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The disease of ogling at every passing woman

Thanks to the semi exposure to bollywood, and lack of Islamic education and values from the parents.
If indians have become rapists and mob lynchers from bollywood, it oughta have some affect on the general public in Pakistan as well.
The only solution is confrontation, and laws to address this as harassment.
No need to introduce draconian laws under the banner of 'harassment' please. :rolleyes:

Imagine a law which prohibit a man to even look at a woman out in the public - really stupid.

Police and Courts have nothing better to do?

Societal grooming is important, and confrontation might help.
Actually, I am not sure what West you have been to (maybe in dreams)....But in West to do xyz or not to do xyz is your business no one forces you ...no society dictates you!

OK, I was wrong, I failed.

Ogling is WRONG and Pakistanis need to learn good things from west.
I am a paindo banda, just heard stories of west and have seen pics and movies only.
Yes Pakistanis from region of "mirpur" are quite bad here.

Others from other regions such as Punjab are better educated and respectful. Its 2nd and 3rd generation ones that are bad....
I wouldnt differentiate any....In fact MANY South Asians do ogle!
very well said. I live in London UK and I adopt good aspects of the UK and good aspects of my Indian heritage. I've met Pakistanis in uk and some of their aspects e.g take off shoes in your home are same as indian. I never adopt bad aspects of uk culture like swearing, eating unhealthy food and drinking too much alcohol.
Balanced life is the best...Always concentrate on picking the positive not the negative!
OK, I was wrong, I failed.

Ogling is WRONG and Pakistanis need to learn good things from west.
I am a paindo banda, just heard stories of west and have seen pics and movies only.

We criticize the negative of other cultures, and yet pick up the negative traits of our own and others and highlight them!
It's not like men enjoy staring just when the battery is charged. Even if it's empty, staring is something we often want to do anyway. The difference is, civilised men don't give in to the urge.
Very true. If I am famished hungry, I don't start drooling over the food in a restaurent counter like dog. I control my posure . Same applies here. We as humans have many primeval instincts but those have to be tempered as part of being civilized.
Imagine a law which prohibit a man to even look at a woman out in the public - really stupid.
There is a difference between looking and ogling!

Police and Courts have nothing better to do?
They really dont...they dont even implement the set laws...so might as well get them to controlling people which they love to do but I agree it would be misused like every of our other laws!

@Sachin patel stop trolling....we can find common denominator in other things as well...Dont spoil the thread due to your racism
Anyone trying to bring in religion or a certain ethnic group will be banned ...you have been warned!

And no vulgar language!

I live in Germany, I have never seen German teenage boys or middle aged men ever engaging in the ogling habit. I see a beautiful girl passing nearby young German guys but they never indulge in any kind of ogling or staring process irrespective of how short the girl is dressed, these things are only reserved for bars and dancing clubs where they know the guys are there to talk to stranger girls and staring or ogling becomes a normal thing there in dance or disco clubs. But on the street the German guys irrespective of their age never ever indulge in this stupidity of ogling/staring at girls irrespective of whether they have a girlfriend/wife or not, this is just not part of german culture.
EXACTLY! If 1 "people" can do it...it is not "natural" but has been normalized due to many dictating it so!
As one of my English teachers used to say, "It is cultural". I mean the truth is, most of these men are sexually frustrated as most of our public is unemployed and they have nothing to do in life than just stare at women. I had a friend at Uni who would literally turn into a werewolf just because some female student passed by.

