taliban, u do knw that taliban still control more than 50% of afghanistan dont u? It was all a game of strategic depth, the Us can do nothing to pakistan as any serious attempt will automatically trigger a nuclear attack on israel, so we have them by the balls when security of pakistan is concerned. Now leta get to iran, how will iran stop the Us from invading and destroying it?? Lets have a serious military discussion albiet all the nationalistic chest thumping, what is ur game plan for stopping them?? Seriously?? They will jave u under their thumbs in 2-3 months if they want, pakistan is the only country in the islamic world that can actually stop the Us from invading it, none other can....
The drone strikes were allowed by the dictator gen musharaf himself, no strike was conduced without our permission, we were back then acting as Us allies and were acting as helping the Us finish of terrorists etc while in reality we were actively supoorting the taliban in afghanistan so u are talking about stopping Us while we actually defeated them in afghanistan via taliban, u do knw that taliban still control more than 50% of afghanistan dont u? It was all a game of strategic depth, the Us can do nothing to pakistan as any serious attempt will automatically trigger a nuclear attack on israel, so we have them by the balls when security of pakistan is concerned. Now leta get to iran, how will iran stop the Us from invading and destroying it?? Lets have a serious military discussion albiet all the nationalistic chest thumping, what is ur game plan for stopping them?? Seriously?? They will jave u under their thumbs in 2-3 months if they want, pakistan is the only country in the islamic world that can actually stop the Us from invading it, none other can....
If you have the power why would you ask America help you to destroy the terrorists then?
Some Pakistani officials are afraid or they just want to paying ransoms to others. I 'm not talking about all Pakistanis but just some.
There are like them in every nation also in Iran.
Of course sometimes is better to give them a grain straw than to let them take a haystack.
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If you have the power why would you ask America help you to destroy the terrorists then?
Some Pakistani officials are afraid or they just want to paying ransoms to others. I 'm not talking about all Pakistanis but just some.
There are like them in every nation also in Iran.
We did not ask for thier help, they came in afghanistan to destroy pakistan hence we played a game with them in afghanistan which we won, the bullies got bullied, the entire nato afghan invasion was pakistan centric and we knew that before they came...
If you have the power why would you ask America help you to destroy the terrorists then?
Some Pakistani officials are afraid or they just want to paying ransoms to others. I 'm not talking about all Pakistanis but just some.
There are like them in every nation also in Iran.
We did not ask for thier help, they came in afghanistan to destroy pakistan hence we played a game with them in afghanistan which we won, the bullies got bullied, the entire nato afghan invasion was pakistan centric and we knew that before they came...
That's what I've told you about in my last sentence.
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