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The disease of ogling at every passing woman

in small villages it was impossible to do such a "sh1t"

Residents of villages belong to same clan descendents of same person few generations back and sometimes people of multiple clans who belong to same caste or tribe but are not related to each other
and some other people who are called kammi like lohar mochi nai etc
so it's like a big extended family that's why such things are not possible
There are a lot of social problems in Pakistan like homo men with boys boys with boys but this men or boys sitting in streets staring or looking at women I've never seen this some members are saying it's more common in cities like Islamabad Karachi and I've never lived in these cities
It is even common in Punjab....so it isnt just big cities it is everywhere...

They export their shit abroad too...in GCC countries, in West you will see those who ogle mostly always happen to be South Asians (yes it isnt a Pakistani problem)

yaar it happens, poondi is normal. some are just blowing it out of proportion. Normal human nature.
It is not normal! To claim it normal is what is causing this infestation!

It is not normal coz it doesnt happen "normally" in the West! It is borderline harassment! Imagine it was your sister who was being starred at! For no reason! Why the anger if it is your sister but "natural" when it is someone else's sister?
It is even common in Punjab....so it isnt just big cities it is everywhere...

They export their shit abroad too...in GCC countries, in West you will see those who ogle mostly always happen to be South Asians (yes it isnt a Pakistani problem)

It is not normal! To claim it normal is what is causing this infestation!

It is not normal coz it doesnt happen "normally" in the West! It is borderline harassment! Imagine it was your sister who was being starred at! For no reason! Why the anger if it is your sister but "natural" when it is someone else's sister?

I do not which west you are talking about, I have seen it all over....some places must pop horn and pass a comment.
There is a reason Centaurus Mall banned single males. And if you go to any park in Islamabad, majority of public is consisted of males and they will stare at females like they have never seen one before.

I used to say that policy of Centaurus mall was discriminatory but once you actually go to Islamabad and experience public places with female relatives then you will be thankful for Centaurus mall banning single males. At least there is one place in Islamabad where you don't have to worry about that stuff.
It didnt ban single males it just forced an entry fee on them
Those who stare let them do Kya farq parta hai
THIS attitude promotes it!

  1. Faraq parta hai when it is directly against the Quran
  2. It is considered rude
  3. It is disgusting...For many they will tell you it is disgusting when their sister is involved...but somehow it is "natural" if someone else's sister is starred at?

I do not which west you are talking about, I have seen it all over....some places must pop horn and pass a comment.
You have seen men starring in the West? Now I dont know which West you have been to!

I dont know why SOME men are not addressing this problem as what it is...A diseases!
Those claiming it is normal, it is ok, whats the big deal...I believe such men do so themselves and hence are trying to normalize it!

Well, sorry to burst your bubble it is nothing short of a disease!
The issue is teenagers having free time with nothing better to do. If there were proper sports centers, entertainment facilities and technical centers with part-time jobs then I think we could overcome this culture of 'puundi'. Also there needs to be some control from the parents over their children, right now parents are too busy with their jobs that they often neglect what their young ones are doing. I don't ask for 100% monitoring but its the responsibility of parents to make their children do something worthwhile like sports, fitness, learning some technical skill in free time.

Its not just teenagers killing time. You'll find some old men with flowing white beards doing this same thing. I think its more of a frustration thing. Parents need to educate their kids and Gov needs to clean up the filth on media.

And people blaming Indian/Western movies; have you recently had the misfortune of watching Pakistani dramas on private channels? These dramas are some next level shit.

Stop wearing Yoga pants

THIS attitude promotes it!

  1. Faraq parta hai when it is directly against the Quran
  2. It is considered rude
  3. It is disgusting...For many they will tell you it is disgusting when their sister is involved...but somehow it is "natural" if someone else's sister is starred at?

You have seen men starring in the West? Now I dont know which West you have been to!

I dont know why SOME men are not addressing this problem as what it is...A diseases!
Those claiming it is normal, it is ok, whats the big deal...I believe such men do so themselves and hence are trying to normalize it!

Well, sorry to burst your bubble it is nothing short of a disease!
OK Haji sahib, West is pure, all ills are in Pakistan.
based on the culture, different criteria to judge things. in West woman can wear 2 piece and its normal, in pakistan tight dress to much problem. in west man can approach a woman and say you are looking sexy etc. no problem. in pakistan try doing that....
OK Haji sahib, West is pure, all ills are in Pakistan.
Read my post..If you dont understand ask no need to jump to your own conclusions!
based on the culture, different criteria to judge things. in West woman can wear 2 piece and its normal, in pakistan tight dress to much problem. in west man can approach a woman and say you are looking sexy etc. no problem. in pakistan try doing that....
Yes, women can wear as they like and even then men dont "ogle" ...they may stare and whistle...but there are ways to deal with...women who choose to wear like that deal with it!