The problem is cultural, Pakistan is a male-dominated society. The only cities I have seen a reasonable number of female drivers are Islamabad and somewhat Rawalpindi. There is a huge disparity between the male and female ratio on roads. I think only proper education and economic prosperity can help reduce this mal-practice.
I recently visited Pakistan after a decade. I was overwhelmed by the unmatchable hospitality I received by my extended family. I visited beautiful monuments, masjid, museums, colourful bazaars and wonderful parks in the capital Islamabad and it's hustling bustling neighbouring city of Rawalpindi. During my time in Pakistan I couldn't help but notice a very uncomfortable and almost intimidating experience of men randomly staring/gazing at women anywhere and everywhere given the opportunity. Places such as the famous monument in Islamabad during a hot humid mid afternoon. Groups of men would huddle and ogle at any female that passed by even if she was with her family. This occurred to my very own female relatives who were dressed modestly and in full Islamic attire. As I witnessed this I decided to confront one of the perpetrators as i felt it to be a form of harassment. The young man hurried away with his companions to avoid any confrontation or escalation in tension. No matter where I went I witnessed the same disease of men holting in their daily lives to look..... and I mean to look/stare/ogle at any female passing by. There seems to be some serious sexual frustration in Pakistan where some men are unable to control thier gaze. Clearly needs addressing!
Remember the legendary Mehdi Hasan classic:
Baat tu sach hay magar Baat hay Ruswai ki...

Should be hummed as:
Baat tu sach hay magar... baat hay Dhetaai ki,
Uss nay kutton ki tarah drooling ki...parwarish paai thee :rofl:...

The above just about summerizes our oogling brethren in general.

It just reflects the lack of quality upbringing that the onsalught of mediocre media has made the general populous suffer from so much so that the bombardment of cheezy love at first sight cinema from across the border over the years has made people numb to the idea of what is decent, noble and respectable or otherwise.
I have a fuking problem man. I always confront any wrong doers. So should everybody else.

I fully advocate this. Just recently on an outing with cousins, they were dressed very modestly but I decided to walk just behind them as I always do. I noticed some usual staring, but one guy's prolonged wide-eyed ogling rubbed me the wrong way, I confronted him and intimidated him, probably because I was much bigger and was angry, he lowered gaze and apologised. But how bad must it be for these women if even we (who aren't the targets of this harrassment) are noticing such obvious and disgusting ogling?
We need more police/security personnel, esp women and maybe undercover, in shopping areas to catch and give harsh, exemplary punishments for this kind of behavior.

It is a major problem in Lahore and Islamabad, I can't say about other places. Something drastic needs to be done.
I fully advocate this. Just recently on an outing with cousins, they were dressed very modestly but I decided to walk just behind them as I always do. I noticed some usual staring, but one guy's prolonged wide-eyed ogling rubbed me the wrong way, I confronted him and intimidated him, probably because I was much bigger and was angry, he lowered gaze and apologised. But how bad must it be for these women if even we (who aren't the targets of this harrassment) are noticing such obvious and disgusting ogling?
Living in Islamabad where a lot of younger lot resides from other cities for education and earning a living, the matter has exponentially worsened.

My personal experience is very similar to what you just described. But the timing makes it even worse.

The women of my family observe hijab.
This past Ramadan, I parked my car in a busy market where a few seemingly educated street vending young men were siting near by slling bangles and stuff. The lot must have just had Iftar a while ago as was the time, but the senior of them started staring at my mother and wife sitting in the car as I parked.

As i got out with my wife, the guy continued to stare relentlessly to which I stopped and asked him if there was a problem and had he seen his sister in hijab that he was trying to recognize by staring? The guy was probably not used to such direct confrontation and was visibly shaken and sheepishly left mumbling an apology.

Such degradation of society is seriously alarming.
There is a difference between looking and ogling!

They really dont...they dont even implement the set laws...so might as well get them to controlling people which they love to do but I agree it would be misused like every of our other laws!

@Sachin patel stop trolling....we can find common denominator in other things as well...Dont spoil the thread due to your racism
I understand the difference.

Even though I am male, I have noticed a few men staring at me on different occasions. Not sure what was in the mind of each starer at the time, or I was doing something wrong?

However, this is a small issue and can be sorted out with reaction/interaction/confrontation.

Draconian laws are not welcome, and rather impose unnecessary constraints upon freedom of expression of people in a supposedly democratic society. On the other hand, pathetic ill-mannered women will capitize on draconian laws to their advantage. However, they might end up creating more enemies for themselves while at it.

Best course of action is to EDUCATE people in manners and ethics.

We need more police/security personnel, esp women and maybe undercover, in shopping areas to catch and give harsh, exemplary punishments for this kind of behavior.

It is a major problem in Lahore and Islamabad, I can't say about other places. Something drastic needs to be done.
See above.
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