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The disease of ogling at every passing woman

I remember my mother used to repeat this "local punjabi saying" in case you talk to her to become overly religious,

Ay jahan mitha
tay agla kinnay dithha

(This world is sweet, and who has seen the next world?)

Centuries old Punjabi poetry is also secular I think people of this region Punjab never followed any religion in past and were always irreligious
Centuries old Punjabi poetry is also secular I think people of this region Punjab never followed any religion in past and were always irreligious

They followed the religions in the past too but never as something that they will "wear upon themselves" 24 hours a day, they only practiced some parts of religion but they never considered a 24 hours religious life to be practical or useful at all. Also in your previous post you mentioned that traders tend to be more religious and I totally agree with you, historically also the "veil" or "parda" was mostly associated with the women folks of rich traders or influential land holding families who could afford their women to be 24 hours enclosed in their houses and being in veils when moving outside for short times.

A small scale farmer or artisan on the other hand could not afford to enclose his wife/daughter/sister etc. in the house 24 hours a day. He needed their help in his work on fields, wells, "khoo or dera" etc. An artisan also needed the practical help of his women folk to work together with him in order to make his ends meet. That is why there was no concept of "veil" or "burkha" among farmers and artisan families in rural Punjab in everyday life purely due to economic reasons. The cultures have always been dictated by economy which is essential for the survival.
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Then you are abnormal or mentally sick. A normal and mentally healthy guy would never find an age gap of more than 3 years acceptable. At worst it could be 5 years not more than that. It's only in movies or TV shows where such pairing is found. In real life a man would have no attraction towards such young girl. I am telling from experience.

So you still have'nt forgotten that conversation o_O
if you are telling from experience then plz do tell me difficulties of 10 year gap so that i keep them in mind when i marry :enjoy:
I mean to look/stare/ogle at any female passing by

Please explain how look, stare and ogle are similar or not, by those who do it, and by those who are the targets of it. There can be no discussion on the topic without establishing these basics.
Please explain how look, stare and ogle are similar or not, by those who do it, and by those who are the targets of it. There can be no discussion on the topic without establishing these basics.

Whales do go by Sound

even girls ogle here ,,

i was out for tea at a local naan joint, in my casual gym attire , sipping tea ,, theres this lady in a car with her husband and she was' staring' at me no reason..

felt weird .. we have no manners really . its like your personal space is being violated !
If you are riding a racing bicycle with fancy cyclist uniform, she would be yelling out from her car: NICE BUTT! Oh, wait, it actually happened in US. :)
If you are riding a racing bicycle with fancy cyclist uniform, she would be yelling out from her car: NICE BUTT! Oh, wait, it actually happened in US. :)

in Pakistan you would be married before the lane ends.

so be careful what you wish for
I think it depends on family and what is taught to children.

Some families are allergic or hateful toward too much displays of religion. It results in poor treatment of Pakistanis who choose to keep beard/hijabs in places like banks, shopping centers, universities, and with certain relatives.

Other Pakistanis are obsessed too much with outward displays of religiosity only, which is only wearing shalwar kameez, beard, niqab, but internally many of these people own fraudulent businesses, treat others with disrespect, and have no qualms about living dunya-oriented life.

It is only when the internal elements of faith come into a person that Islam enters the heart. In both ways, the human ego and pride needs to be crushed.

There are many people in Pakistan and many families who are honest, truthful, and good-natured people, but unfortunately their voice is not so strong and they are humble.

It is because of their duas and barakat that Pakistan exists as a state today.
Watch more Western and Indian movies then. There was a reason for censorship back in the days and those policymakers knew the ills that would on the society.

And women, what's the point of a dobata if you are not covering your head in public. Back in the days, even at home women would wear the dobata during azaan and now even music and dancing is not stopped during azaan.

Urban society is in gutter!

Quran instructs men to lower gaze and women to cover up (inc hair). Both in society not following the commands but there's complaining.

minor such as lying

Lying is NOT a minor sin. Every time a person lies, angels curse him/her.
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