In Pakistan women dont even wear like that and get ogled at...and you see no problem?
Read my post..If you dont understand ask no need to jump to your own conclusions!

Yes, women can wear as they like and even then men dont "ogle" ...they may stare and whistle...but there are ways to deal with...women who choose to wear like that deal with it!

In Pakistan women dont even wear like that and get ogled at...and you see no problem?
you failed to understand the cultural differences and the criteria to be called ogling.

what is considered normal in west, in some desi cultures it can cause murders.

in west girls go out mix talk freely to men, while travelling gora can sit next to you, touching and all will be normal, but in desi culture if a girl is travelling in a bus or train, firstlt no man will try to site besides her and if he dares and by mistake touched her, so many bhai log will beat him.

in west boyfriend/girlfriend is normal, in desi /Pakistan becomes a big issue.

Desis living in west will accept all this, gora can talk, sit next to rubbing legs etc......it will be ok but you can imagine what will happen in pakistan. desis in west will be ok when their family member have boyfriends, in Pakistan big problems.....
so in west its happening at higher levels, accepted tolerance level is too high, hence no one making an issue.

same desis living in west will go to beach and they will be ok with bathing suits, and no issues who is watching and who not. but when go to Pakistani beach different dress code and watching all over who is watching. Some desis will allow their female members to bring Bf its Ok lets go for outing.......No problems.

I know, Goras are very sharif, you trust them, not desis.

Culture and values determine what is considered what. wrong is wrong according to our Beliefs no matter where it happens and who does it. I am just against painting Gora culture as innocent and free of these ills. much worse is normal for them.

Yes, we as Pakistanis moving away from our Culture and values, which is bad. When we look at the reason, we see that its all because of the western and foreign influence. So, why not look at the root of the problem as well instead of focusing on the decease caused by it. Western Culture, which causing the issues becomes acceptable, but who gets infected with disease is wrong.

I doubt it will make any sense to you, but I said it what it is. reality is always different then ideals.
you failed to understand the cultural differences and the criteria to be called ogling.

what is considered normal in west, in some desi cultures it can cause murders
Sadly ogling isnt one of them?

in west girls go out mix talk freely to men, while travelling gora can sit next to you, touching and all will be normal, but in desi culture if a girl is travelling in a bus or train, firstlt no man will try to site besides her and if he dares and by mistake touched her, so many bhai log will beat him.
yet they find no harm in ogling? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

in west boyfriend/girlfriend is normal, in desi /Pakistan becomes a big issue.
magar ogling theek hai?

Desis living in west will accept all this, gora can talk, sit next to rubbing legs etc......it will be ok but you can imagine what will happen in pakistan. desis in west will be ok when their family member have boyfriends, in Pakistan big problems.....
so in west its happening at higher levels, accepted tolerance level is too high, hence no one making an issue.
Actually, I am not sure what West you have been to (maybe in dreams)....But in West to do xyz or not to do xyz is your business no one forces you ...no society dictates you!

In a society that dictates to you, ogling should not be "natural"!

Culture and values determine what is considered what. wrong is wrong according to our Beliefs no matter where it happens and who does it. I am just against painting Gora culture as innocent and free of these ills. much worse is normal for them.
How is ogling ok?

You wronged everything but ogling? May I ask why?
Sadly ogling isnt one of them?

yet they find no harm in ogling? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

magar ogling theek hai?

Actually, I am not sure what West you have been to (maybe in dreams)....But in West to do xyz or not to do xyz is your business no one forces you ...no society dictates you!

In a society that dictates to you, ogling should not be "natural"!

How is ogling ok?

You wronged everything but ogling? May I ask why?

I live in Germany, I have never seen German teenage boys or middle aged men ever engaging in the ogling habit. I see a beautiful girl passing nearby young German guys but they never indulge in any kind of ogling or staring process irrespective of how short the girl is dressed, these things are only reserved for bars and dancing clubs where they know the guys are there to talk to stranger girls and staring or ogling becomes a normal thing there in dance or disco clubs. But on the street the German guys irrespective of their age never ever indulge in this stupidity of ogling/staring at girls irrespective of whether they have a girlfriend/wife or not, this is just not part of german culture.
Yes, we as Pakistanis moving away from our Culture and values, which is bad. When we look at the reason, we see that its all because of the western and foreign influence. So, why not look at the root of the problem as well instead of focusing on the decease caused by it. Western Culture, which causing the issues becomes acceptable, but who gets infected with disease is wrong.
Why only pick up the bad from Western culture?

Why not the good? The good manners that is also in our culture but since we like to pick from others culture...why not their good manners? Their control over ogling? Their control over disrespectful poondi, tapori-pan and even their control over crass habits like spiting in public?

We will point to
their drinking problems
Bf/gf culture
and whatnot

But we never seem to want to pick up the good?
No spiting in public
No staring like you dont have women in your home or worse never seen a woman in your life

I am talking abt the majority not the criminals who may do the opposite!
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